
Terms for subject Business containing trusted | all forms | exact matches only
accessory trust从属信托
accounting for estate and trust遗产与信托会计
accounting for estates and trusts遗产与信托会计
active trust主动信托
active trust负责的信托
active trust积极信托
Anti-Trust Act〈美〉反托拉斯法
bank and trust company银行信托公司
bank trust department商业银行信托部门
banker's industrial development trust银行业开发信托公司
blind trust盲目信托
bond open investment trust债券投资信托
brainstorming trust智囊团
breach of trust失信
breach of trust受托人违反信托
business trust企业信托一种从事短期合伙或工商业务的组织
buy on trust赊买
callable trust bond可通知的信托债券
car trust bond车辆信托公司债券
cash in trust信托现金
cash in trust account信托现金账户
certificate of trust信托证书
charitable trust公益信托
charitable trust慈善信托
circular trust信托联合
Civil Trust民营信托公司
Civil Trust民营托拉斯
closed end investment trust定额投资信托
closed-end trust股份固定托拉斯
collateral trust抵押证券信托
collateral trust certificate担保信托证
collection trusted信托收款项
Combined Trust Fund联合信托基金
common-law trust商业企业信托
construction trust推定信托
contingent life insurance trust有条件寿险信托
contingent trust临时信托
contractual type investment trust契约式投资信托
corporate trust企业信托部
create a trust创立信托
creation of trust信托设定
debenture trust公司信托股份
debenture trust信托债券
declaration of trust信托声明
declared trust公开的信托
designated joint operating money trust指定联合经营金融信托
designated money in trust指定货币信托
direct trust直接信托
discretionary trust全权委托
discretionary trust任意决定信托
discretionary trust无条件信托
domestic trust国内信托
dry trust纯信托
dual purpose trust双重目的信托
embezzle trust funds侵吞信托基金
employee stock ownership trust雇员股权信托
enterprise trust企业信托
equipment trust设备信托公司
equipment trust设备托拉斯
equipment trust bond设备信托公司债券
equipment trust bonds设备信托公司债券
equipment trust certificate设备信托公司证券
equipment trust lease设备信托租赁
executed trust已生效信托
executed trust完成信托
executed trust执行信托
executory trust可生效信托
executory trust将来生效的信托
express trust书面信托契约规定的信托
feoffee in trust不动产受托人
feoffee in of trust不动产受托人
fiscal deposit accounts for payments of principle and fiscal trust of external bonded debts支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政存款计算书
fiscal trust accounts财务信托账
fiscal trust accounts for payments of principle and interest fiscal trust of external bonded debts支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政委托计算书
fixed trust固定信托
fixed trust固定投资信托
flexible trust灵活投资信托公司
flexible trust灵活机动信托
foreign trust company对外信托公司
fund-raising & trust investment资金筹集和信托投资业务
general management trust综合管理信托
guaranty trust company保证信托公司
"he trusts"贷方
"He trusts"欠人账户贷方
"he trusts"欠人
held in trust代管
held in trust委托保管
holder of trust受托人
holding trust持股信托公司
holding trust股权控股托拉斯
horizontal trust横向兼并
horizontal trust同业联合会
implicit trust默认信托
individual trust个人信耗
industry trust工业拉斯
inter vivos trust生存者信托
international investment trust company国际投资信托公司
international trust account国际信托账户
international trust and agency fund国际信托代理基金
international trust and savings bank国际信托储蓄银行
international trust bonds国际信托债券
international trust certificate国际信托证书
international trust contract国际信托合同
international trust deposit国际信托存款
international trust estate国际信托财产
international trust expense国际信托费用
international trust fee国际信托费
international trust fund account国际信托基金账户
international trust fund ledger国际信托基金总账
international trust fund program国际信托基金方案
international trust indenture国际信托契约
international trust institution国际信托机构
international trust instrument国际信托证书
international trust investment company国际信托投资公司
international trust liability国际信托负债
international trust money国际委托金
international trust receipts国际信托收据
international trust revolving fund国际信托周转金
international trust share certificate国际信托公司股权证
international trust shop国际信托商店
investment and trust投资与信托
investment and trust company投资信托公司
investment trust price投资信托价格
involuntary trust强制性信托
irrevocable trust不可撤销信托
irrevocable trust不可撤销的信托
joint trust共同信托
key industry investment trust基础工业投资托拉斯
legal common trust fund法定普通信托基金
letter of trust信托证
living trust现有信托
loan in trust信托贷款
main trust line主干线
management of trust business信托业务管理
management of trust company信托公司管理
management of trust enterprise信托企业管理
money trust金融托拉斯
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company摩根保证信托公司
mortgage debentures in trust信托抵押债券
mortgage trust抵押信托
national trust国民信托
non-discretionary trust非自主信托
on trust信托
on trust赊欠
open investment trust不定额投资信托
open-end investment trust开放投资信托
operate investment and trust经营信托投资业
passive trust被动信托
pattern of trust信托方式
personal trust company个人信托公司
port trust港运信托
port's project trust fund港口项目信托基金
private trust fund私营信托基金
probatory trust遗嘱中恳求式信托
public bond investment trust公债投资信托
public trust公共信托
public trust公营信托机构
real estate in trust房地产信托
real estate investment trust company房地产投资信托公司
Real Estate Investment Trusts不动产投资信托
resulting trust产生效果的信托
retirement plan trust退休计划信托
second trust notes第二信托证券
securities administration trust证券管理信托
securities and properties in trust reserve信托准备中的证券和不动产
securities for investment trust投资信托证券
securities investment trust management company证券投资信托管理公司
securities management trust证券管理信托
securities operation trust证券经营信托
sell on trust赊售
simple trust简单信托指此种信托收益不累积,并立即分配
special purpose trust fund专用信托基金
specialized management trust专门化管理信托
specialized management trust company专业化管理信托公司
split-level investment trust双重投资信托
tax-accrual trust account应缴税款信托账户
term of trust信托期限
trust agency信托代理行
trust and agency funds信托和代理基金
trust and consultancy company信托咨询公司
trust and investment business信托投资企业
trust and investment company信托投资公司
trust and investment enterprise信托投资企业
trust beneficiary信托受益人
trust bonds信用债券
trust business信托业
trust business信托企业
trust busting根据反托拉斯法以解散托拉斯
trust capital信托资本资金
trust certificate委托证
trust deed for outward remittance汇出汇款委托书
trust department信托部门
trust deposit信托存款保证
trust estate托管财产所有权
trust estate受托管的财产
trust for sale土地、财产等委托销售
trust fund信托基金指依信托契约而成立的基金
trust indenture信托契约契约包括交付委托的财产,受托期限,收益分配等内容
trust indenture of bond issuing债券发行信托契约
trust instrument信托票据
trust instrument信托证券
trust inter vivos生存期信托
trust manager信托经理
trust obligation信托契约
trust possession信托占有
trust procedure信托手续
trust promoter托拉斯发起人
trust protector信托保护人
trust relationship信托关系
trust remainder信托财产指定继承人
trust stock company股份信托公司
trust under agreement协定信托
trust under decree判决信托
trust under will遗嘱信托
trusted pension plan信托退休基金方案
trusted program委托程序
unit investment trust单人投资信托
unit investment trust单位投资信托管理公司即利用吸纳的信托资金进行投资管理的公司
unit trust单人信托
unit trust互惠投资公司
unit trust单位投资信托指公司通过发行单位证券吸纳个人投资,再交专业投资管理公司进行投资,专业投资公司将全部投资资产交银行或信托公司管理,该行将所交资产均分为若干单位发行信托证券公开出售给投资人
unit trust company单人信托公司
unit-type investment trust单人型投资信托
voting trust certificate授权信托证
voting trust certificate委托表决权证书