
Terms containing valuation of goods | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
textileConvention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purpose关税估价公约,海关货品估价公约,货物课税估价公约
interntl.trade.Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes货物课税估价公约
textilevaluation of goods货物估价
logist.valuation of goods for G/A共同海损货物估价单 (general average)
interntl.trade.valuation of goods for G/A共同海损货物估价率
interntl.trade.valuation of goods for G/A共同海损货物估价单
econ.valuation of goods for general average共同海损货物估价
tech.valuation of goods produced货物估价