
Terms for subject Commerce containing transaction | all forms | exact matches only
A number of transactions have been entered into已经达成许多笔交易
accommodating financial transaction通融金融交易
agency transactions代理交易
arrive at a transaction达成交易
asset transaction资产交易
be engaged in various transactions忙于种种事务
bona fide transaction公平交易
classification of business transactions交易分类
COD transaction货到付款交易
commission transaction付佣交易
Committee for Invisible Transaction无形贸易委员会经济合作与发展组织
complete a transaction成交
conclude a transaction with somebody与某人成交
credit transaction赊销交易
current transaction经常交易 (国际收支平衡表项目)
discharge of import transaction进口交易货款清偿
engineering swap transaction外汇掉期交易
entry for note receivable transaction应收票据交易分录
equity capital transaction股本转让交易
external transaction外部交易业务 (与内部交易业务 (internal transaction) 相对)
fictitious transaction虚构交易
For this transaction he will disburse US $20,000他将要为这一笔交易支付20,000美兀
home transactions国内贸易
important transaction重要交易
In export transactions, the seller normally parts with the possession of the goods before receiving the purchase price在岀口交易中卖方通常在未收到货款前让岀对货物的占有权
incidental transactions非经常性交易
interbank transaction联行业务往来
intercompany transaction联营公司间交易往来
internal transaction内部经济业务
intra-industry transaction产业部门内部交易
invisible transaction无形交易 (与有形交易 (visible transaction) 相寸)
make a push to conclude a transaction努力达成交易
make an effort to conclude the transaction努力达成交易
make transactions on a commercial basis按商业惯例做生意
market transaction市场交易
means of financing the transaction融通资金的工具
offset transaction抵偿交易
offsetting transaction抵偿交易
outright transaction即时外汇交易
pay back transaction偿还交易
principal to principal transaction货主与货主的直接交易
processing transaction加工交易
profitable transaction赚钱交易
rules of transaction交易规则
secured transaction担保交易
spot cash transaction即期现金交易
spot cash transaction现金现货交易
spot exchange transaction即时外汇交易
swap transaction换汇交易
switch transaction由第三方承担或提供补偿产品转手交易
The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions保付行没有扣留货物或提单的-般留置权
The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions对客户在以往交易中所欠款项
The transaction involves a large sum交易金额很大
The transaction is concluded on the stipulation that the L/C should be established 30 days before the commencement of shipment该交易以在装船前三十天开立信用证为条件而达成
The transaction was booked on the basis of sample交易凭样品达成
The transaction was concluded on the understanding that the covering letter of credit was to be established 30 days before the commencement of the time of shipment此笔交易是按在装运开始前三十天开立有关信用证的协定达成交易的
This stipulation applies to all subsequent transactions此项规定适用于以后所有交易
transaction data业务数据
transaction exposure交易风险
transaction fee交易费
transaction on the bourse证券交易所交易
transaction price实际价格
transaction risk交易风险
transaction security mechanism交易安全机制
trip transaction倒手买卖
We deem that transactions should be concluded on the basis of equality and mutual benefit我们认为应在平等互利的基础上达成交易
We herewith enclose our S/C No. 2023 covering this transaction我们兹附寄有关本次交易的2023号销售合同
We herewith enclose our S/C No. 1144 in duplicate for this transaction. Please sign the counterpart and return it to us for our file at your earliest convenience请尽早签署后退寄一份供存
We herewith enclose our S/C No. 1144 in duplicate for this transaction. Please sign the counterpart and return it to us for our file at your earliest convenience兹附寄此笔交易的第1144号合同一式二份