
Terms for subject Project management containing trade | all forms | exact matches only
adverse balance of international trade国际贸易逆差
assignment of letters patent and trade mark专利证书及商标转让
bullet trade子弹式交易
chamber of trade贸易协会
commission trade委托贸易
counter trade易货贸易
crossed trade交叉盘买卖
crossed trade交叉买卖
day trade当日平仓买卖
day trade transaction即日鲜
day trade transaction即日平仓交易
designated trade指定行业
Disruption to trade finance means that developing world suppliers are having trouble getting goods to market贸易融资中断意味着发展中国家的供应商难以将商品输送到市场
distributive trade分销业
Eurodollar is used for trade within Europe欧洲美元用于欧洲国家之间的各种贸易
facilitation of trade procedures贸易手续的简化
Federal Trade Code联邦贸易法案
foreign trade对外交易
free-trade area免税区
free-trade zone保税区
General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade关税及贸易总协定
imitation trade mark冒牌商标
import and export trade进出口贸易
import and export trade statistics进出口贸易统计数字
International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms 20002000 年国际贸易术语解释通则 (Incoterms 2000)
Japan, despite its very high standard of living, had, until the current economic downturn, a strongly positive balance of trade在持续至今的经济低迷之前、尽管日本生活水平很高、但它仍旧有很大的贸易顺差
jobber trade当日平仓买卖
non-trade receipt非贸易收人
ownership of trade marks商标所有权
Payment in foreign trade is often complicated对外贸易中的货款支付是非常复杂的
preferential trade agreement优惠贸易协定
That means that the growth of the offshore market will be largely constrained, for a while at least, by the amount of trade settlement这意味着、人民币海外市场规模的扩大在很大程度上将受制于贸易结算额、至少在一段时期之内如此
trade aggregate贸易总体数字
trade bill of quantities工种工程量表
trade contractor专业工种承包商
trade contractor专业承包商
trade deficit人超
trade directories商贸行名录
trade discount营业折扣
trade-in allowance以旧换新折让
trade name营业名称
trade off物物交易
trade off协调
trade off物物交换
trade promotion贸易促销
trade selling贸易销售
trade subcontractor专业分包商
trade unit value index贸易单位价格指数
trade-weighted average value贸易加权平均价值
trade-weighted dollar贸易加权美元
trade-weighted effective exchange rate index贸易加权有效汇率指数
trade-weighted exchange rate index贸易加权汇率指数
trade-weighted value贸易加权价值
visible trade account有形贸易账
visible trade gap有形贸易差额
volume of trade成交量