
Terms for subject General containing travel | all forms | exact matches only
All the staff of this travel agency is off now旅行社所有员工现在都下班了
Arab Association of Travel and Tourists Agencies阿拉伯旅行社协会
Australian Federation of Travel Agents澳大利亚旅游代办处联合会
Australian Federation of Travel Agents澳大利亚旅行社联合会
Can you tell me the free baggage allowance for international travel, please?您能告诉我国际航线的免费行李额吗?
electrons cannot easily travel over or through an insulator电子不容易越过或穿透绝缘子
European Travel Commission欧洲旅游委员会
Excuse me, are you Mr. Li Hua from China? I'm Stewart from American Travel Service打扰一下,您是中国来的李华先生吗?我是美国旅行社的斯图尔特
front travel前行程
front travel预备工序
I placed reservation for this room through a travel agency, not through the Internet这间房我是经旅行社代订的,不是通过网上预订的
I'd like to get some travel brochures. Please send them to my room shortly我想要些旅行手册,尽快送到我房间吧
If you travel to America, New England clam soup is strongly recommended如果你去美国旅行,强烈推荐你尝一下新英格兰蛤蜊汤
If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website如果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的账户中
I'm trying to catch the travel agency我想与旅行社联系
Let me see your travel expense report. Taxi bills are so high!让我看看你的旅费申报单。出租车的账单太离谱了吧!
light travels faster than sound光比声音传得快
Nice to meet you. I'm the tour leader from American Youth Travel Service很高兴见到你,我是美国青年旅行社的旅游团领队
Nonimmigrant visa applicants are encouraged to apply at least three months in advance of the intended date of travel建议非移民签证申请人至少于出行前三个月进行申请
route or distance of travel行程
Should I use a travel agent or other advisors to help me apply?我可以找一个旅行社或者其他咨询机构帮我申请吗?
Student's International Travel Association学生国际旅行协会
The approved I-20 is just one piece of information the interviewing officer must consider when deciding whether a visa may be issued. Student visas may be refused if it appears that the applicant's primary purpose of travel is not to attain an education被批准的 I-20 表格只是签证官决定是否颁发签证要考虑的因素之一。如果申请人的总体情况显示其赴美的主要目的不是学习,那他的学生签证申请就可能被拒
The travel agency in the hotel takes all kinds of booking宾馆旅行社代办各种预订票
total travel estimate车程总长及开车时间
travel about游动
travel abroadюр.,АУС 出国
travel bodkin在车、船中挤坐在两人中间
travel by
travel by
travel document旅游证件
travel long distances作长途旅行
travel out to向外传播扩散
travel out of the record离开议题
travel out of the record扯到题外
travel over越〔通〕过
travel through穿〔透〕过
travel through the water在水中航行
Traveler's checks are very convenient for a long-distance travel旅行支票对于长途旅行很方便
Validity date of passport is more than six months from date of travel有效护照必须超出预定旅游时间至少六个月
We would like invite elderly passengers and passengers who travel with children or infants to board the plane first. Please also have your passport ready for the secondary check in the jet bridge. Thank you for your patience我们现在邀请老年旅客及带小孩儿的旅客登机。请在登机时准备好您的护照,我们将在廊桥处做第二次护照检查。感谢您的耐心等待
When will you travel to Canada?你准备什么时候去加拿大?
Whenever your travels take you, there are some complimentary beverages available, including coffee, fruit juices, soft drinks, tea and water无论您飞往何处,都有免费饮料可以享用,包括咖啡、果汁、软饮料、茶和水