
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing trade | all forms | exact matches only
active trade balance贸易盈余
aids to trade贸易支柱
anti-trade winds反信风
barter trade换货贸易
border trade过境贸易
entreport trade转口贸易
foreign trade enterprise外贸企业
foreign-trade financing外贸资金通融
General Agreement on Tariff and Trade关税与贸易总协定
General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs贸易与关税总协定
horizontal trade competition同业竞争
import-export trade进出口贸易
international oil trade mode国际石油贸易方式
ownership of trade mark商标所有权
physical trade实物贸易
trade accounts payable购销应付账款
trade discount购销折扣
trade fair贸易展销会
trade in purchase退旧买新
trade mark agreement商标协议
trade-wind desert信风区沙漠
trade-wind desert热带沙漠
trade year贸易年度
visile trade有形贸易