
Terms for subject General containing traffic | all forms | exact matches only
air route traffic control航〔空〕线交通管制
Air Route Traffic Control Center航〔空〕线交通管制中心
air traffic communications station空运调度通信站
air traffic control空运自动调度〔系统〕
air traffic control空中交通指挥〔系统〕
air traffic control空中交通管理〔系统〕
Air Traffic Control Centre空中交通管制中心北大西洋公约组织所属的
air traffic control officer空运调度员
air traffic control radar beam空中交通指挥雷达射束
air traffic control signal system空中交通指挥信号系统
air traffic control signalling system空运调度通信系统
be open for traffic开放
be open for traffic通车
Carrier Air Traffic Control Center航空母舰空中交通管制中心
Congestion is typical in most metropolitan cities, but to be honest, the traffic situation in Paris now is becoming ridiculous交通拥堵在大都市里是个很普遍的现象,不过老实说,巴黎的交通形势已经糟糕透顶了
diverted traffic导增〔转移〕交通量
Drinking is a principal cause of traffic accidents. We should strongly oppose drink driving酗酒是交通事故的主要原因。我们应坚决反对酒后驾驶
European-Middle East Channel and Traffic Control Unit欧洲与中东信道及通信业务管理处
fast-moving traffic快速交通
fogday traffic雾中行车
freight traffic货〔物〕运〔输〕
Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers空运调度人员协会
He interposed himself in a traffic accident他卷入了一场交通事故中
heavy traffic交通拥堵
high density air traffic zone高密度空中交通区
I got stuck in traffic again我又遭遇堵车了
I got stuck in traffic again. There was a terrible traffic jam near the Wal-Mart intersection堵车了。 沃尔玛那个路口堵得厉害
International Air Traffic Communications Station国际航空通信站
Is it just me or is traffic getting worse and worse every day?交通状况一天比一天糟,这是我个人的感觉还是事实如此呢?
Joint Airlines Military Traffic Office航空线军事飞行联合管理处
Joint Army-Air Force Commercial Traffic Bulletin陆空军民用运输联合通报
Military Air Traffic Center军事空中交通管制中心
Military Traffic Management and Terminal Service军事运输收发管理处
OK, our traffic police will come immediately and make investigation of the scene of the accident好的,交警马上就到现场调查处理
Owing to the air traffic control, we'll wait until a take-off clearance is given由于航空管制,我们要等待通行许可才能起飞
permanent traffic recording永久性交通记录
radar air traffic control center空中交通管制雷达中心
Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control飞行与空中交通管制规则
securite control of air traffic空中交通安全监督
security control of air traffic and electromagnetic radiation空中交通与电磁辐射〔防护〕安全监督〔计划〕
semi-automatic facility for terminal air traffic control终点〔港〕空中交通管制用半自动设备
signal automatic air traffic control自动空中交通管制通信系统 (system)
The elegant environment and convenient traffic is truly an ideal accommodation这里环境优雅、交通便捷,不愧是理想的下榻之处
The single journey ticket is valid during the intraday traffic hours单程票在当天的运营时间内有效
The traffic accident had nothing to do with him这交通事故和他没有关系
The traffic is at a standstill交通瘫痪了
The traffic problem is that more and more people in this city can now afford to buy a car交通问题的部分原因在于,这个城市里能买得起私家车的人越来越多
total traffic ton-miles总运输吨-英里
air traffic control, navigation, approach and landing system空中交通管制、导航、进场及着陆〔全自动〕控制系统
traffic hour运营时间
traffic jam交通高峰
Traffic just didn't move there所有的车都一动不动地堵在那儿
traffic manager运输经理科长
traffic noise index交通噪音指数
traffic-proof使 可安全驾驭
two-lane traffic双线道
visiting traffic过访性交通
You will stay on the street for a while until you hit the first traffic light你需走一会儿,直到你遇到第一个红绿灯