
Terms for subject Textile industry containing trusted | all forms
active trust主动信用
active trust有经营权的信托
business trust产业托拉斯
business trust企业信托经营
certificate of trust信托书
certificate of trust信托证明书
collection trusted代收款项
court trusts法庭信托
deed of trust信托书
deed of trust委托书
European investment trust欧洲投资信托证券
farm land trust农地信托
illegal trust非法信托
individual trust私人信托
international trade on trust国际信托贸易
international trust国际委托
international trust国际托管
international trust国际托拉斯
international trust国际信托
international trust agency国际信托代理公司
international trust agency国际信托机构
international trust and investment company国际信托投资公司,国际投资信托公司
international trust assets国际信托资产
international trust bank国际信托银行
international trust business国际信托业务
international trust business国际信托企业
international trust business国际信托业
international trust company国际信托公司
international trust for value国际有偿信托
international trust fund国际信托基金
international trust insurance国际信托保险
international trust investment国际投资信托业
international trust investment国际信托投资
international trust stock company国际信托股份公司
letter of trust信托证书
limited trust有限信托
loan in trust贷款信托
loan trust放款信托
market of trust信托市场
method of trust信托方式
method of trust信托方法
mode of trust信托方式
money in trust信托资金
money in trust信托货币
naked trust无偿信托
naked trust名义信托
personal trusts私人信托
personal trusts个人信托
power in trust受托权力
power in trust信托权力
private trust私人信托
private trust-fund私人信托基金
procedure for trust service委办手续
public trust fund公营信托基金
real estate trust房地产信托
revocable trust可取消信托
secret trust秘密信托
securities in trust信托证券
segregated trust分隔信托
sell on trust赊销
special trust专门信托
special trust fund特别信托基金
spendthrift trust clause受益权利确保条款
trust account托管财产
trust administrator信托管理人
trust agent信托代理商
trust agreement信托契约
trust agreement信托协议
trust and agency funds信托代理基金
trust and investment corporation信托投资公司
trust bond信用债券
trust busting反托拉斯
trust busting取缔垄断
trust capital信托资本
trust contract信托契约
trust contract信托合同
trust corpus信托本金
trust corpus信托资产本值
trust deed信托契约
trust deposit信托金
trust deposit信托保证金
trust deposit信托存款
trust fee信托费
trust for sale售卖信托
trust for sale出售信托
trust for value有偿信托
trust fund appropriations信托基金拨款
trust fund credit信托基金贷款
trust fund plan信托基金计划
trust indenture契约信托
trust indenture委托书
trust indenture of bond issuing债券发行信托契约,债券发行信托合约,债券发行信托职责
trust institution信托机构
trust lease信托租赁
trust letter信托收据
trust letter信托证
trust market信托市场
trust money信托款项
trust money托管金
trust obligation信托合同
trust operation信托业务
trust operation信托经营
trust or commission clause信托或代理条款
trust process信托手续
trust process信托程序
trust property信托财产
trust setup信托机构
trust territory托管地
trust unit信托单位
unfunded trust人寿保险金信托
union trust共同信托投资基金
unit trust单元信托
vertical trust纵向托拉斯
vertical trust垂直托拉斯
voluntary trust自愿信托
voluntary trust任意信托
voting trust投票托付
voting trust投票信托
voting trust company投票信托公司