
Terms for subject Finances containing trusted | all forms
accounting for estates and trusts遗产和信托会计
accumulation trust累积信托
agency and trust fund代理和信托基金
annuity trust account年金信托账户
annuity trust account年金信托帐
asset protection trusts资产保护信托
Association of Investment Trust Companies投资信托公司协会
audit of trust department信托部门审计
authorized unit trust认可单位信托
bank trust department银行信托部
Banker's Trust Company银行家信托公司
bare trust无条件信托
bond open investment trust债券公开投资信托
callable trust bond可赎回信托债券
capital trust资本信托
cash in trust现金信托
charitable remainder trust慈善捐赠信托
chattel trust动产信托
China Government Securities Depositary Trust & Clearing Co. Ltd.中央国债登记结算有限责任公司 (简称"中央国债登记结算公司")
civil trust民事信托
claims trust债权信托
closed investment trust限额投资信托
closed-end investment trust company限额投资信托公司
code on unit trusts and mutual funds单位信托及互惠基金守则
collateral trust bonds信托债券
collateral trust bonds证券抵押
collateral trust bonds证券担保债券
collateral trust bonds贷物
commercial trust商事信托
community trust公益信托
community trust社会信托
compulsory trust强制信托
contract of loan on trust信托贷款合同
copyright trust著作权信托
corporate bond trust公司债券信托
credit shelter trust信用保护信托
debenture trust deed债券信托契约
declaration trust宣示信托
declaration trust宣言信托
deed of trust债券合同
deed of trust双联合同
deed of trust契约信托契据
deepen understanding, trust, and cooperation深化了解、互信与合作
Depositary Trust & Clearing Corporation存券信托结算公司 (1999 牟由存券信托公司 (Depositary Trust Company,DTC) 和全国证券结算公司 (National Securities Clearing Corporation,NSCC)合并而成的控股公司)
Depositary Trust Company存券信托公司
depositary trust corporation participant account存券信托公司参与账户
Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation存管信托结算公司
derivative trust派生信托
discretionary trust全权处理信托
document against trust receipt信托收据汇票
employee benefit trust雇员受益信托
employee stock ownership trust fund员工人股信托基金
equipment trust bonds机械信托债券
equipment trust certificate设备信托债券
equipment trust certificate设备信托证券
equipment trust obligation设备信托债券
equity real estate investment trust股本不动产投资信托
equity unit investment trust股票单位投资信托
express trust任意信托
family trust家庭信托
farm trust account农业信托帐户
financial trust金融信托
flexible trust灵活的信用
foreign-currency trust外币信托
general fund trust普通资金信托
general trust普通信托
general trust fund普通信托基金
group trust集团信托
guarantee trust担保信托
guaranteed unit trust保本信托基金
guardianship trust监护信托
he trusts账户贷方
high level of social trust and cohesion高水平的社会信任度和凝聚力
IMF trust fund国际货币基金组织信托基金
implied trust法定信托
individual policy pension trust个人养老金保单信托
insurance trust保险信托
interest-in-possession trust附息信托
International Trust & Investment Corp.国际信托投资公司 (简称"国投公司")
inter-vivos trust生前信托 (trust inter-vivos)
inter-vivos trust活人信托 (trust inter-vivos)
investment trust fund投资信托基金
keep-safe trust保管信托
lease trust租赁信托
life insurance trust人寿保险信托
living trust生前信托
management trust管理信托
Massachusets trust麻州式信托
Mitsubishi Trust & Banking三菱信托银行
Mitsui trust & Banking三井信托银行
money in trust金钱信托
mortgage trust按揭信托
mutual trust fund共同信托基金
negotiable securities trust可转让证券信托
non-trust countries无信托制度的国家
non-expendable trust fund禁支信托基金
offshore asset protection trusts境外资产保护信托
offshore trust离岸信托
open-end trust敞开信托
ordinary trust普通信托
participating investment trust参与投资信托
participating trust参与分利信托
passive trust消极信托 (无利息信托)
patent trust专利信托
perpetual trust持续信托
perpetual trust永久信托
perpetual trust fund永续性信托基金
personal trust个人信托
portfolio investment trust证券投资信托
private insurance trust个人型保险信托
private trust私益信托
private trust-fund私人信托款
processing of trust fund proposals信托基金建议的处理
protection trust保护信托
public welfare fund trust公益基金信托
real estate asset trust不动产资产信托
real estate in trust不动产信托
real estate investment trust不动产投资信托
residential mortgage trust住宅抵押贷款债权信托
resulting trust回归信托
right trust权利信托
royalty trust权利金信托
securities and properties in trust reserve信托准备中之证券与不动产
securities investment trust fund证券投资信托基金
segregated trust account独立信托账户
set up a trust company组建一家信托公司
settlement of investment trust投资信托结算
short-term income trust短期收益信托
short-term investment trust短期投资信托
social insurance trust fund社会保险信托基金
special-purpose trust fund专用信托基金
split-capital trust分拆资本信托
stock trust certificate股份信托证券
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank三井住友信托银行 (2012年5月1日由三井住友控股公司旗下的住友信托、中央三井信托及中央三井资产信托三家信托银行合并组成,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第62位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中占第249位)
Sumitomo Trust & Bank住友信托银行
Sun Trust Banks太阳信托银行 (美国东南部最早的银行之一,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第85位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第337位)
tied trust fund附带条件的信托基金
tied trust fund限制性信托基金
trust account信托财产
trust account信托帐户
trust accounting信托会计
trust agent信托代理
trust and agency fund信托代理基金
trust and confidence doctrine信托信任学说
trust-and-agency fund代管款
trust behavior信托行为
trust benefit信托利益
trust bond信托债券
trust corporation信托公司
trust countries有信托制度的国家
trust debenture信托债券
trust deposits信证存款
trust deposits信托存证
trust financing委托理财
trust fund代管款
trust-funded project信托基金投资项目
trust funds ledger信托基金总帐
trust income信托收益
trust indenture双联合同
trust indenture债券合同
trust indenture契约信托契据
trust industry信托业
trust investment corporation信托投资公司
trust legal relations信托法律关系
trust lending委托贷款
trust loans信托贷款
trust manager信托管理
trust of raising capital集资信托
trust organization信托机构
trust party委托方
trust plan信托计划
trust products信托产品
trust purpose信托目的
trust registration信托登记
trust secret信托秘密
trust settler信托委托人
trust supervisors信托监察人
trust transactions信托交易
trust transfer信托转让
trust-type mutual fund信托型共同基金
unit investment trust单位投资信托
unit trust manager单位信托经理
unit trust scheme单位信托计划
venture capital trust风险投资信托 (是指把以高科技、互联网等为代表的高风险企业作为投资对象的信托,也是一种基金的形式)
voting trust否决权信托
voting trust agreement否决权信托协议
voting trust certificate否决权信托凭证 (一种可转让的凭证,证明股票已存人否决权信托,确认股东已放弃其否决权利)
voting trust certificate股权受托书
voting trust certificate授权信托证书
wasting trust递耗财产信托