
Terms for subject International trade containing traffic | all forms | exact matches only
aggregate traffic集中运输
air traffic航空运输
business traffic商业运输
charged traffic收费的运输
charging what the traffic will bear按负担能力收取运费
charging what the traffic will bear按货载负荷能力收取运费制度
class of traffic运输等级
coaching traffic客车运输除旅客外还包括邮件、包裹
coastal traffic沿海运输
container traffic货柜运输
container traffic货箱运输
container traffic集装箱运输
Convention concerning Customs Clearance of International Goods Traffic with Road Vehicles AGT Convention 1965国际公路车辆货物运输结关公约1965年
Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic Facilitation Convention便利国际海上运输公约便利运输公约1965年
Convention on Roads Traffic公路交通公约1949. 9. 19
direct traffic联运
fast freight traffic快速货物运输
firm undertaking the groupage of traffic承办零担运输的转运公司
free-hauled traffic免费运输
freight traffic货运量
freight traffic货运
freight traffic manager货运经纪人
freight traffic manager货运处长
goods traffic货物运送
groupage traffic拼箱运输
groupage traffic成组运输
groupage traffic拼箱运输航运编组运输铁路运输
heavy traffic period运输高潮期
heavy traffic route繁忙运输线
IATA traffic conference国际航空运输协会运输会议
import traffic进口运输
inland traffic内地交易
interline traffic联运
intermediaries of the traffic通商居间地
International Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of and Traffic on Obscene Publications取缔猥亵出版物行销国际公约1910年5月4日
international sea-borne freight traffic国际海运量
international traffic国际运输
late pay traffic后付运输
licit traffic合法买卖
liquor traffic酒类贩卖
liquor traffic酒商
list of forwarded traffic发送货物清单
loss of traffic运输损失
mileage division on traffic按英里程分摊的运费
mixed traffic水陆联寧
mixed traffic联合运输
mixed traffic混合运输
net traffic净运量
office dealing with inward goods traffic到达货物办公室
office dealing with outward goods traffic发送货物办公室
one way traffic单程交通
outbound parcel traffic发送包裹运输
part of traffic运输量的分配额
participation in traffic参加运输
part-load traffic零担运输
party traffic集体运输
passenger traffic旅客运输
port traffic港口运输
restore to traffic恢复运输
river traffic河流贸易
road traffic公路交通
separately charged traffic分段局,国计费的运费
share of traffic运输量的分配额
shipping and traffic水陆运费
shipping and traffic水陆运输
short-haul traffic短途运输
skimming off the cream of traffic掠取盈利最多的运输
source of freight traffic货源
sundries traffic零担运输
suspend the traffic中断运输
traffic amount运输量
traffic capacity运输能力
traffic coefficient运输系数
traffic conveyed free免费运输
traffic enforcement交通规则与执行
traffic expense运输费
traffic for clearance待运结关的货物
traffic growth rate港口吞吐量增长率
traffic growth rate运输量增长率
traffic in persons贩卖人口
traffic in the bulk commodities大宗货物运输量
traffic in transit中转运输
traffic in wheat做小麦生意
traffic manager贸易经理
traffic manager交通管理员
traffic mix货运的搭配情况
traffic of port港口吞吐量
traffic solicitation招揽运输资本主义国家
transhipment traffic中转运输
unduly long-haul traffic过远运输
unduly short-haul traffic过近运输
volume freight traffic货运量
volume of freight traffic货运量
waterborne traffic水上交通