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A leading toy maker in Shanghai is now offering toy guns of different kinds at very low prices上海一家主要玩具制造商正以很低的价格供应各种玩具枪
a very large crude oil carrier大型油轮 (20 万吨至 30 万吨)
As these air conditioners are very expensive, I wish you choose for your family with much discretion因这些空调器都相当昂贵,我希望你在为家里选购时要很慎重
at the very start开始
Because of their excellent quality and very low prices, our products will no doubt help you expand your market由于我方产品物美价廉,无疑将有助于你方开拓市场
have tiny funds and very small earnings本小利微
He is very well known in the wool trade他在羊毛行业方面颇有名望
He sold the oil painting at a very high figure他把这幅油画卖了一个很高的价钱
In order to compete, it is very important for suppliers to deliver on time为了竞争,供应商按时交货是很重要的
In our trade relations, it is very important for us to protect patents and trade marks effectively在贸易关系中,我们有效地保护专利和商标是非常重要的
In view of the amount of this transaction being very large, we are prepared to give you 10% discount鉴于此笔交易金额很大,我方拟同意给你们九折优惠价
Industry in this country is very advanced and diversified该国的工业非常先进并且多样化
It does not appear to us to be very reasonable as we sent you an advance sample prior to shipment在我方看来这不很合理,因为装船前我们已预先给你方送去一份货样
It is very difficult for us to push the sale of this article, because its price is too high因为这种货物价格太高,我方实在难以推销
It is very difficult to close such a wide gap in price弥合如此大的价格差距是很困难的
It is very difficult to grant this quantity这个数量难于照办
It is very important for the government to curb the current inflation政府控制目前的通货膨胀是非常重要的
It seems a very clear case of negligence on your part and your early settlement is requested此事很明显是你方的疏忽造成的,望你方尽早解决此事
It's very expensive to keep a large ship waiting for a berth让大型货轮等候泊位费用极高
man of very limited means资产微薄的人
My boss here is very competent我的这家公司的老板很能干
Our factory is sited near the railway station, and the transportation is very convenient我们工厂位于火车站附近,交通十分便利
Packaging is very important because customers are likely to judge by appearance包装很重要,因顾客很容易从外观上判断
State enterprises are facing very keen competition both from home and abroad国营企业面临着来自国内外的激烈竞争
that very day即日
The clients are very anxious to get your offers and samples客户切望得到你方的报价和样品
The company prospect-ed the area for gold, and found the mines prospect very well该公司在这个地区勘探金矿,发现这些矿大有开采前途
The exporter is very careful in granting exclusive agency rights这家出口商在委任独家代理权时格外谨慎
The information about the new product is very useful to us有关新产品的信息对我们十分有用
The loan is very dear money in this country在这个国彖贷款的利率非常高
The machine works very well这机器工作性能很好
The managing director knows the American market very well总经理很熟悉美国市场
The market for clothes out of fashion is very difficult at present式样过时的服装目前在市场上很难销售
The marketing plan seems very desirable, but what will it be in practice n.?营销计划似乎非常理想,但实施起来又会怎样呢?
The new assistant coped very well when the boss was on holiday新助手在老板度假时把工作处理得很好
The new management seemed to be functioning very well新的管理层似乎起了非常好的作用
The sales conference in Shanghai was organized very efficiently上海销售会组织得非常有成效
The shop is let on very easy terms该店以非常优惠的条件出让
the very shallow draft吃水量很浅
These wooden cases are very strong and capable of withstanding rough handling这些木箱子非常牢固,经得起粗鲁搬运
They are cutting their margins very fine他们把利润率降到最低
They are very eager to know whether their order has been shipped because the licence expiring is imminent由于许可证临近期满,他们急切地想知道他们的订货是否已装运
They assure you that they will be very glad to make any adjustment that would be acceptable to you他们保证,他们愿意做出你们所能接受的任何调整
They find advertising in the business paper very cost-effective他们觉得在商业报纸上作广告成本效益很高
This type of computers can fetch a very high price on the black markets这种型号的计算机在黑市上可以卖很高的价钱
Those customers are very select那些顾客是经过严格挑选的
very good condition极优条件
very high sea一级怒浪
very long-period experiment长期实验
very reliable product可信赖产品
very rough sea六级暴风浪
very smooth sea一级小浪
very very superior极高级的
We are very grateful to you for the brief introduction of your products and samples you sent here我们非常感激你方寄来关于你方产品的简要介绍和样品
We are very grateful to you for your kind offices in talking them around to our views我们非常感激你方大力协助,说服他们同意我们的意见
We are very interested in importing this type of machine我们对进口这种类型的机器非常感兴趣
We are very particular about the quality and packing我们对质量和包装要求很严,不能马虎一点
We are very pleased to the final conclusion of this transaction我们对这笔交易最后谈成感到十分高兴
We are very satisfied with the walnuts which were shipped in good condition胡桃运到时情况良好,我们很满意
We are very sorry for having caused you a lot of inconvenience我们给你们造成很多不便,实在抱歉
We are very sorry that we can't supply you with a large amount of tinned fruit products as promised我方未能履行诺言供应你方大量水果罐头,十分抱歉
We are very sorry to have involved you in such trouble and unnecessary expenses很抱歉给你们添了这样的麻烦,又让你们负担了不必需的费用
We are very sorry to inform you that we can not perform the contract due to inevitable accident我们非常抱歉地通知贵方,由于不可避免的意外事故,我方无法履行合同
We expect to finish your order very soon我们预期不久可以完成你们的订货
We find it very difficult to identify the markings on the cases我们发现箱子上的标记难以辨认
We have a contact inside our rival's sales department who gives us very useful information我们在对手的销售部有熟人给我们提供有用的信息
We have quoted you a very low price to facilitate sales我们已报给你特低价,以利促销
We know very well about the financial affairs of the affiliated company我们对分公司的财务状况了解得很清楚
We paid the earnest money to guarantee our participation to the very end我们付了保证参加到底的保证金
We sampled 20 sacks at random and found the quality answered the purpose very well我们任意挑出20袋取样检验,发现质量完全合乎要求
We shall be unable to repeat the very low prices when our stocks are exhausted我们库存已售光,无法再用非常低的价格做交易了
We very much regret that you received only 3 dozen instead of the 4 dozen ordered你方仅收到所订4 打中的3打,深表歉意
We were very much impressed by the exhibits at the fair交易会的展品给我们留下了相当深的印象
We would be very glad to have an opportunity to demonstrate our ability of making a creative design if you have requirement for any other sorts of new style如果你公司对其他新式商品有需求,我们将非常高兴能获得机会向你公司显示一下创造新式样的能力