
Terms for subject Economy containing transportation | all forms | exact matches only
a transportation company运输公司
a transportation corporation运输公司
air transportation航空运输
Air Transportation Convention of Warsaw华沙空运协定 (公约)
an air transportation waybill空运提单
Bay Area Transportation Study Commission海湾地区运输研究委员会
break the transportation bottleneck排除运输阻滞
Bureau of Transportation Statistics美国运输统计局
census of transportation交通运输调査
commercial storage and transportation network商业储运网
comprehensive transportation study综合运输研究
containerized transportation集装箱运输
Department of Transportation美国交通部
Department of Transportation美国运输部
Designation of Materials Exempt from Department of Transportation Regulations美国运输部准免物指定法规
domestic cargo transportation insurance国内货物运输保险
Dow Jones Transportation道琼斯运输业股票价格平均指数
Dow-Jones Transportation Average道琼斯运输平均指数
Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transportation美国海关的电子数据交换
escort goods in transportation押运货物
escort goods in transportation押运 (货物)
express transportation快运
facilitation of maritime transportation海上运输的促进
first available air transportation尽先空运
fulfillment of transportation cost plan运输成本计划的完成
fulfilment of transportation cost plan运输成本计划的完成
harbour transportation港口运输
If transportation costs come down, we will be able to invest in automated handling如果运输成本降下来,我们就能够投资于自动化装卸
immediate transportation entry即办报关进口手续
index of transportation cost运输成本指标
insurance for air transportation空运保险
insurance for transportation进出口物资运输保险 (of imported and exported goods)
insurance for transportation of imported and exported goods进岀口物资运输保险
internal transportation expense工场内搬运费
International Air Transportation Association国际航空运输协会
International Air Transportation Association cargo agent国际航空运输协会货运代理
International Air Transportation Association member国际航空运输协会会员
International Air Transportation Association rate国际航空运输协会运价
International Air Transportation Association traffic conference国际空运协会运输会议
international multimodal transportation国际多种方式联运
joint rail-and-water transportation海陆联运
land transportation insurance陆路运输保险
loss of entitlement to return transportation丧失回程运输权利
main routes transportation主线运输
means of transportation运输工具
merchandise awaiting transportation待运商品
method of transportation运输方式
Our factory is sited near the railway station, and the transportation is very convenient我们工厂位于火车站附近,交通十分便利
outbound transportation cost运出成本
overland transportation insurance陆运保险
overland transportation risk陆运险
overseas-overland transportation海陆联运
power transportation输电
preference in supply and transportation优先供应物资和安排运输
public utility and transportation service公用事业与交通服务
quay-to-~ transportation码头到码头运输
shelter the trade of transportation保护运输业
short range ocean transportation近洋运输
side-occupation transportation副业运输
standard transportation commodity code运输货物标准符号
standard unit transportation标准单位运输
suitable for long distance ocean transportation适合长途海洋运输
tax on transportation运输税
the automation transportation自动化运输
The company shall pay the transportation fee to the port of destination公司应支付到达目的港的运费
the declaration for land transportation陆运报单
The delay is due to our inability to secure necessary transportation means延误是由于我方无法获得必要的运输工具而造成的
The government has ratified the proposal to improve transportation政府已批准改善运输情况的建议
the minimization of transportation cost运输成本最低化
the motor vehicle transportation汽车运输
the overdistance transportation过远运输
the overlapping transportation重复运输
the terrestrial transportation陆上运输
the transmodal transportation多式交通工具联运
The transportation bottleneck blocks the movement of the cargo运输的困难将妨碍货物的流通
the transportation cost运输成本
The transportation expenses are divided between the two parties in a proper proportion运费由双方按适当比例分担
the unitized transportation单元化运输
the unitized transportation成组化运输
transferring value from the means of transportation运输工具的价值转移
transmodal transportation多式交通工具联运
transportation, aggregation, and balancing agreement运输、集结和平衡协议
transportation and erection fees运输及安装费
transportation and exportation entry美国海关的运输与出口报单
transportation and sale运销
transportation and transaction运销
transportation average交通运输平均指数
transportation contract代运业务
transportation contract运输合同
transportation industry运输产业
transportation infrastructure运输基础结构
transportation leakage许可的运输漏损率
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act危险物资运输法案
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations危险货物运输规定
transportation of goods商品运输
transportation of merchandise货物运输
transportation of small goods小件搬运
transportation on transaction销货运输
transportation revenue运输进款
transportation risks运输风险
transportation utility运输公司
transportation utility市内公共运输
unit transportation单元运输
unit transportation单位运输
United States Department of Transportation美国运输部 (DOT)
You may ship all equipment in knocked-down pieces for convenience of transportation为运输方便,你方可将所有设备拆卸成零件后发货