
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing underground | all forms | exact matches only
control of pumping up of underground water地下水泵汲控制
recharge of underground water地下水补给
underground bin地下贮仓
underground bin地下矿仓
underground brine地下盐水
underground car park地下停车场
underground conveyer地下输送机
underground conveyor地下运输机传送带
underground corrosion地下腐蚀
underground ducting地下管道
underground exploration地下勘探
underground furnace均热炉
underground furnace地坑式炉
underground furnace【压】 地坑式炉
underground leaching地下浸出
underground mining地下开采
underground powerplant地下发电站
underground railway地下铁道
underground shelter掩护体
underground shelter地下防空洞
underground storage地下储存
underground substation地下变电所