
Terms for subject Architecture containing traffic | all forms | exact matches only
amount of traffic交通运输
annual traffic年运输
attracted traffic volume吸引交通量
automate traffic control自动化交通控制
automatical traffic counter交通量自动计数器
average traffic平均交通量
building traffic现场运输
inbound traffic人境交通
induced traffic诱增交通量 (因道路交通设施改进所增加的交通量,包括新增交通量,导增交通和变增交通量)
intercontinental traffic洲际报务话务
inter-floor traffic楼面间交通
interrupted discharge of traffic交通车流中断
main traffic artery交通干线
marine traffic海运
medium heavy traffic中等密度交通
traffic intensity通信密度
traffic intensity交通密度
traffic intensity业务量 (强度)
traffic intensity话务量