
Terms for subject Business containing traffic | all forms | exact matches only
Aerodrome Traffic Zone机场交通区
aggregate traffic成组运输
air traffic control chief engineer空中交通管制总工程师
air traffic control system航空交通控制系统
air traffic service航空业务
airport traffic control机场交通管制
area traffic control路面控制
average daily traffic平均每日交通量
be open to traffic交付营运
block of traffic交通阻塞
bottleneck traffic交通瓶颈
burst traffic猝发通信量
card traffic卡片通讯业务
carrier system traffic载波制通讯
charging what the traffic will bear按载货负担能力收取运费制度
classification of traffic业务分类
clearance of goods traffic清理货运办法
clearance of traffic报务清理完毕
clearance through customs of traffic in transit过境货物结关
combined capacity of freight traffic货运量综合容纳吞吐能力指港口、泊位、货场、仓容等综合承受能力
combined traffic联合运输
communication message traffic control unit通信业务控制装置
concession for goods traffic货运特许权
Conference on International Container Traffic国际集装箱运输会议
conflicting traffic交会车流
Convention Concerning Customs Clearance of International Goods Traffic with Road Vehicles国际公路车辆货物结关公约
cream of traffic盈利运输
delay in traffic运输迟延
density of traffic业务量
density of traffic交通量
density of traffic for every kilometer of operation每运营公里运输密度
direct traffic直达运输全程运输
discrimination of traffic运输中的差别待遇
equivalent turnover volume of traffic航运换算周转量
flow of goods traffic货物流转流动
foreign traffic对外通讯
freight traffic manager货运经理
freight traffic volume货运量
goods traffic expense货运费
gross traffic hauled牵引总运量
harbour traffic港内交通
heavy traffic大业务量
high altitude air traffic control高空交通指挥
information on traffic flow业务量信息
inland traffic内陆交通
input-output traffic输入输出通信量
intensity of traffic业务密度
international data traffic国际数据通信量
international telegraph traffic国际电报业务
international traffic department国际运输部门
international traffic solicitation国际招揽运输
intra-office traffic局内业务量
invoice for service traffic路务运输发票
inward traffic进口货物运输
junction traffic中继业务
licit traffic合法运输
licit traffic合法交易
licit traffic合法买卖交易
light-traffic period业务空闲时间
line traffic线路业务
list of forwarded traffic发货运输清单
live traffic现有业务
load of data traffic数据通信负载
local traffic国内业务量
long haul of goods traffic长途货物运输
long-distance traffic长途通信业务量
long-haul goods traffic长途货物运输
long-range traffic长途运输
long-range traffic远程通信
low traffic低业务量
low-delay traffic低迟延业务量
magne tude of traffic flow运输流量
mileage division on traffic按英里里程分摊运输
Motorways Traffic Regulations公路交通规则
part of traffic运输量分配额
port's volume of freight traffic港口吞吐量
principal traffic route主要交通干线
procedures for the control of air traffic空中交通控制程序
railway traffic control铁路运输调度
railway traffic control system铁路运输调度系统
railway traffic control telephone铁路运输调度电话
railway traffic firm铁路运输行
railway traffic revenue铁路运输收入
ratio of traffic profit to transportation cost运输成本利润率
receipt from goods traffic货运收入
regulate the traffic管理运输
regulation of traffic交通规则
regulation of traffic交通管制
regulations of traffic交通管理规则
routing of traffic运输路线选择
sender of groupage traffic零担发货人
suspend traffic中断运输
telegraph traffic电报业务
Total Traffic Ton-Miles总运输吨—英里
tourism traffic volume旅游流量
tourist traffic旅客流量
traffic agent运输代理人
traffic book车务费总账
traffic bottleneck交通瓶颈
traffic capacity运输量
traffic carried under controlled temperature在控温下的货物运输
traffic circle道路环形交叉
traffic delay交通延滞
traffic department交通运输部门
traffic flow and density交通流量与车辆密度
traffic for clearance待运货物
traffic for clearance结关货物
traffic holdup交通阻塞
traffic in the bulk commodity大宗货物运输量
traffic in transit在途货运
traffic intensity交通拥塞
traffic island交通安全岛
traffic lane车行道
traffic laws and regulations交通法规
traffic main artery交通干道
traffic manager货运主管人
traffic manager交通管理人
traffic manager运输部经理
traffic markings交通标线
traffic mix货运搭配
traffic of port港口货物吞吐量
traffic on hand to be loaded待装货物运输
traffic police交通警察
traffic pounding交通阻塞
traffic procedure运输手续
traffic return运输统计报表
traffic returns运输统计报告
traffic split交通分流
traffic superintendence交通监督管理
traffic survey交通调査
traffic ticket交通违章罚款单
Traffic Unit货运量单位
traffic value车流量
Traffic Volume货运量
traffic warden交通管理员
turnover volume of freight traffic货运周转量
two-way traffic双向交通
unit of traffic客货运输单位