
Terms for subject Economy containing trade | all forms | exact matches only
adjust production according to sales and integrate industry and trade工贸结合
adjust production according to sales and integrate industry and trade以产定销
agreement of trade relation贸易关系协定
Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights《与贸易相关的知识产权协定》
agricultural trade农业贸易
agricultural trade农产品贸易
agricultural trade development and assistance act农产品贸易促进援助法
airborne trade空运贸易
amount of trade receivable应收货账金额
an expert on international trade国际贸易专家
An extended discussion about the trade terms was held with your reps和你方代表作过长时间的有关贸易条件的讨论
annual trade survey年度贸易调査
assembling trade来件装配贸易
automatic trade system自动交易系统
balance of trade国际收支
balance of trade deficit贸易赤字差额
balance of trade surplus贸易盈余差额
balance of visible trade有形贸易平衡
balance on merchandise trade与美国国际收支平衡表相关的按季公布的测度商品进出口净转移的商品贸易差额
barter terms of trade易货贸易条件
barter trade易货交易
barter trade实物的交易
Being specialized in the manufacture of handicrafts, we express our desire to trade with you in this line我方专门生产手工艺品,愿与贵方进行这方面的交易
bilateral trade and payment agreement双边贸易及支付协定
bilateral trade-liberalization treaties双边自由贸易条约
book trade图书贸易
build a trade bridge with与…建立贸易关系
by trade按职业说
carry on the trade of经营 (silk, tea, 丝绸、茶叶)
carry trade转口贸易
carry trade运转业
carry trade运输业
carrying trade贩运贸易
Centre for Trade and Investment Services美国贸易与投资服务中心
Certified Trade Fair Program美国有公证的贸易商品展览交易会项目
Certified Trade Mission Program美国有公证的贸易推广项目
China trade中国贸易
combination in restraint of trade限制竞争的联合
compensation trade补偿贸易 (counter trade)
compensation trade policy抵偿贸易政策
complementary trade辅助性贸易
complementary trade policy补偿贸易政策
cooperation trade协作贸易
counter trade抵偿贸易
critical trade临界交易
dependence upon foreign trade依靠对外贸易
direct transit trade直接过境贸易
distributive trade批发和零售商业
distributive trade survey经销业调查
distributive trades销售网贸易
distributive trades经销业务
distributive trades经销业
double-factor terms of trade双因素贸易条件
Each member of the board of trade would be entitled to vote if personally present at the meeting商会的每一成员都有资格投票,只要他亲自出席会议
East-South trade东南方贸易
economics of finance and trade财贸经济
enforce boycotts on trade with拒绝与…做生意
engineering trades工程贸易
engineering trades工程工
engineering trades工程工业
exclusive control of foreign trade by the state对外贸易专营制
expand trade扩展贸易
export balance of trade对外贸易出超
export trade出口商
Export Trade Certificate of Review美国出口贸易审查证
Export trade has improved greatly during these two months在这两个月中出口贸易大有增长
external trade对外交易
external trade unit value index对外贸易单位价格指数
Federal Trade Commission Act美国联邦贸易委员会法案
figurative elements of trade marks商标的图形要素
free trade agreement自由贸易协议
free trade agreement自由贸易协定
free-trade area自贸区
free trade area自贸区
free-trade area自由贸易区
free trade wharf码头交货
free trade zone自贸区
free-liquidation trade自由结算贸易
general trade经常业务
general trade一国贸易总额
global compensation trade全球补偿贸易
global system of trade preference全球贸易优惠制
global system of trade preference among developing countries发展中国家间全球贸易优惠制
goods-exchanging trade易货贸易
government trade delegation政府贸易代表团
gross terms of trade贸易总条件
gross terms of trade总货物交易条件
horizontal trade相同水平贸易
horse trade双方在大事讨价还价后相互让步的交易
horse trade马的交易
hosiery trade针织业
illicit trade贩运私货
illicit trade走私
imitate a trade-mark冒牌仿造商标
improvement and repair trade加工和修理贸易
improvement trade for export加工出口或进口贸易 (import)
inland trade国内商业
integrated industrial and trade enterprise工业贸易结合企业
intermediate trade中介商业
International Rules for Interpretation of Trade Terms国际贸易术语解释通则
International Trade Administration美国国际贸易管理局
international trade community国际贸易界
interregional trade域际贸易
interregional trade区间贸易
inters government trade agreement政府间贸易协定
intra-Africa trade非洲内部贸易
intra-industry trade部门内的进出口贸易
invisible barriers to trade无形贸易壁垒
invisible trade items无形贸易项目
It is expected that there will soon be an upturn in foreign trade预计外贸业务不久即将好转
Japan External Trade Organization日本外贸振兴会
Joint Committee for Investment & Trade美国、墨西哥的投资与贸易联合委员会 (jcrr)
joint undertaking by industry and foreign trade department工贸联营
joint undertaking by industry and foreign trade department工业外贸联营
keep the trade secret保守贸易秘密
land trade陆上贸易
manufacturing and trade sale制造业和贸易的销售额
Many businesses are engaged in the trade in this area在这一地区,许多商号从事这一行业
Measures should be taken to prohibit any unauthorized use of the trade name应采取措施禁止擅自使用商号权
member companies of a trade association贸易交往的股份公司
method of conducting trade贸易经常方法
Ministry of International Trade and Industry日本通商产业省、通产省
monetary theory of trade cycle货币的盛衰同期性理论
monetary theory of trade cycle货币的景气理论
multi-lateral trade negotiation多边贸易谈判
national federation of building trades employers全国建筑业雇主联合会
National Trade Data Bank国家贸易数据库
National Trade Estimates Report美国国家贸易估算报告
net barter terms of trade纯易货贸易条款
new trade negotiation新贸易谈判新国际回合
No one can usurp the trademark or trade names pertaining to our business没有人可以盗用属于我方业务的商标或商品
nontariff trade distortive devices非贸易干扰手段
North American Free Trade Agreement北美自由贸易协定包括加拿大、美国、墨西哥的一项自由贸易协定,其主要宗旨是消除贸易壁垒, 促进公平竞争,增加投资机会,提供对知识产权的保护和确立有关解决争端的程序
North-South trade南北贸易指发达国家与发展中国家之间的贸易
note receivable trade应收销货票据
Only when the trade becomes truly international, can commodities be circulated freely只有当贸易真正国际化了,商品才能自由地流通
open trade公开交易
open trade开放贸易
ordinary course of trade正常贸易途径 (程序)
particular balance of trade个别贸易差额
patent trade专利业务
patterns of foreign trade外贸形式
performance trade对销贸易
performance trade抵偿贸易
period of trade economy交易经济时代
permanent normal trade relations永久正常贸易关系
Please send us your firm offer by letter indicating trade discount and terms of shipment请用信报实盘,并注明同业折扣和装运条件
potential trade distorting device潜在的贸易干扰手段
private trade私营贸易
profitability of foreign trade for the national economy对外贸易的国民经济盈利性
protection of trade commerce保护贸易
quadrilateral trade ministers四边贸易部长集团一般又被称为四巨头部长集团, 它包括加拿大的国际贸易部长、欧共体的外事专员、日本通产省以及美国的贸易代表
rate of trade-off抵补率
Rates of wages and allowances paid by the contractor are not less than the minimum recognized by trade unions承包商支付的工资和津贴不低于工会确认的最低标准
ready made trade现成的服装成衣业
ready-to-wear trade现成的服装成衣业
registered trade mark注册商标
reliability-cost trade-off analysis可靠性与费用权衡分析
reserve trade专门贸易
Revised American Foreign Trade Definition 19411941 年美国对外贸易定义修订本
Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions修订的美国外贸条例有时还适用于美国国内贸易的一套过时外贸条例
risk return trade-off function风险与收益比较函数
risk-return trade-off studies风险-收益比较研究
round about trade间接的迂回的贸易
security trade control证券贸易控制
sendee trade服务贸易
settled foreign trade policy既定外资政策
She dressed in the latest mode in the trade fair交易会上她穿的是最新式样的衣服
shelter the trade of transportation保护运输业
slave trade奴隶贩卖
specialized foreign trade corporations外贸专业公司
staple trade主要商品 (贸易)
tariff trade barriers关税贸易壁垒
technical barrier to trade技术性贸易壁垒
technical barriers to trade贸易技术壁垒
technical trade barrier技术贸易壁垒
terms of trade进出口货价比率
terms of trade贸易条款
terms of trade of agriculture vis-a-vis industry农产品对工业品的比价
The admission fee will be refundable if the trade fair is not held on time如果商品交易会没有准时举行,则可退回入场费
the adverse balance of trade国际贸易逆差
the agreement trade policy协定贸易政策
the anti-trade biased growth非由出口贸易引起的片面性经济增长
the attendant trade有关的贸易
the balance of trade surplus对外贸易顺差
the barrier to trade贸易壁垒
the bloc trade集团贸易
the coastwise trade沿海贸易
the commission trade经纪贸易
the commodity trade商品交易
The company mainly trades in imported goods这家公司主要经营进口货
The company reduced staff by 25% because of the serious depression of trade由于生意很不景气,该公司裁减人员25%
the confederation of trade union工会联合会
the confederation of trade union行业协会
The corporation has maintained the same volume of trade despite of the recession尽管经济萧条,该公司的贸易额保持不变
the correspondence outside of the trade非同业间的通信
the entrepot trade转口贸易
the expansion of foreign trade发展对外贸易
The export trade is essential to the nation对国家来说出口贸易是必要的
the fair trade合法交易
the fair trade公平交易
the financing related to trade贸易资金的筹措
the foreign trade对外贸易
the harmony of trade贸易的顺利进行
the horizontal trade相同水平贸易
the horizontal trade横向贸易
the installment trade分期付款交易
The label of the product bears its trade mark产品的标签上有该产品的商标
The license shall discontinue the use of the trade mark if the license lapses如本许可证期满,被许可人必须立即停止使用本商标
the manufacturing and trade sale制造业和贸易的销售额
the merchandise trade balance商品贸易平衡
The minister signed a bilateral trade agreement部长签署了一份双边贸易协定
the minor trade fair工业部门产品集市
the monopoly of foreign trade对外贸易专营
the monopoly of foreign trade对外贸易垄断
the mystery of a trade行业的诀窍
the narcotic trade麻醉品贸易
the nexus of international trade国际贸易纽带
the non-fuel merchandise trade非燃料商品贸易
the non-governmental trade民间贸易
the non-governmental trade非政府贸易
the non-merchandise trade非商品贸易
the normalization of trade贸易正常化
The opportunity is not mature for us to trade extensively with that country与该国大规模做交易的时机尚未成熟
the overseas trade海外贸易
the preferential trade entitlement优惠贸易保障额
the prosperous trade兴旺的贸易
the prosperous trade利市
the publication of the latest trade figures最近贸易数额公告
the reexport trade再出口贸易
the reexport trade转口贸易
the reform of foreign trade system外贸体制改革
The removal of the ban on import from China greatly encouraged the trade between two countries解除从中国进口商品的禁令极大地促进两国间的贸易
the renting trade租赁贸易
the reshaping of trade in its flows改变贸易流动状态
the restraint of trade贸易禁止 (限制、约束)
the restriction on trade限制贸易
the restrictive business trade system限制商业交易制
the revival of the trade贸易复苏
The rise in the price of raw materials caused a recession in trade in that country原料价格上涨使该国贸易衰退
the roundabout trade间接贸易
the seaborne trade海运贸易
the semi-official trade半官方贸易
the semi-special trade半专门贸易 (指贸易总额减去再出口总额)
the sino-foreign trade中外贸易
the slack trade呆滞的贸易
the South-North trade先进国与后进国之间的南北贸易
the standard as technical barrier to trade贸易技术性壁垒标准
the structure and trend in agricultural trade农产品贸易的结构和趋向
The total amount of trade between us shall be consistent with our agency arrangement我们之间的贸易总金额应与我们的代理协定一致
the total volume of import and export trade进出口贸易总额
The tourist trade is quite familiar to you你对旅游业很熟悉
the trade advertising商业性刊物上的广告
the trade among countries having different economic and social systems不同经济和社会制度国家间的贸易
the trade credit贸易赊账
the trade credit企业间信用
the trade credit信用交易
the trade credit贸易信贷
the trade margin贸易利润
the trade pattern贸易格局
the trade turnover贸易额
The trade union was recognized by the management管理部门承认该工会可以代表职工行事
The trade volume of that company has risen by at least 30%, which is a conservative estimate那家公司的贸易额至少上升了 30%,这是保守的估计
the trade wall贸易壁垒
the trade waste工业废水
the tricks of the trade生意经
the tricks of the trade商业诀窍
the trilateral trade三边贸易
the ultra marine trade海外贸易
the ultramarine trade海外贸易
the unbalance in foreign trade进出口不平衡
the unrestricted trade自由贸易
the usage of trade贸易习惯
the usage of trade行业习惯
the usage of trade商业惯例
the visible trade有形贸易
the waterborne trade水运贸易量
the way-port trade沿途货运
the way-port trade沿途贸易
the West-East trade东西方贸易
Their stocks may not be enough to cope with the New Year's trade他们的库存可能不足,不能应付元旦的业务
third country trade第三国贸易
trade acceptance商业录
trade acceptance商业承兑汇票
trade acceptance bill商业承兑汇票
trade access贸易通道
trade account payable应收货款
trade act贸易法
Trade Act of 1974美国 1974 年的贸易法案
Trade Adjustment Assistance由美国商务部和劳工部共同作出的贸易调整援助
Trade Adjustment Assistance Centers美国贸易调整援助中心
trade agency商业代理
trade agency贸易代表处
trade agency信用调査行
trade agency代理商
trade agreement劳资协定
trade agreement贸易协议
Trade Agreements Act of 1979美国 1979 年的贸易协定法案
trade allowance零售商业折扣
Trade and Development Program美国贸易和开发项目
trade and development program贸易和开发计划
trade and economic groups贸易经济集团
trade assets贸易资产
trade association同业公会 (union)
trade balance贸易收支差额
trade-based growth偏重于对外贸易的经济增长
trade bill商业汇票
trade board act商务会议法
trade board acts商务会议法
trade capital movement贸易资本流动
trade caravan商船队
trade center for the third-category commodities三类物质贸易中心
trade combines行业联合组织
trade concordance贸易一致
trade consultant贸易协商员
trade corporation同业团体
trade creation effect开拓贸易的作用
trade credit企业间信用
trade credit商业放账
trade credit交易信用
trade creditor应收贷款
trade creditors应收货款方
trade cycle商业周期性
trade cycles贸易循环
trade cycles贸易盛衰周期
trade cycles贸易周期
trade cycles经济循环
trade cycles商业循环
trade deficit贸易逆差
trade deficit亏损
trade depression商业萧条
trade development贸易发展
trade discount功能性折扣
trade dispute商事争执
trade dispute贸易争端
trade dispute劳资争议
trade dispute act商业争议法
trade disputes贸易争议
trade-diverting effect贸易转向效果
trade draft商业汇票
trade dress商业装饰
trade drive促销活动
trade drive推销活动
trade event贸易活动
trade expansion贸易扩充
trade expansion扩大贸易
Trade Expansion Act of 1962美国 1962 年扩大贸易法
Trade Fair Certification Program美国的商品交易会公证项目
trade financing贸易资金融通
trade financing贸易财务
trade fixture营业用装修
trade fluctuation贸易流动
trade copper for (corn, 谷物)
trade framework贸易格局
trade gap进出口之间的差额
trade gap贸易差距
trade goods贸易货物
trade hazard商业冒险
trade in经营 (coal, silk, 煤炭、丝绸)
trade in为自私的目的利用 (upon)
trade-in allowance贸易抵换折扣
trade-in allowance抵换折价
trade-in deal以旧换新
trade in deal以旧换新
trade in an old car for旧汽车换卖掉 (a new one)
trade in goods only货物贸易
trade-in of plant and equipment厂房与设备的折价物
trade in technology-intensive manufacture技术密集型制成品贸易
trade-in transaction以旧换新交易
trade-in value以旧换新的旧物价值
trade in industrial and agricultural products with许多国家进行工农业产品方面的贸易 (many countries)
trade industry商业部门
Trade Information Center美国的贸易情报中心
trade investment同业投资
trade journal行业刊物
trade liabilities应付
trade mark商标专用权
Trade Mark Act商标法案
trade mark infringement侵犯商标权行为
trade mark infringement冒用商标
trade mark infringement侵犯商标专用权
trade mark licence商标使用许可证
trade-mark license商标注册证
trade-mark registration certificate商标注册证书
trade name商标名
trade name招牌
trade name商品名
Trade Negotiations Committee管理关贸总协定乌拉圭回合谈判的指导团体,由所有参加乌拉圭回合谈判的国家组成贸易谈判委员会
trade-neutral subsidies对贸易起中性作用的补贴
trade of equal value等价贸易
trade of unequal values不等价贸易
trade off通过交换卖掉
trade-off analysis交替损益分析
trade-off analysis平衡相抵分析
trade-off decision折衷方案
trade-off model移用模式
trade-off risk and rate of return风险与报酬率比较
trade-offs of the benefits and costs收入和成本间的比较
trade on利用 (one's reputation, social standing, 自己的名望、社会地位)
trade on commission委托交易
trade on one's own account交易所会员自负盈亏的买卖
trade on one's own account利用自己账户的交易
trade on the Stock Exchange在证券交易所交易
Trade Opportunities Program美国的贸易机会项目
trade organization商业体制
trade partner合伙人
trade partners贸易伙伴
trade partners贸易对象
trade payment贸易收支
Trade Policy Committee美国的贸易政策委员会
Trade Policy Review Mechanism在关贸总协定乌拉圭回合中期在蒙特利尔部长级会议上建立的贸易政策审查制度
trade practice tribunal贸易惯例法庭
trade practices贸易形式
Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee美国的贸易促进协调委员会
trade quale凭样品买卖
trade quale现状条款
trade reference商行备咨
trade register treaty商标注册条约
trade regulation贸易条例
trade regulation行规
trade regulations商标管理法规
trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights TRIPs与贸易有关的知识产权指美国在关贸总协定乌拉圭回合谈判中的知识产权目标
trade-related expenses营业有关费用
trade-related investment measures与贸易有关的投资措施
trade relation贸易商务关系
trade representation商务代表人
trade representation商务代理人
trade representation商务代理 (表)
trade representative贸易代表机构
trade restrictions贸易限制
trade restrictions贸易管制
trade restrictions贸易配制 (管制)
trade-restrictive or trade-distorting effect贸易限制或贸易扭曲效应
trade results贸易结果
trade safe-guarding act贸易保护法案
trade sale通行交易
trade separation行业分割
trade show内部预演
trade show电影试映
Trade Simplification Act美国贸易简化法
trade surplus对外贸易顺差
trade surplus对外贸易出超
Trade Tariff Act of 1930美国1930 年的贸易关税法案
trade term进出口交换比率
trade term贸易条件
trade terms条款
trade terms交易条件
trade terms商业术语
trade transaction合伙竞卖
trade transaction同行拍卖
trade union职工会
trade union行业公会
trade union movement工会运动
trade unionism工联主义
trade unionism工会主义
trade unit交易单位 (交易所中股票100股为交易单位,不及 100的为零股)
trade upon利用 (one's reputation, social standing, 自己的名望、社会地位)
trade waste商业废水
trade-weighted average贸易加权平均
trade-weighted revaluation rate贸易加权重估率
trade within the area限定区域内的贸易
trade zone自由贸易带
trades unionism工会主义
turnover of foreign trade对外贸易周转率
Two countries entered into a reciprocal trade agreement after long negotiation通过长期谈判,两国订立一项互惠贸易协议
two-way trade有进有出贸易
two-way trade进出口贸易
unbridgeable chasms between different industries and trades系统与系统之间壁垒
unfavorable balance of trade逆差
unlawful trade非法经商
value of barter trade易货贸易金额
value of retail trade零售商销货额
value of trade in manufacture制成品贸易值
vertical trade纵向贸易 (先进国与落后国之间的)
volume of trade经营额
wash trade冲销交易
We agree to accept notes, bills, checks and trade acceptances我方同意接受各种票据、现钞、支票和商业承兑汇票
We agree to offer you special trade terms我方同意给予你方特别交易条件
We are earnestly looking for an agent to handle our export trade with your country我们渴望寻求一位代理商来处理我们对贵国的出口贸易事宜
We are one of the sponsors of this trade fair我们是此次商品交易会的主办人之一
We engage in a lawful trade and perform lawful practices我们从事合法的行业,做合法的事情
We express our desire to trade with you in this line我们愿与你们在这一领域进行交易
We firmly object to restraint of trade我们坚决反对贸易限制
We had a warm and friendly exchange of opinions to further mutual trade interests我们在热烈友好的气氛下交换了意见,以促进双方业务
We have a wide and varied experience in the trade so we can do a lot of trade with your country我们具有广泛、多方面的行业经验,所以能够与你国进行大量贸易
We hope you will take the lead in promoting international trade我们希望你方在促进国际贸易中起带头作用
We will discuss these questions with your trade delegation in Shanghai我们将与你方贸易代表团在上海讨论这些问题
We wrote this letter last month to explore the possibilities of develop big trade with you我们上月写这封信是想探索与你们发展贸易的可能性
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