
Terms containing value asset | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.adjustment of asset values资产价值调整
tech.appreciation in asset value资产增值
fin.asset entry value资产记账现值
fin.asset value资产价值
econ.asset value资产的名义价值
ITasset value of information service system信息服务业务系统资产价值
ITasset value of instant messaging system即时消息业务系统资产价值
ITasset value of the domain name registration system域名注册系统资产价值
fin.asset value per share每股资产价值
securit.beginning net asset value初始净资产价值
fin.beneficiary asset value受益的资产价值
fin.carrying value of asset资产账面价值
fin.carrying value of asset group资产组账面价值
securit.default and recovery values in asset backed investment资产担保投资违约价值和偿还价值
securit.deviate from net asset value偏离资产净值
securit.discount from asset value资产价值贴现
econ.discovery value of wasting asset递耗资产的发现价值
busin.disposal value of asset to be retired by project资产变卖价值
securit.ending net asset value末期资产净价
securit.ending net asset value期末资产净价
proj.manag.Goodwill is the difference between the price paid for an asset and its fair market value商誉是所付资产价格和公平市值的差值
spacehigh value asset高价值资产
account.impairment of asset values资产价值的损失
oilinitial asset value资产原值
busin.initial value of fixed asset固定资产原始价值
busin.money-value asset and liability币值资产和负债
busin.money value asset and liability币值资产与负债
securit.National Association of Real Estate Investment Trust asset values不动产投资信托协会资产价值
fin.net asset value资产净值 (投资公司用语,常指每股的资本净值。投资公司每月一次或两次计算其资产净值)
IMF.net asset value每股资产净值
IMF.net asset value资产净值
econ.net asset value资产净价值
securit.net asset value of open-end fund开放式基金净资产价值
IMF.net asset value per share每股资产净值
IMF.net asset value per share资产净值
busin.net book value of fixed asset固定资产账面净值
busin.net value asset净值资产
busin.net value of asset资产净值
China, lawnet value of the said asset该项资产的净值
busin.ratio of asset value to sales资产价值与销货额的比率
busin.ratio of asset value to sales资产价值与销货额之比
econ.ratio of asset value to sales资产价值对销货额之比
tech.ratio of asset value to sales资产价值对销货额比率
busin.scrap value of fixed asset固定资产残值
proj.manag.The book value of the asset formed by the guarantee shall be conducted a devalue test on the balance sheet date因担保形成的资产的账面价值应当在资产负债表结算日进行减值测试
securit.total net asset value总资产净值
securit.value asset单位净资产
securit.value asset价值资产
econ.value asset and liability币值资产和负债
fin.value of asset资产价值
busin.value of fixed asset固定资产值