
Terms for subject General containing turn | all forms | exact matches only
After all, what single girl in New York would turn down a gift from Prada?毕竟,哪个纽约单身女性会拒绝来自普拉达的礼物?
by turns时而…时而…
by turns轮流〔交替〕地
call out of turn越序叫牌
close one's eyes turn a blind eye to硬不承认
close one's eyes turn a blind eye to假装看不见
close one's eyes turn a blind eye to闭眼不看
come in its turn轮流
come in its turn循序而来
come in its turn顺序而来
come in its turn挨次
develop by twists and turns in struggle在斗争中曲折发展
do M a bad turn拆M的台
do M a bad turn给M帮倒忙
do M a good turn帮 M 的忙
Drive along this street, turn right, turn left, keep straight. OK沿着这条街开,右转,左转,一直往前。好的
flip turnсинхр.плав. 滚翻
flying kick with body turn腾空转身飞腿
front to back turns向后转体
gate-turn-off switch阐门切断开关
Go along this street and then turn left. It's next to the post office沿着这条街直走然后左拐,就在邮局旁
Go down those stairs right over there and turn left, you'll see the signs directing you to Gate 10. You won't miss it下那边的楼梯左拐,你们会看到去10号登机口的指示牌,顺着它走不会错
heel kick with body turn回身蹬脚
it is one's turn to + inf.这回轮到…
it turns out not to be the case原来并非如此
lead out of turn越序攻牌
make a right turn向右拐〔转〕弯
Make a right turn, pass two stop signs and you will run into a Wall Mart向右转,经过二个停车标志,你就会看到沃尔玛
make a turn转身
make n turns转 n 圈
ninety degree turn in内旋 90°
no room to turn in地方狭窄
no room to turn in没有活动的余地
not turn a hair毫不动声色
not turn a hair毫不疲倦
not turn a hair丝毫未受干扰
Oh, you? re staying at the downtown Radisson. Then, you go down two blocks this way and turn left. You'll find it on the right噢,你是住在城中雷迪森饭店,那么你往前走两条街,然后左转,在右边就可以找到了
on the turn正在转变中
on the turn正在变化
play out of turn越序打牌
quarter-turn twist-off cap四旋式盖罐头
quarter-turn-type翻转双向 (reversible)
quick turn急转弯
scarcely know where to turn不知所措
scarcely know where to turn不知往哪里走〔求援〕
scarcely know which way to turn不知所措
scarcely know which way to turn不知往哪里走〔求援〕
serve out of turn发球次序错误
serve out of turn不按次序发球
serve the turn合〔管〕用
serve one's turn合…之用
serve one's turn适合…的需要
serve one's turn有助于达到…目的
serve one's turn有用
serve one's turn有〔合,够〕用
seventy degree turn out外旋 70°
shut one's eyes turn a blind eye to假装看不见
shut one's eyes turn a blind eye to硬不承认
shut one's eyes turn a blind eye to闭眼不看
somersault turnсинхр.плав. 滚翻转身
sparrow hawk turns over鹞子翻身
6 station turn table六工位转台
sweep kick with body turn转身后摆腿
sweep leg with body turn扫堂腿
swing leg with body turn转身摆腿
take a favourable turn有好转
take a favourable turn好转
take a turn转变
take a turn for the better情况好转〔恶化〕
take a turn for the worse情况好转〔恶化〕
take a turn of work做一会儿工作
take a turn to the left向左转弯
take an explosive turn发生爆炸性的变化
take... turn…转
take... turn转…圈〔转〕
take... turn
take turn轮流
take one's turn to + inf.轮流依次
take... turns
take... turns…转
take... turns转…圈〔转〕
take turns about轮流
take turns at轮流依次
take two turns转〔拧〕两圈
The Electronic Braking Force Distribution EBD system can realize the various control strategies according to braking in line and in turn, and raise the braking efficiency and stability of automobiles under hard braking汽车电子制动力分配系统在直接制动和转弯制动时,可实现不同的控制策略,具有较高的制动性能和制动稳定性
to a turn恰到好处
to a turn正〔恰〕好
turn M +a.使 M 变成
turn a blind eye to故意不看
turn a blind eye to对…睁只眼闭只眼
turn a blind eye to装做未看见
turn a deaf ear to对…根本不听 (置若罔闻)
turn a deaf ear toM 对 M 置若罔闻
turn a lead pipe弯铅管
turn a person's battery against himself以子之矛攻子之盾
turn a screw tight拧紧螺丝
turn about回头
turn and turn about轮流 〔交替〕地
turn and turn about依次
turn about反复思考
turn about绕…转动
turn about折转
turn about使
turn about转来转去
turn and turn about轮番来回地
turn about转身
turn sb. adrift使漂泊无依
turn sb. adrift辞退
turn sb. adrift免职
turn sb. adrift逐出某人
turn againstM 与M为敌
turn againstM 背叛 〔反对〕M
turn againstM 对M不利
turn againstM 转而反对M
turn and turn about交互
turn one's arms against攻击
turn aside迷失
turn aside使…转开〔改变方向,架开〕
turn aside把…搁置一边
turn aside撇开
turn aside转〔背〕过脸去
turn aside闪〔避〕开
turn aside转〔拐〕向一边
turn aside拐弯
turn aside拐〔转〕向一边
turn aside朝〔向〕一边
turn aside fromM 撇开M (不谈)
turn aside fromM 偏离M
turn one's attention toM 把某人注意力转向 M
turn one's attention to开始注意
turn away拒在门外
turn away防止
turn away背过去
turn away避开〔免〕
turn away使转变方向
turn M away from使M离开N (N)
turn back翻回到
turn back重新提到 (to)
turn back拨慢钟表
turn back返回
turn back使折回
turn back向后转
turn one's back on舍弃
turn one's back on不理睬
turn back the clock把钟拨慢
turn back the clock倒拨
turn back the clock开倒车
turn back the clock向后倒退
turn back the clock把钟拔慢
turn one's back upon舍弃
turn one's back upon不理睬
turn bench台用小车
turn one's brain冲昏头脑
turn bridle向后转故 180。的转变
turn brush试管刷
turn colour改变颜色
turn come off crabs终于失败
turn down向下折转
turn down使面朝下
turn down折起
turn down下,转
turn down转人
turn down调节〔低〕
turn down驳回
turn down摒弃
turn down扭小灯火等
turn down往下调〔转〕
turn down调低音量
turn down into把…拧人
turn-down service夜床服务
turn down to往下调〔转〕到
turn face about调转方向
turn face about背转过去
turn one's face to the wall心灰意懒
turn one's face to the wall不理睬
turn from side to side左右转弯
turn one's hand to试看
turn handsprings翻筋斗
turn in进去
turn in把…向里折进
turn in向内
turn in
turn in作出
turn in
turn in归还
turn in上交
turn inside out把里向外翻过来
turn inside out翻转
turn inside out把里面翻作外面
turn inside out翻里向外
turn M into把M 变成 转化为N (N)
turn M into把M译成〔转写成〕N (N)
turn into变成
turn King's evidence出庭提供同案犯的罪证
turn layer short线间短路
turn to the left向左转
Turn left at the first light. You can't miss it在第一个红绿灯向左转,你不会错过的
turn loose枪,火
turn loose解,释
turn loose开火
turn loose放掉
turn loose发射
turn loose放纵
turn loose让…放任自跆
turn loose释放
turn loose M on放手让M做N (N)
turn one's mind to注意
turn off断开 (路)
turn off停住
turn off撇〔避〕开
turn off改变方向
turn off开,弯
turn off截断
turn off闭,掉
turn off车削
turn off分歧
turn off生产
turn off岀售
turn off旋掉
turn off使失去兴趣,热情
turn off变成
turn off车削〔成,掉,出〕
turn off处理
turn off制造〔出〕
turn off完成
turn off叉开
turn off关闭〔掉〕
turn off the gas关掉煤气
turn off the lights开〔关〕灯
turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine就把电门关上
turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine如果机器发生故障
turn off the tap打开〔关上〕龙头
turn on依靠〔赖,据〕
turn on取决于
turn on使感兴趣
turn on反对〔抗〕
turn on使激动
turn on关键在于
turn on视…而定
turn on以…为转移
turn on接通 (人)
turn on话题转向
turn on拧,打,旋
turn on朝向
turn on把…对准
turn on以…指向
turn on
turn on one's heels急向后转
turn on one's heels转身
turn on the gas开煤气
turn on the light开〔关〕灯
turn on the lights开〔关〕灯
turn on the tap打开〔关上〕龙头
turn on the water开自来水
turn one's blind eye to对…睁只眼闭只眼
turn one's blind eye to装做未看见
turn one's head回头
turn M onto把M拧到〔在〕N 上 (N)
turn M onto使M转向N (N)
turn out训练
turn out旋孔
turn out断路 (开)
turn out逐出
turn out驱逐
turn out闭,掉
turn out车出
turn out培养
turn out出去 (动)
turn out出现
turn out露出
turn out原来是
turn out证明是
turn out倒〔翻〕出
turn out制〔造〕出
turn out过来
turn out结果是
turn out向外弯曲
turn out to be +a.原来〔结果,证明〕是
turn out to be +a.n.结果弄清楚是
turn out a heat of steel炼出一炉钢
turn out a success获得成功
turn out crabs终于失败
turn out the gas关掉煤气
turn out to be原来
turn out to be a clumsy sleight of hand弄巧成拙
turn out to be a clumsy sleight of hand手法不高明
turn over打滚
turn over翻阅背面
turn over请看反面
turn over把…逐件翻査
turn over
turn over倾覆
turn over反复考虑
turn over营业额达
turn over录音交叉频率
turn over交叉翻转
turn over
turn over a new leaf重新开始
turn over a new leaf翻开新的一页
turn over, please请翻看背面
turn over the wrist翻腕
turn M over to把M交付 N (N)
turn M over to把M N (N)
turn M over to把M移交N (N)
turn over to think反思
turn power发力
turn putrid烂掉
turn reverse后转
turn reverse变刃反转
turn right round转一整圈
turn ... round使…旋转转向,调头,朝向
turn ... round改变意见
turn ... round采取新政策
turn roundM 绕M旋转
turn ... round转变
turn round改变意见
turn round转过头,身
turn sb. round one's little finger任意摆布某人
turn sb. round one's little finger左右某人
turn rubber soft使橡皮变软
turn screw旋凿
turn screw传动丝杠
turn sharp to the left急向左转
turn sharp to the left突然向左转弯
turn sick要呕吐
turn sick恶心
turn signal转向灯
turn something over in one's mind琢磨
turn one's steps to转而做
turn one's steps towards转而做
turn that cock which way you like, it will not move随你往哪边拧,那个旋塞总是拧不动
turn the balance改变形势
turn the balance扭转局面
turn the balance改变力量对比
turn the balance起决定性作用
turn the balance扭转局势
turn the balance in one's favor改变力量对比使有利于
turn the balance in one's favor使…占上风
turn the balance in one's favour改变力量对比使有利于…
turn the balance in one's favour改变力量对比使有利于
turn the balance in one's favour使…占上风
turn the balance in M's favor改变力量对比使有利于M
turn the balance in M's favor使M占上风
turn the balance in M's favour改变力量对比使有利于M
turn the balance in M's favour使M占上风
turn the cock开龙头
turn the cock拧旋塞
turn the cold shoulder toM 排斥 M
turn the corner度过危机〔难关〕
turn the corner情形好起来
turn the corner转弯
turn the flank of智取
turn the flank of驳倒
turn the flank of从翼侧包抄
turn the forging over把锻件翻个身
turn the matter over and over in one's mind再三考虑
turn the scale起决定作用
turn the scale扭转局面
turn the scale改变力量对比
turn the scale起决定性作用
turn the scale决定事情的结局
turn the scale改变形势
turn the scale at重 M (M pounds, 磅)
turn the scale in one's favor改变力量对比使有利于
turn the scale in one's favor使…占上风
turn the scale in one's favour改变力量对比使有利于
turn the scale in one's favour改变力量对比使有利于…
turn the scale in one's favour使…占上风
turn the scales改变力量对比
turn the scales起决定性作用
turn the scales决定事情的结局
turn the scales起决定作用
turn the scales改变形势
turn the scales in one's favour改变力量对比使有利于
turn the scales in one's favour使…占上风
turn the searchlight of M on以M的眼光来观察N (N)
turn the table转败为胜
turn the table转变形势
turn the table转败为
turn the table扭转〔改变〕形势
turn the tables转败为
turn the tables转变形势
turn the tables on改变形势
turn the tables on从劣势转为优势
turn the tables on对…转败为胜
turn the tables upon从劣势转为优势
turn the tables upon改变形势
turn the tables upon对…转败为胜
turn the tap off打开〔关上〕龙头
turn the tap on打开〔关上〕龙头
turn the trick获得成功
turn the trick达到预期目的
turn M through an equal amount使 M 转过同样的弧长
turn to
turn to着手工作
turn to开始工作
turn to求助于
turn to借助于
turn to向…转〔拐弯〕
turn to翻到…页
turn to转向
turn to把…变成译为
turn ...to good, full account好好,充分利用
turn... to one's advantage使…为某人利用
turn M to advantage有效地利用 M
turn M to advantage把M 转为有利条件
turn... to one's advantage使…有利于某人
turn to advantage使转化为有利
turn to bay被迫作困兽斗
turn to bay作殊死战
turn to bay陷人绝境
turn to dust and ashes幻灭
turn to dust and ashes化为尘埃
turn to dust and ashes消失
turn to for help求助于
turn M to full account充分〔好好〕利用 M
turn it to full account充分利用
turn M to good account充分〔好好〕利用 M
turn to page15翻到第15页
turn M to profit利用 M
turn to the left向左转
turn to this handbook for information on transistors从这本手册查阅有关晶体管的资料
to turn turtle沉没
to turn turtle大翻个儿
turn up突然发生
turn up到达
turn up转速达到
turn up参考
turn up查阅
turn up寻找
turn up被发现
turn up发掘出
turn up证明是
turn up找到
turn up使面朝上
turn up调高音量
turn up使…向上弯
turn up向上转
turn up朝天
turn up仰起
turn up卷〔翘,折,掘〕起
turn up
turn up扭大灯火
turn up出现
turn up down the thumbs点〔摇〕 头
turn up down the thumbs表示同意〔反对〕
turn up down the thumbs伸大拇指
turn up to往上转〔调〕到
turn up trumps结果较预期为好
turn up trumps出乎意料地令人满意
turn up trumps结果意外地好
turn upon视…而定
turn upon关键在于
turn upon反对〔抗〕
turn upon依靠〔据〕
turn upon以…为转移
turn upside down把…完全颠倒
turn upside down把…翻过来〔倒置,弄得乱七八糟〕
turn upside down扰乱
turn upside down上下颠倒
turn water into steam将水变成蒸汽
turns in the relaxed position自然站立转体
turns step down ratio匝数降压比
twists and turns迂回曲折
Walk along the street, then turn left at the corner, and you will find the toilet沿着这条街走,在街角处左转就是厕所
why turn off the gas为什么要把煤气关掉
You must turn right into the Strand. Go straight on and Trafalgar Square is at end of the road. You can't miss it!你应该向右转进入到河岸街。向前直行,特拉法尔广场就在路尽头。你不会走错的
You should turn right at the next stop light and go about another two miles until you see a McDonald's你应该在下个红绿灯处右转,再走大约两英里,直到看见一家麦当劳
zero degree turn零度摆
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