
Terms for subject Economy containing vacancy | all forms | exact matches only
a vacancy announcement出缺通知
a vacancy clause空房条款
homeowner vacancy rate房主房屋的闲置率
job vacancies空缺
job vacancies工作缺额
job vacancy rate职位空缺率
job vacancy rate职位定额率
rental vacancy rate出租房屋的闲置
The company has a vacancy for an accountant该公司缺一名会计师
The plant has been unable to fill the vacancy for an experienced engineer这家工厂始终未找到一名有经验的工程师
the vacancy rate出缺率
the vacancy rate闲置率
the vacancy rate in rental housing出租住房空闲率
vacancy land tax土地闲置税
vacancy possession空房岀售广告用语
vacancy possession空屋出卖
vacancy rate出缺率
vacancy rate闲置率 (in rental housing)
vacancy rate出租住房空闲率 (in rental housing)
vacancy rate房屋闲置率
vacancy rate in rental housing出租住房空闲率
vacancy survey住房空闲情况调查
We elected a director to fill a vacancy before the expired term of the predecessor in office在前任董事任期完毕之前,我们就事先为填补空位而选出了一位董事