
Terms for subject Textile industry containing trade | all forms | exact matches only
accelerated trade payment加速贸易支付
active processing trade主动加工贸易
active trade积极贸易
active trade主动贸易
administrative setup of foreign trade外贸管理体制
agreement trade协定贸易
annual foreign trade年对外贸易
annual statistics of foreign trade对外贸易年度统计
annual volume of trade年贸易量
annual volume of trade年交易量
Atlantic Free Trade Area北大西洋自由贸易区
blackout of trade贸易中断
Boston Wool Trade Association美国波士顿羊毛贸易协会
Boston Wool Trade Association波士顿羊毛贸易协会
breach of international trade custom违反国际贸易惯例
brisk market trade市场交易活跃
bulk trade散装交易
bulk trade大宗贸易
buy-back compensatory trade回购补偿交易
buy-back trade回购交易
buy-back trade补偿贸易
buy-back trade产品返销
cease trade停止交易
cease trade停止业务
cease trade罢市
channels for foreign trade对外贸易渠道
China's trade对华贸易
China's trade中国贸易
Chinese trade mission中国贸易代表团
clandestine trade私下交易
classification of international trade国际贸易分类
classification of trade documents贸易单证分类
classification of trade documents贸易文件分类
classification of trades贸易分类
classification of trades交易分类
classification of trades行业分类
coast trade沿海贸易
coast trade duties沿海贸易税
compensation trade agreement补偿贸易协定
compensation trade contract补偿贸易合同
conference in containerized trade集装箱行业公会
consultancy on international trade国际贸易咨询
convert trade barrier变相贸易壁垒
cooperation trade合作贸易
counter trade对等贸易
counter trade反向贸易
counter trade对销贸易
custom and usage of international trade国际贸易惯例
custom of international trade国际贸易惯例
cutting trade服饰业
cutting up trade裁剪行业美国
distributive trade批发贸易
electronic trade电子商务
engage in trade从事贸易
engage in trade经商
European Free Trade Committee欧洲自由贸易委员会
exhilaration in trade贸易兴旺
flow of trade贸易流量
garment trade外衣业
garment trade服装业
garment trade服装贸易
garments trade服装贸易
garments trade clause服装贸易条款
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade关税及贸易总协定 (GATT)
general terms of trade一般贸易条件
general terms of trade一般交易条件
global compensation trade全球性补偿贸易
harsh terms of trade苛刻贸易条件
horizontal trade南南贸易
horizontal trade横向贸易
illicit trade秘密贸易
immaterial trade无形贸易
instrument of trade贸易单证
instrument of trade贸易文件
instrument of trade贸易证券
intermediate trade代理贸易
intermediate trade中介贸易
International Fur Trade Federation国际皮草贸易联合会 (IFTF)
international multilateral negotiation of trade国际多边贸易谈判
international multilateral trade negotiation国际多边贸易谈判
international negotiation of trade国际贸易谈判
international technology trade国际技术贸易
international trade negotiation国际贸易磋商
international trade negotiation国际商业议付
international trade negotiation国际贸易让购
international trade negotiation国际贸易洽谈
international trade negotiation国际商务谈判
international wool trade国际羊毛贸易
intra-city trade同城贸易
intra-firm trade公司内部交易
know-how trade专有技术贸易
know-how trade技术贸易
liberal trade port自由贸易港
liberal trade zone自由贸易区
Linen Trade Association亚麻行业协会
Linen Trade Association亚麻贸易协会
liner trade班轮货运
liner trade route班轮货运航线
local trade地方贸易
management of foreign trade enterprises外贸企业管理
management of international trade国际贸易管理
management of trade marks商标管理
manual of foreign trade practice外贸实务手册
many-side trade negotiation多边贸易谈判
measures of trade promotion贸易促进措施
measures of trade protection贸易保护措施
merchandise trade货物买卖
merchandise trade company商品贸易公司
merchandise trade contract公司货物买卖合同
merchandise trade contract商品贸易契约
merchandise trade deficit商品贸易赤字
monopoly in foreign trade专营外贸
monopoly in foreign trade对外贸易垄断
monopoly trade垄断贸易
monopoly trade专营贸易
monopoly trade统治贸易
National Union of Footwear, Leather and Allied Trades全国鞋袜、皮革及同业联合会
National Wool Trade Association全国羊毛同业协会
net barter trade纯易货贸易
new technique of international trade国际贸易新技术
New Trade Negotiation新国际回合
New Trade Negotiation新贸易谈判
occasional trade临时贸易
ocean trade海外通商
ocean trade海上贸易
official trade政府贸易
official trade官方贸易
offsetting trade抵消贸易
offsetting trade补偿贸易
ordinary course of trade政府贸易途径
ordinary course of trade正常贸易程序
ordinary trade正常贸易
ordinary trade日常交易
origin of trade贸易根源
orthodox practice of trade传统贸易惯例
paperless trade无纸贸易
partner's in a trade经营合伙人
pattern of foreign trade外贸方式
pattern of foreign trade外贸样式
pattern of foreign trade外贸类型
pattern of foreign trade对外贸易格局
policy for trade贸易政策
port of trade通商口岸
port of trade商港
port of trade贸易港
practice of trade贸易惯例
principal trade主理公司贸易
principal-to-principal trade旅游经营者间直接贸易
principal-to-principal trade货主间直接贸易
quantitative trade quota贸易定额
quantitative trade quota贸易额度
quantitative trade quota贸易数量配额
quota system for international trade国际贸易配额制
rag trade服装业口语
rag trade成衣业
rag trade服装业
reciprocity in trade贸易互惠
reciprocity in trade商业互惠
reciprocity trade贸易互惠
reciprocity trade商业互惠
registered trade name注册商号
registered trade name注册店名
registered trade name注册商标
relation of trade贸易关系
risk return trade-off studies风险收益比较研究
river trade河流贸易
river trade沿河贸易
river trade内河贸易
roundabout trade间接贸易
school of foreign trade外贸学院
school of foreign trade对外贸易学校
sea trade海上贸易
seaborne trade海上贸易
sea-carrying trade海运贸易
sea-carrying trade海运业
sell to the trade卖给同行
Sewing Machine Trade Association缝纫机同业协会
side trade副业
South-North trade南北贸易
stamp the trade mark压印商标
staple trade大宗商品贸易
strategy of foreign trade外贸战略
switched trade转手贸易
tally trade赊售
tally trade赊卖
tally trade赊销贸易
tally trade system赊销贸易法
tally trade system赊销制
tax-free trade zone免税贸易区
technical trade技术贸易
temporary trade短期贸易
terms of trade进岀口货价比率
terms of trade贸易比率
third-country trade第三国贸易
tourist trade旅游业
trade acceptance贸易承兑票据
trade acceptance payable应付商业承兑票据
trade acceptance receivable应收贸易承兑票据
trade access贸易机遇
trade account贸易账户
trade account贸易账目
trade account payable贸易应付账款
trade account payable商业应付账款
Trade Advisory Council贸易咨询委员会
trade agency贸易代理机构
trade agent贸易代理商
trade agreement行业性劳资协议
trade and development贸易与发展
trade and economic group贸易经济团体
trade and payment liberalization贸易支付自由化
trade arbitration商务仲裁
trade arbitration贸易仲裁
trade area贸易区
trade bank商业银行
trade block贸易同盟
trade block pattern商用基准服装纸样
trade book商业账簿
trade brand商号
trade capital贸易资本
trade caravan旅行队
trade cargo贸易物品
trade cargo贸易品
trade channel商业渠道
trade channel贸易渠道
trade circles贸易界
trade circular商业报单
trade circular商务通告
trade claim商务索赔
trade claim贸易索赔
trade combination贸易联盟
trade commission商务专员公署
trade company贸易公司
trade concession贸易优惠
trade concession贸易让步
trade confrontation贸易对抗
trade contact贸易接触
trade contact贸易往来
trade contract商务合同
trade contract贸易契约
trade cooperation贸易合作
trade cooperation商业联合
trade cooperative合作商社
trade cooperative商业合作社
trade corporation国营贸易公司
trade corporation贸易公司
trade cost营业成本
trade cost system商业成本制度
trade counter贸易柜台
trade counter贸易部
trade counter商业批发部
trade counter贸易仓库
trade creation贸易开拓
trade creation effect贸易创造效应
trade credit信用交易
trade credit贸易信用证
trade credit贸易赊账
trade creditor销货借款人
trade creditor应收账款方
trade custom商业惯例
trade cycle商业循环
trade data商业数据
trade data贸易资料
trade date成交日期
trade date交易日期
trade debtor购货债务人
trade debtor贸易债务人
trade debtor购货客户
trade deflection贸易转销
trade delegation贸易代表团
trade depression商业不景气
trade directory商业介绍
trade directory贸易商行名录
trade discipline贸易规则
trade discount同业折扣
trade discount贸易折扣
trade discount批发折扣
trade discrimination贸易歧视政策
trade discrimination policy贸易歧视政策
trade dispute商务纠纷
trade dispute贸易争议
trade dispute商业争执
trade diversion effect转移贸易作用
trade dollar贸易美元
trade drive贸易促进
trade duty贸易税
trade embargo禁止通商
trade estate商业用地
trade estate商业区
trade estate贸易区
trade expenses营业费用
trade fair交易会
trade fair展销会
trade fair展览会
trade fair贸易洽谈会
trade federation贸易联营组织
trade finance商业信贷
trade firm商行
trade firm商业企业
trade firm贸易公司
trade firm贸易行
trade fleet商船队
trade flow贸易流向
trade flow贸易流量
trade flow theory贸易流向学说
trade fluctuation贸易波动
trade fluctuation贸易盛衰波动
trade forecasting贸易预测
trade form贸易方式
trade friction商务纠纷
trade friction商业倾轧
trade friction贸易摩擦
trade gap进出口差额
trade gap贸易缺口
trade gap外贸逆差
trade goods商品
trade goods贸易商品
trade hazard商业风险
trade hazard贸易风险
trade house贸易行
trade house贸易货栈
trade house商行
trade-in allowance抵换价值
trade-in allowance折价物折扣
trade-in allowance抵换折扣
trade-in allowance抵换金额
trade-in deal旧换新交易
trade-in sale折价买卖
trade-in sale折价贴换
trade-in sale以旧换新买卖
trade-in selling折价交易
trade-in selling以旧换新买卖
trade-in technology技术贸易
trade-in technology-intensive manufacture技术密集制成品贸易
trade index贸易指数
trade law商法
trade licence商业牌照
trade limit贸易限额
trade limit贸易范围
trade limit贸易限制
trade loss商业性损失
trade loss交易损失
trade margin营业利润
trade margin商业毛利
trade mark牌子
trade mark商标
trade mark interest商标权益
trade mark law商标法
trade mark legislation商标条例
trade mark legislation商标法
trade mark license商标特许权
trade mark license商标注册证
trade mark privilege商标特许权
trade mark protection商标保护
trade mark registered注册商标
trade mark registered administration商标注册管理
trade mark registration商标登记
trade mark registration商标注册
trade mark registration fee商标注册费
trade mark registration law商标注册法
trade mark regulations商标管理法规
trade mark right商标权
trade matrix贸易比例矩阵
trade multiplier贸易乘数
trade name商标
trade negotiation贸易磋商
trade negotiation商务谈判
trade network商用网络
trade network贸易网
trade note payable应付商业票据
trade note receivable应收商业票据
trade option交易式选择权
trade out售出
trade pact贸易协定
trade pact贸易条约
trade paper行业报纸《销售》
trade pattern贸易形式
trade payable应付货款
trade payable应付贸易款项
trade payment贸易支付
trade people零售商
trade people店主
trade people商界
trade people商人
trade point商业点
trade point贸易中心
trade point贸易点
trade practice商业惯例
trade practice贸易惯例
trade practice贸易习惯
trade practice commission贸易惯例委员会
trade preference贸易商业优惠
trade preference贸易优先权
trade price批发价《销售》
trade price同行价
trade price同行批发价
trade procurator贸易代理人
trade profit商业利润
trade profit贸易收益
trade profit and loss account贸易营业损益账户
trade profit and loss sheet贸易损益表
trade profit and loss statement贸易损益表
trade promotion贸易推广
trade promotion贸易促进
trade promotion association贸易促进协会
trade promotion committee贸促会
trade promotion committee贸易促进委员会
trade promotion division促销部门
trade promotion division商业推广部门
trade promotion division贸易促进部门
trade promotion society贸易促进协会
trade protection贸易保护
trade protection measures贸易保护措施
trade protection policy贸易保护政策
trade quota贸易额度
trade quota贸易配额
trade quota agreement贸易配额协定
trade rate同业汇率
trade receivables应收贸易账项
trade reference商号参证
trade register商业注册
trade regulations贸易法规
trade regulations通商规章
trade related expenses贸易有关费用
trade related expenses营业有关费用
trade related investment measures与贸易有关的投资措施
trade relations商业关系
trade relationship商业关系
trade relationship贸易关系
trade returns商业利润
trade rights贸易权利
trade risk贸易风险
trade risk贸易危险
trade route商道
trade route商路
trade route通商航线
trade sale同行交易
trade sale同业竞销
trade sale批发销售
trade sale批发拍卖
trade sale同业买卖
trade sample商用样品
trade seam折伏缝
trade seam明包缝
trade secret行业秘密《销售》
trade secret行业秘密
trade show贸易展览
trade show展销会
trade show商业展览
trade shows and exhibits贸易展览会
trade station商用车站
trade station商站
trade tax贸易税
trade term行话
trade term行业用语
trade terms贸易条款
trade terms and conditions贸易条款与条件
trade ticket成交单
trade unionist工会会员
trade up转高档经营
trade up向上贸易
trade usage贸易惯例
trade value index贸易值指数
trade volume贸易额
trade wall关税
trade waste工业废料
trade weight商用砝码
trade-weighted depreciation贸易加权贬值
trade-weighted exchange rate贸易加权汇率
trade with payment in convertible currency现汇贸易
trade zone贸易带
tramp trade不定期航运业
transfer of trade贸易权让渡
transfer of trade业务转让
transhipment trade转运贸易
transit improvement trade转口加工贸易
trick of the trade贸易计谋
usage of international trade国际贸易惯例
value barter trade金额易货贸易
value of international trade世界贸易总额
value of international trade国际贸易值
value of retail trade零售贸易价值
value of trade贸易额
value of trade贸易值
value of wholesale trade批发贸易额
value of wholesale trade批发额
value of wholesale trade批发贸易价值
value whole sale trade商业批发销售额
vertical trade纵式贸易
violation of trade agreement违反贸易协定
volume of foreign trade对外贸易额
volume of international trade国际贸易额
volume of over-all trade贸易总额
volume of trade营业数量
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