
Terms for subject Space containing travel | all forms | exact matches only
aileron travel副翼偏度
aileron travel副翼偏转角
angle of travel偏差角
angle of travel倾斜角
angular travel角位移
angular travel角程
bellows travel膜盒位移[行程]
control surface travel操纵面偏度
elevator travel升降舵偏度 (偏转角)
faster-than-light travel超光速旅行
free travel自由行程
interplanetary travel行星际旅行[航行]
interstellar travel星际航行[旅行]
interstellar travel星际航行旅行
Netherlands Society for Space Travel荷兰航天旅行学会
prolonged space travel长期航天旅行[飞行]
reduced travel time折合走时
space travel宇宙航行
space travel宇航
space travel太空旅行
space travel宇宙旅行
table longitudinal travel工作台纵向行程
table transverse travel工作台横向行程