
Terms containing unpacked | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a unpacked type拆卸格式
cosmet.After facial cleaning, unpack the facial mask and apply it gently on the face, remove it 20 minutes later, then wipe off the residual essential liquid on the face with water or a paper towel洁面后,打开包装并取出面膜,轻轻敷于面上,20分钟后揭开面膜,用纸巾或清水抹去脸上剩余精华液即可
proj.manag.Again, remember to specify to retain directory information when you unpack解压缩时、请再次记住要指定保留目录信息
econ.an unpacked crate未包装的板条箱
econ.goods unpacked未包装的货物
busin.goods unpacked未包装货物
interntl.trade.ship goods unpacked装运未包装的货物
busin.ship goods unpacked装运散装货物
met.spray-type unpacked scrubber无填料喷洒洗涤塔
auto.storage life before unpack油封期
el., toolsThe inspection certificate states that the blades of the electric scrapers were found rusty when they were unpacked and the photos taken on the spot could back up the findings检验说明书表示,开箱时发现电动刮刀的刀片已生锈,现场拍的这些照片能作证
econ.the unpacked cargo未包装货
econ.the unpacked technology不成套技术
econ.the unpacked technology分项技术
tech.unpack format分离格式
tech.unpack format分离形式
telecom.unpack statement打开语言
telecom.unpack statement拆开语言
commer.unpacked bulk materials统装材料
interntl.trade.unpacked cargo开包装货物
interntl.trade.unpacked cargo未包装货
tech.unpacked cargo无包装的货物
textileunpacked cargo无包装货物
busin.unpacked cargo未包装货物
tech.unpacked cargo非包装货
shipb.unpacked cargo未包装的货物
interntl.trade.unpacked crate未包装的条板箱
tech.unpacked decimal非压缩十进制
tech.unpacked decimal分离十进制表示
ITunpacked decimal format非压缩十进制数格式
interntl.trade.unpacked format分出形式
interntl.trade.unpacked goods无包装货物
tech.unpacked goods无包装的货物
el.unpacked IC散件集成电路
shipb.unpacked products未包装的产品
met.unpacked spray tower无填料喷洗塔
interntl.trade.unpacked technology不成套技术
interntl.trade.unpacked technology分项技术
interntl.trade.unpacked type拆卸格式
gen.When we unpacked the goods, we found the wooden cases dry and the inside lining paper stainless. Therefore, the damage didn't occur in transit我们打开货物时,发现木箱干燥,内衬纸没有一点水渍。可见损坏不是发生在途中