
Terms for subject China containing transaction | all forms | exact matches only
affiliated transaction关联交易
boycott of transaction抵制交易
boycotting of transaction联合抵制交易
business transactions involving large sums of money大额交易
compensate the loss as incurred from securities transaction赔偿证券买卖的损
conduct transactions进行交易
custom of transaction交易习惯
customs of transaction交易记录
dubious transaction可疑交易
examination on a transaction-by-transaction basis逐笔审核
foreign exchange transaction外汇事宜
information transaction交易信息
issuance and transaction of securities证券发行和交易
means of public and centralized transaction公开的集中交易方式
overseas transaction境外交易
party involved in securities transaction证券交易当事人
power of attorney of securities transactions证券买卖委托书
principle of arm's-length transaction独立交易原则
propose transaction declaration提出交易申报
real estate transaction prices房地产成交价格
sale transaction by bid and tender招标投标买卖
sale transaction by sample凭样品买卖
sale transaction on trial试用买卖
securities financing through securities transactions融资融券
single transaction单笔交易
speculative transactions倒买倒卖
technological transaction技术交易
trade in future contract with oneself as the counterpart of transaction自买自卖期货合约
transaction of listed stocks上市交易的股票
transaction of real estate房地产交易
undertake any transaction of unlisted securities经营非上市证券
unlawful act of securities transaction证券违法行为