
Terms containing unless | all forms | exact matches only
econ.free from particular average unless只保列举的单独海损
busin.free from particular average, unless只保所列单独海损 (F.P.A. unless)
econ.free from particular average unless caused by...除因…之外,单独海损不赔
busin.free of particular average unless caused by...单独海损不赔
busin.free of particular average unless caused by...除起因于…之外
commer.In the event of conflict with the present law, the usages shall prevail unless agreed by both parties如与现法发生冲突时,除双方当事人有约定外,优先适用惯例
commer.Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder否则大部分多余小麦就必须出口到世界市场上去
commer.Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder除非共同体重新实行小麦改作牲口饲料的变性补贴
econ.No extras shall be allowed from passengers, unless authorized by the administration除管理层认可的以外,不得向旅客收取额外费用
econ.No representative provided for in this article will be dismissed from his post unless cogent reasons are stated除非陈述了令人信服的理由,不得随意撤销本条例规定的代表的职务
logist.Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Excepted Unless Used〔租船术语〕星期六、日与节假日如果使用就包括在内
commer.SHEX, unless used如有货物装卸时,星期日及假日亦算在停泊期间之内,无装卸时,除外
commer.SHEX, unless worked如有货物装卸时,星期日及假日亦算在停泊期间之内,无装卸时,除外
interntl.trade.sundays and holidays excepted, unless used星期日和假日除外,但已使用者应予计算租船用语
econ.Sundays and holidays excepted, unless used星期日和假日除外,但已使用者应予计算
gen.The bank will not change the cheque unless you can identify yourself只有在你能证明自己的身份时,银行才会为你兑换支票
gen.there can be no force unless two bodies are involved就不会有力
gen.there can be no force unless two bodies are involved没有两个物体
gen.unless and until直到…才
econ.unless caused by除非由.....引起
auto.unless caused by除非由…引起
busin.unless caused by除非由于…
oilunless clause除非条款
China, lawunless it is otherwise provided for by any law除法律另有规定外
econ.Unless otherwise advised, we will mark the packages as per the drawing given除非你方另有通知,我们将在包装箱上按所给的图样刷唛头
interntl.trade.unless otherwise agreed除非另有协议
el.unless otherwise directed除非另有指示
interntl.trade.unless otherwise established除非另行确定
commer.unless otherwise indicated除非另作说明
interntl.trade.unless otherwise indicated除非另有说明 (mentioned)
busin.unless otherwise indicated除非另有说明
tech.unless otherwise mentioned除另有说明外
commer.unless otherwise mentioned除非另作说明
gen.unless otherwise mentioned除非另有〔另作〕说明
lawunless otherwise noted除非另有说明
commer.unless otherwise noted除非另作说明
lawunless otherwise noted除非另有〔另作〕说明
tech.unless otherwise noted除另有说明外
interntl.trade.unless otherwise prescribed除非另有规定 (specified)
busin.unless otherwise prescribed除非另有规定
China, lawunless otherwise prescribed by this law除本法另有规定
China, lawunless otherwise provided for另有规定外
el.unless otherwise shown除非另有说明
avia.unless otherwise shown除非另有规定/说明 (specified/stated)
spaceunless otherwise shown [specified, stated]除非另有说明[规定]
oilunless otherwise specified除非另外说明
econ.unless otherwise specified除非另有规定
commer.unless otherwise specified除非另加指定 (规定)
auto.unless otherwise specified除非另有说明
commer.unless otherwise specified除非另加规定
commer.unless otherwise specified除非另作详细说明
gen.unless otherwise specified除非另行说明
gen.unless otherwise specified除非另有规定〔另行说明〕
gen.unless otherwise specified除非另有〔另作〕说明
commer.Unless otherwise specified, all banking charges outside China are for the buyer's account除非另有规定,中国境外的一切银行费用由买方负担
econ.Unless otherwise specified, we won't include your commission in our offers除非另有说明,我们不把你方的佣金包括在报盘内
commer.unless otherwise stated除非另作说明
math.unless otherwise stated除非另有〔另作〕说明
tech.unless otherwise stated除另有说明外
el.unless otherwise stated除非另有说明
math.unless otherwise stated除非另作〔另有〕说明
securit.unless otherwise stated另有说明除外
econ.Unless otherwise stated, we will stencil the same shipping mark as before除非你方另有说明,我们将延用以前的装船唛头
gen.unless stated otherwise除非另有〔另作〕说明
China, lawunless the law has other provisions法律另有规定的除外
econ.Unless they can give us an assurance that they will in future provide us with first class cotton seeds, we regret we shall have to go elsewhere除非他们保证以后供应一级棉籽,不然我们将向别处进货
commer.Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading除非信用证条款禁止转船,注明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件
econ.Unless we get necessary instructions by return of cable, your order will miss the steamer除非我方从你方复电中得到必要的指示,否则你方订货将赶不上这班轮船
proj.manag.Unless you have set a reserve price, the starting price is the lowest acceptable selling price for your item如果你没有设保留价格、起价有可能就是该项拍卖的成交价格
econ.We have to give up the chance of cooperation with you unless you revise your conditions除非你们修改条件,否则我们只得放弃与你们合作的机会
shipb.We won't import this kind of goods unless the price is reasonable.对这类商品,只有在价格合理时我们才进口
econ.You'll have to hire a bookkeeper unless you think you can do your books yourself除非你自己记账,否则你还得雇用一名簿记员