
Terms containing until | all forms | exact matches only
avia.airport surveillance radar shut down for maintenance until further notice另行通知前机场对空搜索雷达关闭以便进行保养
gen.All the rooms with showers and bathrooms are practically full up until September所有带淋浴和浴室的房间9月10日以前实际上都已经客满
avia.beacon light not burning until further notice另行通知前信号灯不亮
proj.manag.Britain was one of the world's leading exporters of heavy capital goods until the Second World War在第二次世界大战之前、 英国曾经是世界上重型资本货物的主要出口国
gen.Can I leave my luggage here until I'm ready to leave this afternoon?我能把行李放在这儿下午走时再来取吗?
econ.caution advised until further notice请注意随后通知
gen.Do you mind waiting until 8:30?可以等到 8 :30 吗?
dentist.Don, t start rinsing until the bleeding stops直到完全止血后再漱口
auto.driving distance until brake force works制动反应距离
auto.driving time until brake force works制动反应时间从驾驶人发现障碍物开始,到制动器起作用为止的时间
busin.every day until forbidden每日广告直到被迫停载
busin.every other day until forbidden隔日广告直到被迫停载
busin.every other week until forbidden隔周广告直到被迫停载
securit.good through until date order到期前始终有效的指令
tech.good until cancelled取消前有效
gen.He poured beer into John's beer mug until it was brimming over他往约翰的杯子里倒啤酒,直至酒溢出来
cosmet.How to use: After cream in the morning and evening, apply an appropriate amount to the face, and spread it to the whole face with a cotton pad, especially on the dark skin, until it looks natural使用方法:早晚用于乳液后,取适量点于面部,然后用化妆棉轻轻延展涂至全脸,在肌肤暗黄处可多量使用,涂匀成自然状态
gen.I am afraid we only serve lunch until 2:00 in the afternoon我们餐厅午餐时间到下午两点
gen.I could not wait until I could really purchase such kind of very manoeuvrable car我真是迫不及待地想要购买这种操纵灵活的小轿车了
gen.I lay fast asleep on the couch, which was as soft as down, and did not wake until late in the morning我在软如绒毛般的长沙发椅上睡着了,一直睡到早晨很晚才醒来
sport.I was running very well, until I hit the tenth hurdle with my lead leg我一直跑得非常好、跨越第十个栏架时、我的前腿踢栏架了
gen.I won't be back until about 10:30 tonight. Where can I pick up my bag?我今晚10点半左右才会回来。我到哪里领取袋子呢?
econ.If both parties disagree on this problem, they could negotiate until the agreement is reached如果双方在这个问题上意见不一致,他们可进行协商直到达成协议
gen.If we can't do it this Friday, it'll have to wait until the week after next如果这个周五不行,就要等到下下周了
gen.I'll stay here until six o'clock我将留在这里一直到六点钟
econ.In this case the shipment under your Order 124 will be suspended until we hear from you again你方第124号订单暂停交货,等待你方进一步消息
gen.It doesn? t matter. Let's wait until the next time没关系。下次还有机会
dentist.It is better to keep milk teeth until their proper exchanging time最好能把乳牙保留到替牙期
dentist.It is normal for there to have a little bleeding mixed with saliva until the next day直到明天口腔里有少量血液都是正常的
chem.it is valid until有效期至
gen.it was not until...在…以前还没有
gen.it was not until...that…只是直到…才…
gen.it was not until last night that they finished the job直到昨天晚上他们才结束这工作
gen.it was not until last night that we debugged the system直到昨晚我们才排除了这系统的故障
math.it was not until... that起强调作用
math.it was not until... that直到…才两类句型
gen.it was not until the 20 th century that this kind of instrument came into use这种仪器直到20世纪才开始使用
gen.It wasn't until after world war II. The soldiers based in Italy had eaten lots of pizza and wanted to continue eating it when they came home直到二战以后比萨在美国才开始变得流行起来。当时驻扎在意大利的美国士兵吃了很多比萨,他们回到家乡还想继续吃
econ.It would be better for us to hold the matter in abeyance until opportunity matures把这个问题先放一放,等到时机成熟再说,那样对我们将会更好一些
proj.manag.Japan, despite its very high standard of living, had, until the current economic downturn, a strongly positive balance of trade在持续至今的经济低迷之前、尽管日本生活水平很高、但它仍旧有很大的贸易顺差
el.mean time until data loss数据丢失前平均工作时间
commer.Negotiations have been suspended until after the Christmas圣诞节前谈判暂时中止
interntl.trade.no commission until paid付讫前无佣金
econ.no commission until paid讫前无佣金
econ.no commission until paid付前无佣金
busin.no risk until on board直到装船无风险
busin.no risk until on rail装火车前风险不保
econ.Not until next month can we revert to the special products you required要到一个月后我们才能再谈你所需之特殊产品
gen.not until the 20th century did this kind of instrument come into use这种仪器直到20世纪才开始使用
econ.offer good until withdraw撤回前有效报盘
busin.offer good until withdrawn撤销前发盘有效
interntl.trade.offer good until withdrawn撤回前有效报价
busin.offer good until withdrawn撤回前有效的报价见 standing offer
tech.offer good until withdrawn by seller卖方撤回前有效的报盘
fin.offer good until withdrawn by seller卖方撤回前有效报价
securit.offer good until withdrawn by seller卖方撤回前有效要价
busin.offer good until withdrawn by seller卖方撤回前有效的报价
interntl.trade.offer good until withdrawn by seller"有效至卖方撤回为止"之报价
tech.offer good until withdrawn by seller卖方撤回有效报价
securit.offer good until withdrawn by seller直至卖方取消前要价一直有效
tech.offers good until withdrawn撤回有效报价
dentist.On which side of your mouth did you chew until you felt the symptoms?直到出现症状时,您通常用哪侧咀嚼食物?
securit.order good until a specified time定时有效指令
econ.Our company couldn't transact with yours until the agency contract expires直到代理合同期满,我公司才能与你公司做买卖
gen.Owing to the air traffic control, we'll wait until a take-off clearance is given由于航空管制,我们要等待通行许可才能起飞
commer.Payment has been deferred until next month付款已延至下月
dentist.Please bite firmly on a piece of gauze for twenty minutes until it has stopped bleeding, Then place the used gauze in a plastic bag and tie tightly before disposing it in the rubbish请紧咬棉球二十分钟直到止血。然后把棉球吐到塑料袋中系紧再丢入垃圾袋。
commer.Please defer shipment until you receive our further instructions在我方另行通知之前请暂缓装运
dentist.Please put your card on the desk and wait until we call you请把卡放在桌子上等着我叫您
econ.Please wait and see until the price rises and hardens请观望,等到价格涨定时再说
econ.Please wait and see until the situation is favourable for the start请观望,等到有利时机再开始
plast.surg.plug the lung until it grows胎儿肺液阻塞疗法一种宫内治疗胎儿先天性膈疝及肺发育不良的疗法
econ.postpone payment until付款等推迟到 (next week, 下个星期等)
shipb.postpone until延长到
gen.right up until一直到…为止
gen.She is in a meeting until night她开会要开到晚上
cosmet.Soak a cotton pad in lotion and wipe over the whole face and neck, pat until being absorbed, and then follow with milk or cream用本品浸湿化妆棉,均匀涂抹在面部和颈部,轻拍直至吸收,再使用乳液或者面霜
busin.testing until all items fail整个产品失灵检验
gen.That way. Then head south until you come to a flashing neon sign那边。接着往南走,一直走到闪烁的霓虹灯那里
econ.The agreement won't be carried out until its invalid portion eliminated此协议在其无效部分消除以后,方可实施
commer.The buyer didn't establish the relative L/C until April 30买方直到四月三十日才开立有关信用证
econ.The check is valid until the end of the year该支票有效期至年底
econ.The creditor agrees to defer the payment of the debt until next month债权人同意将偿付借款时间推迟到下个月
econ.The offer is good until the 7th May此报盘有效至5月7日
commer.The offer will remain valid until June 30, after which date it becomes null and void本报盘六月三十日前有效,过期无效
watchm.The problem was not solved completely until the invention of the marine chronometer in the eighteenth century这个问题直到十八世纪发明了航海精密计时钟才得以解决
commer.The seller retains the property in the sold goods until he receives the purchase price in cash卖方对所售货物仍拥有所有权
commer.The seller retains the property in the sold goods until he receives the purchase price in cash在收到货款现金之前
commer.The sellers prefer to wait until the prices harden卖主宁可等待价格趋稳时再出售
econ.The signing ceremony has been defer red until next week签字仪式已推迟至下周举行
sport.The visual pass is a baton pass in a relay race in which the outgoing runner watches the incoming runner until the pass in completed视接法是接力赛跑时的一种传接棒方法—接棒人注视着传棒人直到整个传接棒动作的完成
econ.There's no hurry about the figures, we don't need them until next week关于数字不必这样急,我们到下星期才需要
econ.They cant come to a decision until they have talked with their clients在与客户商谈之前,他们还不能作出决定
econ.They will not go into the market until the crisis is over危机结束前,他们不会进入市场
gen.This flight has been canceled due to a typhoon in Hanoi. There'll be no flights to Hanoi until tomorrow本次航班因河内有台风取消了。要到明天才会有班机飞往河内
gen.this kind of instrument did not come into use until the 20th century这种仪器直到20世纪才开始使用
commer.This letter of credit is valid until December 31本信用证有效期至十二月三十一日止
spacetime remaining until dive俯冲前剩余时间 (弹道导弹或运载火箭到达远地点开始俯冲时的)
avia.time remaining until dive俯冲前剩余时间
fin.time until expiration邻近到期日
gen.Trying to ignore a small ache until it grows into a pain is just pointless在小疼痛变得严重之前重视它,是很重要的
gen.unless and until直到…才
avia.until advisedby…直至接到…通知为止
busin.until advised by直至接到…通知为止
avia.until advised by直到接到.......... 通知为止
avia.until cleared to land by the tower指挥塔准许后才能降落
gen.until conj.直到…为止
gen.until conj.用于否定句中直到…才
gen.until conj.在…以前不
gen.until conj.不到…不
gen.until conj.
gen.until counter manded到退订为止的
gen.until counter manded长期订阅的
adv.until forbid广告刊载直至被叫停
avia.until further advised直到另行通知时为止
avia.until further advised在另行通知前
econ.until further notice直到另行通知为止
interntl.trade.until further notice在另行通知以前
el.until further notice直到进一步通知
econ.until further notice在另行通知前
econ.until further notice待以后通知
commer.until further notice在另有通知前
gen.until further notice另行通知
gen.until now到目前为止
gen.until now至今
gen.until now直到现在
China, lawuntil reaching the age of eighteen至十八周岁止
gen.until recently直到最近
dentist.Until the cement is set, please keep your teeth together请咬到粘接剂凝固为止
math.until the present time到目前为止
math.until the present time至今
math.until the present time直到现在
gen.until then到那时
gen.until then在那以前
gen.until then到那时为止
gen.up until直到
econ.Upon the service of a notice of a fine, the customs will detain the cargo until the owner offers the payment海关送达书面罚款通知并扣留货物,直到货主付款
oiluse until exhausted用完为止
textilevalid until有效期限至
gen.wait until等到之时
dentist.We had better wait until the swelling has gone down待肿胀消退后,我们再拔牙
econ.We permit you to revise some part of the proposal until May 1我们允许你方5月1 日前修改建议的部分内容
dentist.We should wait until the symptoms disappear待症状消失后,我们再拔牙
gen.we will fight on until final victory is won我们一定要战斗到贏得最后胜利
econ.We won't continue to supply the material until the long outstanding amount has been settled直到长期拖欠的账目付清,我们才继续供应原料
econ.We won't go to next stage of operation until we have your cheque for the amount of the enclosed statement等到我们获取你方按所附账单款项开具的支票后,我们再进行下一步合作
econ.We won't resume offering until your goods come down a little你方的货物价格下跌一些,我们将恢复报盘
gen.We're full up until October 10 th. 10月 10 日之前我们都已经客满啦
sport.When using the visual pass, the outgoing runner watches the incoming runner until the pass is completed使用视接法时、接棒人注视着传棒人、直到完成交接棒为止
gen.You can't take the goods away until you check out at the cashing counter在收银台付款后你才可以把物品带走
gen.You mean we have to wait until the fog lifts?你是说我们得等雾散了才能起飞?
gen.You should turn right at the next stop light and go about another two miles until you see a McDonald's你应该在下个红绿灯处右转,再走大约两英里,直到看见一家麦当劳
gen.You will stay on the street for a while until you hit the first traffic light你需走一会儿,直到你遇到第一个红绿灯