
Terms containing vehicle tax | all forms | in specified order only
auto.displacement-based motor-vehicle tax以排量确定的机动车税
econ.driving licence tax on vehicles and boats车船使用牌照税
auto.emission-based motor-vehicle tax机动车基本排放税
interntl.trade.grade A vehicle tax甲种车辆税
interntl.trade.grade B vehicle tax乙种车辆税
busin.light vehicle tax轻型车辆税
oil.proc.motor vehicle fuel tax机动车燃料税
textilemotor vehicle tax车辆税
proj.manag.motor vehicle tax机动车辆税
auto.motor-vehicle tax汽车税
econ.motor vehicle tonnage tax汽车吨位税
proj.manag.On the first registration of a motor vehicle, a first registration tax is charged首次在本港登记的车辆、须缴付首次登记税
tech.tax of vehicle and ship licence车船使用牌照税
China, polit.the Interim Tax Regulations on Vehicles and Boats《车船税暂行条例》
busin.vehicle and vessel license plate tax车船牌照税
tech.vehicle and vessel license tax车船使用牌照税
tech.vehicle excise tax车辆税
China, lawvehicle purchase tax车辆购置税
textilevehicle tax车辆税
auto.vehicle tax汽车税
tech.vehicle tax汽车运输税