
Terms for subject Commerce containing trade | all forms | exact matches only
a trade association贸易协会
abuse trade terms滥用贸易术语
accidents in trade贸易中的事故
Act of Trade Marks商标法
active improvement trade主动加工贸易 (从国外进口原材料半成品,加工后再岀口)
adviser on trade affairs of the government政府贸易事务顾问
Advisory Committee on Trade Negotiation美国贸易谈判咨询委员会
agricultural trade negotiation农业贸易谈判
alternative trade organization其它贸易组织缩写为ATO
Asia Pacific International Trade Fair亚太国际博览会
balance of trade贸易余额
barter trade易货贸易
be customary in trade商业上通行的
bird trade禽类贸易
Board of Trade美国商会
Board of Trade英国商务部
Border Trade Agreement边境贸易协定
brisk trade生意兴旺
Canadian International Trade Fair加拿大国际贸易博览会
Charter for International Trade Organization国际贸易组织宪章
Chicago Board of Trade芝加哥交易所 (美国最大的交易市场及世界最大的谷物市场)
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade中国国际贸易促进会
China Economic and Trade Consultants Corporation中国经济贸易咨询公司
China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation中国对外贸易运输公司
China Trade Association美国对华贸易协会
Chinese People's Council for Promotion of International Trade中国国际贸易促进会
classes of invisible trade无形贸易种类
clearing agreement trade清算协定贸易
com trade clause谷物交易条款
combined trade mark联合商标 (技术引进方使用与转让方结合在一起的商标)
come into conflict with international trade practices与国际贸易惯例相违
commission Commission on International Commodity Trade国际商品交易委员会
Commission on International Commodity Trade国际商会贸易委员会
Committee on Invisibles and Financing related to Trade无形贸易及贷款委员会
commodity terms of trade商品贸易条件
commodity trade商品贸易
compensation trade补偿贸易 (包括:购回(buy-back),反向购买 (counter purchase), 部分补偿 (partial compensation),转手交易 (switch transaction) ,相连交易 (linked deals))
compensation trade对销反向, 补偿贸易关贸总协定
compensatory trade补偿贸易 (包括:购回(buy-back),反向购买 (counter purchase), 部分补偿 (partial compensation),转手交易 (switch transaction) ,相连交易 (linked deals))
compete with other sellers in trade在贸易中与其他卖主竞争
concern for foreign trade关注对外贸易
contracted trade协定贸易
Council of Industrial Federations of the European Free Trade Association欧洲自由贸易联盟工业联合会理事会
counter trade反向贸易 (包括:易货贸易 (barter), 补偿贸易 (compensation trade), 反向购买(counter purchase),转手贸易 (switch trade))
counterfeit trade mark假冒商标
custom of the trade行业惯例
Department of Foreign Trade外贸厅
Department of Overseas Trade英国海外贸易部
direct trade直接贸易 (与间接贸易 (in direct trade) 相对)
diversify foreign trade partners对外贸易多元化
divert trade from one country to another把贸易从一国转向另一国
domestic trade国内贸易 (与国外贸易 (foreign trade) 相对)
Due protection should be provided for seller's patents and trade marks卖方专利与商标已予以应有保护
economic and trade exhibition经贸展览会
element of trade restriction限制贸易因素
Emergency Committee for American Trade美国贸易紧急委员会
entrepot trade转口贸易
ethical trade道德贸易
European Free Trade Area欧洲自由贸易区 (欧洲16国)
European Free Trade Association欧洲自由贸易联盟 (亦称 Outer Seven 外部七国集团,1959 年成立)
European Organization for Trade Promotion欧洲贸易促进委员会
factoring trade货款代收贸易
fair-trade agreement公平交易协定
fair trade certification公平贸易认证
Fair Trade Commission公平贸易委员会
fair trade minimum price公平贸易最低价格
fair trade price premium公平贸易价格溢价
fair trade shop公平贸易店
favourable trade balance贸易顺差 (与贸易逆差 (unfavourable trade balance) 相对)
flat trade平价交易
flow of international trade国际贸易往来
food and beverage trade饮食服务业
Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Ministry对外经贸部
foreign trade对外贸易 (与国内贸易 (domestic trade) 相对)
Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade中国贸促会对外贸易仲裁委员会
foreign trade circles外贸界
foreign trade favourable balance对外贸易顺差
foreign trade structure外贸商品结构
free trade自由贸易 (与保护贸易 (protection trade) 相对)
free trade area通过国家协定在成员国之间形成的自由贸易区
free trade zone设于关境外允许外国商品免税进出口地区
furniture trade家具业
give an impetus to trade促进贸易
global food trade model全球粮食贸易模式
Global Trade Analysis Project全球贸易分析项目
Grain and Feed Trade Association of the UK英国谷物饲料贸易协会
grocery trade食品杂货业
He is driving a roaring trade他做的生意兴隆
High tariff is a barrier to international trade高关税是国际贸易的障碍
High tariffs often cause a diversion of trade from one country to another高关税常常导致贸易从一国转向另一国
hindrance to trade贸易的障碍
Hire Purchase Trade Association英国分期付款贸易协会
horizontal trade水平贸易 (与垂直贸易、南北贸易 (vertical trade) 相对)
horse trade门槛很精的讨价还价交易
horse trade马匹交易
imbalance in trade贸易失调
impact on trade and local production对贸易和当地生产的影响
improvement trade加工贸易 (包括:主动加工贸易 (active improvement trade),被动加工贸易 (passive improvement trade), 过境加工贸易 (transit improvement trade))
indicator for specific trade从量贸易指标
installment trade分期付款交易
international commercial trade patterns国际商品贸易方式
international fair trade certification label国际公平贸易证明标签
International Free Trade Area国际自由贸易区
international patterns of trade国际商品贸易方式
International Trade Administration美国国际贸易署
International Trade Development Organization国际贸易发展组织
international trade dispute国际贸易争执
International Trade Fair世界贸易博览会
International Trade Organization联合国国际贸易组织
international trade patterns国际商品贸易方式
invisible trade无形贸易 (与有形贸易 (visible trade) 相对)
Japan Overseas Trade Development Conference日本海外贸易开发协会
Joint International Trade Center联合国际贸易中心
Latin-American Free Trade Association拉丁美洲自由贸易协会
leasing trade租赁业
licence trade许可证贸易 (一 trading)
license trade许可证贸易 (一 trading)
lodge a charge of infringement of trade mark控告商标侵权
London Association for Protection Trade伦敦保护贸易协会
London Com Trade Association伦敦谷物同业公会
Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Trade Marks关于国际商标注册的马德里协定 (1891 年)
master foreign trade techniques掌握外贸技巧
minimal trade-distorting effect最小贸易扭曲效应
minimal trade effect最小贸易扭曲效应
multi trade多角贸易
mutual compensating trade互抵贸易
National Council for US-China Trade美中贸易全国委员会
National Trade Development Association英国全国贸易发展协会
negative trade balance贸易逆差
net barter terms of trade进出口交换比率
net barter terms of trade贸易条件
New Zealand-Australia Free Trade Agreement新西兰澳大利亚自由贸易协定
normalization of trade贸易正常化
obstacle to trade贸易的障碍
organic trade有机产品贸易
organic trade有机贸易
Organization for Trade Cooperation联合国贸易合作组织
o.t.c. trade场外交易
overall trade-distorting domestic support扭曲贸易的国内支持总量
Overseas Trade Department英国海外贸易局
particular trade具体行业
passive balance trade逆差贸易
passive improvement trade被动加工贸易 (与主动加工贸易 (active improvement trade) 相对)
pattern of foreign trade外贸格局
pit trade场内交易 (交易所经纪人(pit traders) 在交易场中以公开喊价 (open outcry) 进行买卖)
principal trade partner主要贸易伙伴
processing trade加工贸易 (包括:来件装配 (assembling with supplied parts)、来料加工(processing with materials supplied by clients)、来样加工(processing with samples supplied by clients))
prosecute a trade从事一门行业
protected trade保护贸易 (与自由贸易 (free trade) 相对)
protection of trade贸易的保护
protective trade保护贸易 (与自由贸易 (free trade) 相对)
quantity of international trade国际贸易量
quantum of international trade国际贸易总量
ratio of dependence on foreign trade外贸依存率
reach unanimity of views on trade terms在贸易条款上达成一致看法
Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act英国互惠贸易协定法
re-export trade再输岀贸易
regional trade agreement区域性贸易安排简写为RTA
remove foreign trade barriers排除对外贸易障碍
restrain import trade限制进口贸易
restrictive trade限制性贸易
restrictive trade agreement限制性贸易协议
restrictive trade practices限制性贸易行为
Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1968英国1968年限制贸易行为法
Restrictive Trade Practices Court英国限制贸易行为法院
Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941美国对外贸易定义1941年修订本
risks of foreign trade国际贸易风险
rules-based, fair and free international trade基于规则的、公正和自由的国际贸易
safe trade安全贸易
sale by brand or trade mark凭厂牌或商标买卖
service trade服务行业
sever trade relations with a country与一国断绝贸易关系
Shanghai Foreign Trade Corporation上海外贸公司
ship trade船舶贸易
Sino-British Trade Council中英贸易协会
south-north trade垂直贸易
South-North trade南北贸易 (指垂直贸易 (vertical trade))
special trade专门贸易 (包括专门出口(special export)、专门进口(special import))
special trade representative特别贸易谈判代表
Sri Lanka State Trade Corporation斯里兰卡国家贸易公司
studies made under the auspices of several foreign trade corporations几家外贸公司赞助下的研究
Such risks are contingent to the trade此类危险对于该行业而言是偶然会发生的
superprotective trade超保护贸易
supplementary trade mechanism EEC附加贸易机制欧洲经济共同体, 缩写为STM
suspension of trade贸易中断
swap trade互换交易
tangible goods trade有形商品贸易
technical barriers to tradeTBT协定
technical barriers to trade技术性贸易壁垒
terms of trade进出口交换比率
The buyer deliberated the trade terms and conditions before he made a counter-offer在进行还盘前买主慎重考虑了交易条件
The buyer is in certain cases entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods i£ they are not packed in accordance with his instructions or with the custom of the trade买方在一定情况下
The buyer is in certain cases entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods i£ they are not packed in accordance with his instructions or with the custom of the trade有权拒绝接受货物
The buyer is in certain cases entitled to refuse the acceptance of the goods i£ they are not packed in accordance with his instructions or with the custom of the trade如果货物包装与买方要求或行业惯例不相符合
The buyer shall undertake the expenses by custom of the trade按行业惯例费用必须由买方承担
The establishment of a permanent sales organization is greatly favoured in foreign trade在对外贸易中建立常设销售机构极受重视
The new regulations governing export trade have come into effect新出口贸易规定已经生效
The trade mark is registered on the books of the Patent Office该商标已记入专利局的登记册
The trade term is capable of two interpretations这一贸易术语可作两种解释
The volume of trade between us does not consist with the agency agreement concluded我们之间的贸易额与我们达成的代理协议不符
The volume of trade in this line has greatly increased since last year此类货物的贸易额自去年以来有了很大增加
They trade in light industrial products他们经营轻工业产品
total volume of import and export trade进岀口贸易总量
trade acceptance商业承兑票据 (与银行承兑汇票 bank acceptance)
trade acceptance bill商业承兑票据 (与银行承兑汇票 bank acceptance)
trade account商业账户
trade account payable应付贸易账款 (与应收贸易账款(trade account receivable) 相对)
Trade Act of 1974美国1974年贸易法
trade advertising商业广告
Trade Agreement Act美国贸易协定法
Trade Agreement Committee美国贸易协定委员会
Trade Agreements Act of 1979美国1979年贸易协定法
trade analysis贸易分析
trade and development贸易与开发
Trade and Development Board联合国贸发会议贸易与发展理事会
Trade and Tariff Act of 1984美国1984年贸易及关税法
trade association同业行会
trade balance贸易余额
trade barrier贸易壁垒 (包括关税壁垒 (tariff barrier)、非关税壁垒 (non-tariff barrier))
trade bloc贸易集团
trade by barter易货贸易
trade channel贸易途径
trade circle商业周期
trade circular回单
trade competition贸易竞争
trade cycle商业周期 (指经济周期 (economic cycle))
trade cycle贸易循环
trade debtor商业债务人 (与商业债权人 (trade creditor) 相对)
trade deficit贸易赤字 (指贸易逆差 (unfavourable balance of trade))
trade deregulation process放宽贸易管制过程
trade deregulation process解除贸易管制过程
trade description商品说明
Trade Development Council香港贸易发展理事会
trade-distorting subsidy对贸易产生扭曲作用的补贴
trade exhibition贸易博览会
trade expansion贸易扩张
Trade Expansion Act美国扩大贸易法
Trade Facilitation Committee美国、日本贸易促进委员会
Trade has an important bearing on the relations of China and Japan贸易对中日关系举足轻重
trade imbalance贸易失调
trade imbalance贸易不平衡
trade in licenses许可证贸易
trade in services服务贸易
trade in technology技术贸易
trade instrument贸易手段
trade liability购货债务
trade mark leasing商标租让
trade mark licence商标许可证
trade mark license商标使用许可证
trade mark license商标许可证
trade mark licensing contract商标使用许可合同
trade mark management商标管理
trade mark renewal注册商标续展
Trade marks Bureau中国商标局
trade name厂商商店名称
trade name商标名称
Trade Negotiation Committee贸易谈判委员会
trade note receivable应收商业票据 (指期票(promissory note))
trade-off study权衡
trade organization行业组织
trade partner交易对手
Trade Policy Committee美国贸易政策委员会
Trade Practices Commission斯里兰卡贸易惯例委员会
Trade Preference Negotiation Group贸易特惠谈判小组
trade price同业价格 (指企业 (enterprise) 对批发商 (wholesaler) 采用的价格)
trade reference商业信用备询
trade regime贸易制度
trade regime贸易体制
trade-related investment measures与贸易有关的投资措施缩写为TRIMS
Trade Relations Association美国贸易关系协会
Trade Relations Council of the United States美国贸易关系理事会
trade remedy complaint要求贸易改善的请愿
trade returns贸易利润
trade route贸易路线 (指航路 (shipping route))
trade sale同业拍卖
trade sale同业销售
trade sub-index贸易次级指数
trade surplus贸易盈余 (指贸易顺差 (favourable balance of trade))
trade surplus贸易顺差
trade terms贸易条件
trade ticket外汇成交单
trade usages同业习惯
trade usages贸易惯例
trade value index贸易价格指数
transit improvement trade for import加工输入贸易 (指被动加工贸易 (passive improvement trade))
transport and communication trade交通运输业
tremendous push to international trade对国际贸易的巨大促进
U.K. Committee for the Simplification of International Trade Procedures英国国际贸易程序简化委员会
ultra-marine trade海外贸易
United Association for the Protection of Trade英国贸易保护联合协会
United Nations Standard International Trade Classification联合国标准国际贸易分类
United Nations Trade and Development Board联合国贸易和发展委员会
United States-Japan Trade Council美日贸易委员会
urban and rural trade fair城乡集市贸易
usage of trade贸易惯例
value of foreign trade对外贸易价值
visible trade有形贸易 (与无形贸易 (invisible trade) 相对)
We regret we cannot agree to your trade terms我们抱歉不能同意你方贸易条款
Western Hemisphere Conference on Foreign Trade and Arbitration西半球对外贸易及仲裁会议
Western Hemisphere Trade Corporation美国西半球贸易公司
wholesale trade批发业
wholesale trade批发业务贸易
wild bird trade野鸟贸易
World Federation of Trade Unions世界贸易协会联合会
world trade国际贸易
World Trade Alliance Association英国世界贸易联盟协会
World Trade Centres Association国际贸易中心协会
world trade directory世界贸易商行名录
World Trade Information Service美国世界贸易情报处