
Terms for subject Economy containing transaction | all forms | exact matches only
a cascading transaction tax多阶段征收的交易税
a satisfactory transaction满意的成交
a shady transaction不正当交易
a sizable transaction数量很大的交易
a transaction account交易账户
absolute transactions绝对销售额
absolute transactions无条件销售
accommodation transaction收支平衡调整性交易
account transactions售货寄销清单
accounting transaction会计事项 (账务)
act of transaction卖契
act of transaction销售活动
adjourned transaction延期销售
advance on transactions预收货款
against our transaction confirmation凭我们的销货确认书
aggregate transactions of commodities销售总额
all phrase transaction全阶段交易税
an extensive transaction大批交易
an extensive transaction巨额交易
annual transactions年销售额
auction transaction拍卖
autonomous transaction自动性交易
average transactions平均销售额
balance of transactions交易差额
balance of transactions交易平衡
balance on basis of official reserve transaction按官方储备结算的国际收支差额
balance on nonmonetary transactions非金融性往来的国际收支差额
bank-to-~ transaction银行间同业往来
bargain transaction大廉价
be dull of transaction滞销
bear transactions抛售
bilateral transactions双边贸易
bilateral transactions双边交易
bill of transaction销售证
block transaction集体交易
bogus transaction虚交市场
bulk transactions批销售 (contract, 合同)
bull transaction买空交易
business transaction velocity商业交易中的货币流通速度
business transactions流转额
business transactions营业总额
buy goods at the transactions买廉价货
by-products transactions副产品销售
Cambridge transaction equation剑桥交换方程式
capital transaction资本交易 (国际间投资与借贷等,企业营业活动以外的交易)
capital transaction资本交易国际间投资与借贷等,企业营业活动以外的交易
cash and carry transaction现金交易不送货上门
cash and delivery transaction现金交易送货上门
cash transaction现金销售
cash transaction现金交易
cash transaction theory现金交易说
cash-only transaction不赊销
cash-only transaction现金交易
catalog transaction按商品目录零售
catalog transaction邮购公司
clearance transaction清仓拍卖
closing transaction对冲交易
commercial transactions商业部门售货额
compulsory transaction强迫出售
concessional transaction优惠出售
condition of transaction销售条件
condition transaction附条件销售
conditional transaction附条件销售
conditions of commercial transaction货物买卖条件
conditions of transaction拍卖条件
conformation of transactions售货确认书
consumer transactions消费品销售
cover for re-export and external transactions再出口与对外交易保险
covering transaction补进交易
credit transaction赊销
credit transaction经济借贷
credit transaction贷方交易
credit transaction信贷交易
cumulative weekly transactions一周销售总额
currency-hedge transaction货币套期交易
currency-hedged transaction货币套期交易
daily transactions日营业额
defense transactions军用品销售额
discount on returned transaction退货的销售折扣
discount transaction打折扣的销售
discretionary account transaction委托账户交易
disguised credit transaction变相信贷交易
distress transaction抵押物拍卖
distress transaction廉价抛售
documentary transaction跟单销售
dollar transactions美元交易
draggy transactions滞销
dual-transactions assumption双重交易假设
dull transaction滞销
economic transactions经济交易
elapsed time transaction经过时间交易记录
end-of-season transaction季末销售
engineering swap transaction掉期交易
enter into bear transaction看跌投机
entry for note receivable transactions应收票据交易的分录
equilibrium of transactions and purchases买卖均衡
equity capital transaction股本转让
equity transaction净值交易
estimate of transactions预计销售额
estimated transaction估计销售
estimates of transactions预计销售额
exchange transaction外汇业务
exchange transaction外币兑换
exchange transaction交换事项
execution transaction强制拍卖
executory transaction未完成买卖
executory transaction期货销售
exhibition transactions展销
exhibition transactions展卖会
export external transactions外销
external borrowing transactions国外借款交易
external transaction企业外部交易
farm market transactions农业销售值 (额)
fictitious transaction虚伪交易
field transactions现场销售
final transactions最终销售
financial transactions财务事项
fire transaction火灾中受损物品廉售
firm transaction不可撤销的销售
first transaction初次销售
fixed price transactions固定价格销售
for transaction特售
for transaction出售
forced transaction强制销售
forced transaction强制买卖
forecast of transactions销售预测
forecasting transactions预测销售额
foreclosure transaction已没收抵押品的销售
foreign exchange transaction adjustments外汇换算调整额
foreign exchange transactions外汇买卖
foreign exchange transactions外汇业务
foreign transaction对外交易
foreign transaction branches国外分销处
foreign transactions国外销售
formal book transactions正式登账
forward transaction销售期货 (合同)
forward transaction远期交易
forward transactions期货交易
free transaction自由买卖
freedom of transaction交易自由
fringe transactions次要交易
fundamental commercial transaction基本商业交易
fundamental commercial transaction基本商业行为
future transactions期货交易
general transactions agent总经销人 (经纪人)
giro transaction汇划转账交易
gold transaction service黄金交易业务
gross transactions销售总额
guarantee transaction补进交易
He is in charge of the company's transactions in stocks and shares他负责该公司的股票业务
He is looking forward to reinstating negotiations as soon as possible with such purchaser which has ripen into a transaction对于这个已接近成交的买主,他盼望尽快恢复与之谈判
hire-purchase transaction分期付款销售
illicit transaction私卖
In order to conclude the first transaction between us, we will lessen the price to $100 per metric ton为了达成我们之间的第一笔交易,我们愿将价格降到每公吨100美元
In view of the amount of this transaction being very large, we are prepared to give you 10% discount鉴于此笔交易金额很大,我方拟同意给你们九折优惠价
incidental transactions非经常性收益
incidental transactions附带交易
incompleted transaction未完成会计事项
indirect transaction间接销售
industrial transactions对工业部门消费者的销售额
initial transaction首笔交易
installment transactions分期分批的买卖
installment transactions分期付款销售
inter-company transactions集公司间交易
inter-company transactions公司间往来业务
inter-fund and intragovernmental transactions基金之间和政府内部转拨
international food aid transaction国际粮援交易
international sales transactions国际间货物买卖
intra-agricultural credit transactions of capital农业内部的信贷交易
intra-budgetary transactions预算内部的往来
intra-fund transaction基金内部的往来
Investment income, an invisible transaction, covers dividends and interest on loan投资收入是无形贸易项目,包括股利和贷款利息
invisible current transaction非贸易收入日常交易
invisible current transaction无形的日常交易
kiting transaction用抵押空头票据交易
level of transactions hypothesis销售水准假设
license transaction许可证贸易
liquidation transaction停业清理拍卖
livestock product transaction畜产品销售
long-term transaction长期交易
lost transaction失去销路
lost transaction滞销
maker of field transactions现场营业制造商
manufacturer's transactions加工工业产品销售额
mark down transaction减价处理 (销售)
mass transactions大量销售
mechanical transactions机械自动销售
monetary transaction现金业务
net transactions净销价
net transactions销货净额
net transactions of the products产品的净销额
non-cash transaction非现金交易
nondefense transactions非军用品销售额
non-monetary transactions非货币交易
not for transaction非卖品
not transactions in a real sense假收购
offer of transaction标价出售
offer of transaction供销 (售)
official reserve transaction balance官方储备收支的平衡
official transaction官方交易
on transaction上市的
on transaction待售
open transaction拍卖
opening transactions开业大减价
oral transaction口头买卖合同 (销售)
organize transactions tour走出去做生意
Our agent has promised to keep a full record of his transactions我方代理人答应保存一份完整的交易记录
outright transaction不附条件交易
Owing to our mutual efforts, enormous transactions have been concluded由于我们双方共同努力,大宗交易已经达成
paperless transaction banking and trading电子转帐业务
paperless transaction banking and trading无纸电子交易银行和贸易
principal-to-~ transaction货主与货主间直接交易
promote the transaction of products推销产品
promote transactions推销
property transaction房地产出售
property transaction不动产出售
public transaction拍卖
put up for transaction廉售
put up for transaction歇业廉价出售
ratio of operating interest expense to transactions营业利息费用与销货比率
ready transaction畅销
real time transaction即时转账
record of transactions销货记录
regular transactions正常销售
regular transactions隔日交货的交易
relative transaction value method相对销售价位法
repeat transaction重复销售
retail transaction零售
return transaction销货退回
return transaction退货
reverse the transaction兑回
round transaction倒卖
rummager transaction义捐物品拍卖
sacrifice transaction亏本出
security transaction证券销售
slow transaction滞销
spargiro transactions直接转帐交易
speculating transaction投机买卖
speculating transaction投机交易
spot exchange transaction即期外汇业务
spot transaction现货买卖
spot transaction现金现货交易
stock exchange transaction证券业务
stock exchange transactions股票交易所交易
surplus of the nation on current transactions国际收支经常账户顺差
surplus transaction盈余业务事项
switch transaction转手贸易
tax based on transactions对交易往来额课征的税收
the accommodating financial transaction融通性金融交易
the agency transaction委托交易
the barter transaction易货交易
the cash transaction现金交易
the commission transaction佣金交易
the commission transaction委托交易
the feigned commodity transaction伪装的商品交易
the intra-budgetary transactions预算内部的往来
The ledger shows no record of the transaction分类账中没有那笔交易的记录
The managing director attends to the transaction of all important business of the company himself and doesn't leave it to anyone else总经理亲自处理公司的一切重要事务,不把这事交托给其他任何人
the marginal transaction买空卖空
the matched sale-purchase transaction在交易所同时抛售又买入同一种证券的交易
the non-repetitive transaction非循环性业务
The purchaser doesn't agree to pay such a large sum, so this transaction isn't concluded买主不同意支付这样大的金额,所以没有作成这笔交易
the queasy transaction不正常交易
the transaction eligible for clearing够结算资格的交易
the transaction outside the stock exchange场外证券交易
the transaction processing交易处理
the transaction underlying the instrument以票据为根据的交易
the transaction underlying the instrument票据背后的交易 (票据所优先的交易)
The transaction was concluded by way of offset本交易是以进销相抵的方式达成的
The transaction was concluded subject to the L/C being opened 30 days prior to shipment这笔业务是以装船前30天开出信用证为条件而成交的
the unqualified confirmation of terms of transaction交易条件的无条件确认
the velocity transaction of money货币流通速度
the wash transaction虚幌交易
the wash transaction冲销交易
The wide gap in price rendered the transaction difficult价格差距甚大,交易很难达成
They were unable to do a lot of transactions during the slack season他们在淡季中没法做成大量交易
third party transaction第三方交易
This initial transaction, we hope, will lead to future volume business我们希望,这笔首次交易将带来今后的大宗买卖
This line of transaction should be conducted in China only when authorized by the statute of People's Republic of China只有在中华人民共和国的法规授予此种权利的时候才能在中国做这一行业的生意
tie-in transaction必须有搭卖品的出售
trade transaction合伙竞卖
trade transaction同行拍卖
trade-in transaction以旧换新交易
trader's transaction居间交易
transaction approach交易方式
transaction at buyer's option由买主选择的交易
transaction at buyer's option由买主决定的交易
transaction between corporation and shareholder公司股东间的交易
transaction cost交易费用
transaction cost移转成本
transaction cost economics交易成本经济学
transaction demand对货币的交易需求
transaction document交易凭证
transaction equation交易方程式
transaction for account定期交易
transaction for account记帐交易
transaction in foreign assets外国资产的往来
transaction of goods and service商品和劳务的交易
transaction on dealers9 basis经纪人在场外直接进行的交易
transaction s-type lease出售型租赁
transaction taxes交易税
transaction type of quantity theory现金交易税
transaction undertaken other than purely commercial consideration不是纯粹商业的交易
transaction velocity成交速度
transaction worksheet交易计算底稿
transaction worksheet交易工作底稿
Transactions are hampered by wide and frequent price fluctuations频繁的大幅度价格波动阻碍了交易
transactions turnover营业额
transactions turnover销售周转 (量)
transactions volume销售量
transactions voucher销货凭证
transactions yield value销售所得价值
transfer of transactions right营业权转让
transportation and transaction运销
transportation on transaction销货运输
trial transaction试销
triangular transactions三角交易
uncompleted transactions未完成的交易
under the counter transaction走后门买卖
under the counter transaction暗本交易
underwrite the transaction of security证券包销
unified purchase and transaction统购统销
uniform transactions laws统一销售法
unprecedented transactions空前销售 (额)
value volume of retail transactions零售货
value of business transactions商业销售额
volume of transaction销售量
wash transactions虚伪交易
wash transactions欺诈交易
We are prepared to stretch a point and agree to your terms for this transaction我们愿意让一步,同意你们对这笔交易所提的条件
We are very pleased to the final conclusion of this transaction我们对这笔交易最后谈成感到十分高兴
We believe this deal is only a forerunner of a series of transactions in future我们认为这笔生意只是未来一系列交易的先导
We have talked with them all conditions germane to the transaction我们和他们就与此交易有密切关系的一切条件进行了讨论
We have transmit ted all information relating to the whole transaction of this negotiation to the appropriate corporations我们已把有关这次谈判的全部情况通报给有关公司
We now take occasion to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you by the commencement of some practical transactions我们趁此机会写信给贵方看是否可以通过开始做几宗实际的交易与你方建立业务联系
We shall devote our entire time and energy to the furtherance of the transaction of your company我们将奉献全部时间与精力以促进贵公司的交易
We shall not change the prices on the goods in subsequent transactions在以后的交易中我们不会改变这批货物的价格
We shall take necessary action to consummate this transaction我们应采取必要的活动完成这笔交易
wholesale transactions批发销售 (额)
widen transaction扩大销售
winter transactions冬季大减价