
Terms for subject Economy containing travel | all forms | exact matches only
a travel allowance差旅津贴
a travel bureau旅行社
a travel bureau旅游局
Ad Hoc Committee on Travel Document旅行证件临时委员会
aviation and travel航空和旅行保险
China International Travel Service中国国际旅行社
commercial traveller跑生意的
commercial traveller旅行推销员
Convention on the Facilitation of Maritime Travel and Transport关于便利海上旅行和运输的公约
foreign travel account国外旅行账户
He bought the hotel voucher from the travel agency他从该旅行社买来了预付旅馆费用凭证
party travel集体旅游
Public facilities for communication can be utilized by everyone who wants to travel公共交通设施可以被每一个希望旅行的人所利用
shape the course of business travel确定出差路线
speed of travel行速度
the details of proposed travel计划旅行细节
the travel advance出差预借款
The travel agency is flourishing旅行社生意兴隆
Travel Advisories美国旅游咨询报告
travel and entertainment旅行及交际费
travel and entertainment credit card旅行和娱乐信用卡
travel and entertainment expenses旅行及交际费
travel authorization旅行核准
travel bureau旅游局
travel claim报销差旅费的申请
travel claim报销旅差费的申请
travel entitlement可报销的旅差费
travel expense on home leave探亲假旅费
travel first class乘头等舱旅行
travel grant旅差费补助
travel grant旅费补助
travel kit旅行用品
travel mission旅游访问团
travel on探亲假、岀差 旅费 (home leave, official business)
travel on就任、调职和解职旅差费 (appointment, transfer and separation)
travel on appointment就任旅费
travel on home leave探亲旅费
travel on official business出差
travel on official business出差旅费
travel on separation离职旅行
travel on transfer调职旅费
travel pay出差津贴
travel request出差申请表
travel subsistence allowance旅途生活津贴
travel through the country周游全国
travel warrant旅行执照
United States Travel and Tourism Administration美国旅游管理局