
Terms for subject Environment containing trade | all forms | exact matches only
animal trade The process or act of exchanging, buying or selling animals, especially livestock动物交易 (交换,买卖动物的行为,特别是对于牲畜。)
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distributive trade Distribution of material goods to consumers, through retailing and wholesaling配售交易 (通过批发或零售将物质产品分配给消费者。)
domestic trade Trade wholly carried on at home; as distinguished from foreign commerce国内贸易 (完全在国内进行的贸易,与对外贸易有所不同。)
East-West trade Trade between countries and companies of the Western hemisphere with those of the Eastern hemisphere (usually referring to former Communist countries of Eastern Europe)东西方贸易 (东半球(通常是指东欧前共产主义国家)的国家以及公司与西半球国家以及公司之间的贸易。)
foreign trade Trade between countries and firms belonging to different countries外贸 (不同国家之间或不同国家公司之间的贸易。)
free trade Trade which is unimpeded by tariffs, import and export quotas and other measures which obstruct the free movement of goods and services between states自由贸易 (不受关税、进口和出口配额和其他阻碍国家间货物和服务自由流通措施限制的贸易。)
international trade The flow of commodities and goods between nations国际贸易 (国与国之间的商品和货物的流动。)
manufacturing trade The process or act of exchanging, buying or selling any manufactured product, or the raw materials for any manufacturing process制造业贸易 (交换、购买或出售任何制造产品、或任何生产过程中所需的原料的过程或行为。)
plant trade Trade of plants is subjected to regulations established by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)植物贸易 (植物贸易要遵从国际贸易大会建立的章程(援引)。)
promotion of trade and industry Any activity that encourages or supports the buying, selling or exchanging of goods or services with other countries, which could include marketing, diplomatic pressure or the provision of export incentives such as credits and guarantees, government subsidies, training and consultation or advice对贸易和工业的促进 (鼓励或支持购买、销售或交换商品的活动,包括营销、外交压力或提供出口优惠政策,如信用和保证、政府补贴、培训和咨询或意见等。)
restrictive trade practice Business operation or action that confines or limits the free exchange of goods and services within a country or between countries, which may include discrimination, exclusive dealings, collusion agreements or price fixing限制竞争行为 (在一个国家内部或国家之间限制自由商品和服务交换的业务操作或活动,这种限制包括歧视、独家交易、协议或串通定价。)
retail trade The sale of goods to ultimate consumers, usually in small quantities零售贸易 (向最终用户销售商品,通常是小数量的。)
trade activity贸易活动
trade and consumption The act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging commodities and the use of goods and services贸易和消费 (购买、销售或交换商品的行为或过程,以及商品和服务的使用。)
trade barrier An artificial restraint on the free exchange of goods and services between nations. The most common types of trade barriers are tariffs, quotas, and exchange control. Such obstacles to trade are usually imposed by a country that wishes to protect domestic products in their home market against foreign competition, better its terms of trade, reduce domestic unemployment, or improve its balance-of-payments position. The raising of trade barriers by one country often provokes other nations position. Generally, the effect of a trade barrier is to reduce the volume of trade while increasing the domestic price of the protected good. Thus, it results in a relatively inefficient allocation of world resources and reduces the level of total world income and production贸易壁垒 (对国家间商品和服务的自由交换设置的人为的限制。贸易壁垒最常见的类型有关税、配额和外汇管制。这种贸易障碍,通常是由希望在国内市场保护其本国产品以对付国外竞争的国家来实行的,从而改善其贸易条件,减少国内失业,或改善其国际收支平衡状况。一个国家发起的贸易壁垒常会挑起其它国家的的立场。总的来说,贸易壁垒的后果是使国内受保护商品的价格上涨的同时还会减少贸易总量。因此,它会导致全球资源的一个相对低效的分配,会减少全球总体收入和产量的水平。)
trade impact on environment Trade impacts on the environment can be direct, such as trade of endangered species, of natural resources, of natural products such as tropical timber, etc., or indirect, such as deforestation, loss of habitats, pollution from mining, from energy production, oil spills, global warming, etc., increases in transport infrastructures贸易对环境的影响 (贸易对环境的影响可以是直接的,如濒危特种、自然资源、自然产品(如热带木材)的贸易。也可以是间接的,如森林砍伐、栖息地丧失和因采矿、能源生产、石油泄漏、全球气候变暖等而引起的污染,以及交通运输基础设施的增加。)
trade policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which promotes or determines the direction for the act or process of buying, selling or exchanging goods and services within a country or between countries贸易政策 (政府、企业或某些其它组织所采取和实施的一系列行动,旨在促进或决定在一个国家内部或国际间购买、销售或交换商品和服务的行为或过程的方向。)
trade relations贸易关系
trade restriction Commercial discrimination that apply to the exports of certain countries but not to similar goods from other countries贸易限制 (用于对某些国家出口商品的商业歧视,但不应用于其它国家的类似商品。)
trade waste All types of waste generated by offices, restaurants, shops, warehouses and other such non-manufacturing sources, and non-processing waste generated at manufacturing facilities such as office and packaging waste商业废料 (所有由办公室、餐馆、商场、仓库和其它非制造业来源所产生的废料,和在生产设施中产生的非加工废料,如办公和包装废料。)
trade waste工业废水 (sewage)
trades union An organization whose members are wholly or mainly workers and whose principal purposes include the regulation of relations between workers and employers or employers' associations行业工会 (一个组织,其成员全部或主要是工人,其主要用途包括工人和雇主或雇主组织之间关系的管理。)
wastewater from trade Liquid or waterborne wastes polluted or fouled by commercial operations商业废水 (商业经营所污染的液体或水性废物。)
wholesale trade The business of selling goods to retailers in larger quantities than they are sold to final consumers but in smaller quantities than they are purchased from manufacturers批发贸易 (销售给零售商的商品比出售给最终消费者的商品数量大,但比从制造商购买的商品的数量小的业务。)