
Terms containing two down | all forms | in specified order only
ecol.down feed two pipe system下分式双管系统布置
tech.down-feed overhead two pipe system上行下给式双管系统
skiingjump turn with two sticks down撑双杖跳跃式转弯
skiingjump turn with two sticks down跳跃式撑双杖转弯
gen.Oh, you? re staying at the downtown Radisson. Then, you go down two blocks this way and turn left. You'll find it on the right噢,你是住在城中雷迪森饭店,那么你往前走两条街,然后左转,在右边就可以找到了
skiingturn with two sticks down撑双杖转弯
badm.two down两次发球失误
baseb.two down二人出局
badm.two down两次发球失误
sumo.two handed head twist down德利抛摔
sport.two handed head twist down双手夹颈摔
sport.two handed head twist down小酒瓶抛摔法
wrest.two knees down to the back背后双膝跪抱摔
wrest.two knees down to the side侧身双膝跪抱摔
oiltwo stage shut-down两级关井
sumo.two-handed arm twist down腕捻抱臂拧腕摔
sumo.two-handed arm twist down腕捻
sumo.two-handed head twist down德利投
textiletwo-needle rub-down seam双针防磨缝缝在皮鞋后跟端部和侧面
refrig.two-pipe hot water down feed system双管上行下给式热水供暖系统
tech.two-push-down tape machine两下推带机器
auto.two-speed step-down gear传动系统双速减速器齿轮机构
spacetwo-stage down conversion二级下变频
oiltwo-stage shut-down两次关井
ITtwo-way push-down automaton双向下推自动机
proj.manag.You can suppress series AutoFill by holding down Ctrl as you drag the fill handle of a selection of two or more cells您可以禁止"自动填充"、方法是按住 Ctrl 键的同时拖动选定两个或更多单元格的填充柄