
Terms for subject Chess containing two | all forms | exact matches only
border of two opposing powers楚河汉界
capture two recapture one打二还一
second line under the line forming the border of two opposing powers宫城线
straight two直二
two and half a piece五目
two and half a piece2¹⁄₂子
two and three quarters of a piece五目半
two and three quarters of a piece2%子
two attacks against one attack2 打 1 还打
two bishops双象
two bishops superiority双象优势
two chariots against two chariots四车相见
two checks against one countercheck二照一反照
two checks against two checks二将二还将
two checks vs one countercheck二照一反照
two-head snake两头蛇
two horses cheek mate combination双马饮泉
two knights' defence双马防御
two knights defense双马防御
two lines beside the centre line in the centre of barracks将门肋道
two pawns pin two chariots蚯蚓降龙
two pieces attack one2 子捉 1 子
two-stone edge squeeze大头鬼
two-stone edge squeeze秤砣