
Terms for subject Pest control containing tree | all forms | exact matches only
almond tree brown leaf spot李疔座菌 Polystigma ochraceum
beech tree drop山毛榉疫霉 Phytophthora fagi
blossom wilt of fruit trees果腐 Monilia laxa
brown rot of fruit trees果腐 Monilia laxa
olive tree anthracnose油橄榄疮痂病 Gloesporium olivarum
snowy tree cricket雪树蟋 Oecanthus niveus (Deg.)
spur canker of fruit trees果腐 Monilia laxa
walnut tree bacterial disease核桃黑腐病 Xanthomonas juglandis
walnut tree bacterial disease核桃细菌性枯腐 Xanthomonas juglandis
walnut tree bacterial disease核桃疫病 Xanthomonas juglandis