
Terms containing trade | all forms | exact matches only
securit.advantages of stock trades股票交易的优势
securit.agency trade代理交易
avia.American Board of Trade美国商贸委员会
securit.appropriate a trade承揽交易
securit.appropriate a trade承接业务
securit.ASEAN Free Trade Area东南亚自由贸易区
comp.name.Asia East Africa Trade Agreement亚洲东非贸易协议组织
gen.Association of Electrical Machinery Trades电机商业协会
securit.assume responsibility for unauthorized trades为非授权交易承担责任证券交易中
comp.name.ATA Asia West Africa Trade Agreement亚洲西非贸易协议组织
securit.automated trade system自动交易系统
securit.balance of trade进出口贸易差额
securit.basket trades一揽子交易多种证券的组合交易
securit.block trade大宗股票交易
securit.block trade巨额交易
securit.block trade facility大宗交易机制
securit.block trade facility大手交易设施
securit.block trade facility批量交易机制
securit.board of trade商业委员会
securit.board of trade商业局
avia.Board of Trade〔英〕贸易部
securit.Board of Trade Clearing Corporation交易所结算公司 (Chicago, 芝加哥)
avia.board of trade unit〔英〕英国商用电能单位=1千瓦•小时
gen.Board of Trade Unit"电度"单位=1千瓦•时
securit.board trade报价板交易
securit.break regional blockades and trade monopolies打破地区封锁和行业垄断
securit.breakout trade突破交易技术分析
securit.brisk trade/trading交易活跃
securit.brisk trade/trading贸易繁荣
securit.brisk trade/trading活跃的行情
avia.British Motor Trade Association英国汽车业协会
securit.broker-broker trade经纪人之间的交易
refrig.building envelope trade-off option围护结构权衡选择
gen.by trade职业是
securit.cabinet trade小金额交易
securit.capital considerations in trade planning交易计划中的资本因素
securit.capital in trade交易资本
securit.carry trade利差交易
securit.cash trade/transaction现金交易
comp.name.China Association of Trade in Services中国服务贸易协会
comp.name.China Free Trade Zone and Export Processing Zone Association中国保税区出口加工区协会
comp.name.China International Economics and Trade Arbitration Commission中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会
comp.name.China National Association of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Enterprises中国对外经济贸易企业协会
avia.China Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone中国 上海自由贸易试验区 (2013年9月23日成立)
avia.China Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone中国上海自由贸易试验区
gen.China's trade withM 中国对M贸易
gen.Chinese Economic and Trade Exhibitions中国经济贸易展览会
ecol.chlorination in trade waste工业废水的氯化 (处理)
securit.choppy trade股市涨落
securit.choppy trade股价升跌不一
securit.clean trade清仓交易
securit.closed trade弥补卖空差额
securit.closed trade买进证券
securit.closed trade买卖相抵交易
securit.collaborating with others in securities trade证券交易中串通他人
securit.come out of the trade退出交易
securit.composite trade综合交易
nautic., tech.composition of foreign trade对外贸易货物结构
nautic., tech.composition of international trade国际贸易货物结构
securit.confirmation of trade/transaction交易的确认
securit.control of trade交易的控制
ecol.Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约CITES 公约,华盛顿公约
securit.convertible bonds with detachable trade分离交易可转换债券
securit.cool demand for stock by increasing trade tax通过增加印花税减少对股票的需求
gen.Coordinating Committee of East-West Trade Policy对社会主义国家出口协调委员会
avia.cost-effectiveness trade-off从费效比考虑的设计折中办法
securit.countertrend trade逆市操作
securit.countertrend trade逆市交易
securit.crack down on behaviors breaking laws or regulations in securities trade打击证券交易中违法违规行为
avia.crashworthiness trade options适坠性权衡选项
securit.cross trade混合交易
securit.cross trade交叉买卖
securit.crossed trade跨盘交易 (违规使部分交易者优先优价交易)
securit.crossed trade交叉交易
gen.Cutlery and Allied Trades Research Association刃具制造业及有关行业研究协会
securit.date of trade交易日执行交易委托的日期
securit.day trade即日交易
avia.defense trade security initiative军贸安全倡议
avia.department of industry, trade and commerce工商贸易部 (加拿大)
avia.Department of Industry Trade and Commerce〔加〕工商贸易部
avia.Department of Trade and Industry〔英〕贸易工业部
avia.design trade设计行业
securit.detachable trade分离交易
securit.develop trans-regional and inter-trade enterprise groups发展跨地区跨行业的企业集团
nautic., tech.direction of foreign trade对外贸易地理方向
securit.dividend trade plan股利交易获利计划
securit.dividend trade roll股利交易滚动获利
securit.domestic trade settlement本地交易结算
securit.domestic trade settlement本地交易交割
nautic., tech.double factorial terms of trade双因素贸易条件
ecol.economic trade-off经济权衡
securit.electronic trade网上交易
securit.electronic trade电子交易
ecol.emissions trade排放交易
securit.end-of-day trade data file transfer service收盘后交易数据文档传递服务
shipb.engage in foreign trade经营外贸
avia.engineering trade studies工程经营研究
securit.enhancing the strike on behaviors breaking laws or regulations in securities trade强化打击证券交易违法违规行为的力度
securit.error trade错误交易
comp.name.Europe-Asia Trade Agreement欧亚贸易协定
securit.execute a trade order执行交易订单
securit.execute a trade order执行交易指令
nautic., tech.existing special trade passenger ship现有特种业务客船
securit.exiting from a trade退出交易
securit.Federal Reserve trade-weighted dollar index联储外汇加权指数
securit.Federal Trade Commission联邦交易委员会监管证券交易中违规违法行为的机构
securit.fictitious trade不实交易
securit.fictitious trade虚构交易
fisheryfish trade鱼品贸易
nautic., tech.foreign trade coefficient对外贸易依存度
nautic., tech.foreign-trade zones外贸保税区
ecol.forest carbon trade森林碳汇交易
securit.forward trade/transaction期货交易
securit.forward trade/transaction远期交易
gen.Foundry Trade Journal铸造业杂志
avia.general agreement on national trade and tariffs关税及贸易总协议
avia.general agreement on tariff and trade关税和贸易总协定1947 年在日内瓦签订
nautic., tech.general trade system总贸易体系
securit.give-up trade转移交易
securit.give-up trade让与交易
nautic., tech.goods trade货物贸易
securit.gray market trade灰市交易
gen.have a monopoly of foreign trade拥有对外贸易专营权
shipb.hold trade negotiations进行贸易谈判
securit.Hong Kong Trade Development香港贸易发展局
securit.horse trade讨价还价
securit.horse trade交易中讨价后又让步
securit.impact of trade suspension停牌造成的影响
securit.in and out trade短期交易
securit.independent trade code独立交易代码
securit.inflating turnover and volume of stocks trade推高股票的成交额及成交量
securit.information-driven trade信息驱动的交易
securit.informationless trades信息不充分的交易
securit.informationless trades信息缺乏型交易
securit.in-house cross trades公司内部的交叉交易
securit.in-house trade内部交易证券经纪商之间彼此交易客户的买卖委托,而不经过交易所
securit.instruction to trade at market price市价委托
securit.instruction to trade at market price市价交易通知
securit.instruction to trade at price limit限价委托
securit.instruction to trade at price limit限价交易通知
nautic., tech.intermediary trade转口贸易
securit.internal trade crossing system内部交叉交易系统
fisheryinternational fish trade水产品国际贸易
gen.International Printing Machinery and Allied Trades Exhibition国际印刷机械及有关行业展览会
gen.International Rules far the Interpretation of Trade Terms国际商会编写的国际贸易术语解释通则 (Incoterms)
gen.International Society of Leather Trades Chemists国际皮革业化学家协会
nautic., tech.International trade by region国际贸易地理方向
comp.name.International Trade Union Confederation国际工会联盟
securit.interpose a trade加插交易
securit.interpose a trade干预交易
ecol.intra-industry trade行业内贸易
ecol.intra-industry trade pollution control planning行业内贸易
securit.inveigling a shareholder into a unnecessary trade诱使股东进行不必要的交易
gen.Iron and Steel Trades Confederation钢铁商业联盟
gen.Iron and Steel Trades Employers' Association钢铁业雇主协会
gen.jack of all trades很多活儿都会一点儿的人
securit.jobber trade批发商交易
securit.jobber trade当日平仓交易
securit.Kansas City Board of Trade堪萨斯城交易所
securit.kerb trade/trading正式市场结束后的交易
securit.kerb trade/trading场外交易
securit.late day trade过时交易
securit.late day trade收盘后交易收市后进行的买卖交易
nautic., transp.liner trade班轮贸易
fisherylive fish trade活鱼贸易
securit.loss-making trade亏损交易
securit.loss-making trade造成亏本的交易
avia.Machine Tool Trade Association〔英〕机床贸易协会
gen.Machine Tool Trades Association机床业协会
gen.Machine Tool Trades Association机床贸易协会
securit.margin trade信用交易
securit.margin trade融资交易投资者从券商处借人资金买进股票
securit.margin trade保证金交易
avia.Ministry of International Trade and Industry〔日〕通商产业部
securit.mismatched trade不匹配交易
securit.mismatched trade错配交易
securit.missing trade漏掉交易
securit.missing trade错过交易
securit.mysteries of a trade行业的秘诀
securit.NASDAQ Trade Dissemination Service纳斯达克交易数据传递服务系统
avia.national aviation trades association国家航空贸易协会
avia.National Aviation Trades Association全国航空同业工会 (美国)
securit.National Securities Trade Association全国证券交易协会
nautic., tech.net barter terms of trade价格贸易条件
nautic., tech.net barter terms of trade净贸易条件
securit.net trade volume净成交量
securit.netting of trade计算交易净额
nautic., tech.new special trade passenger ship新特种业务客船
securit.New York Board of Trade纽约交易所旗下拥有纽约期货交易所,纽约棉花交易所,咖啡、糖和可可交易所等子交易所
securit.New York Board of Trade纽约交易所成立于1998年,是由纽约棉花交易所"New York Cotton Exchange" 和咖啡、糖、可可交易所 "Coffee Sugar Cocoa Exchange"合并而来的
securit.noise trade受传闻影响的交易把噪音、谣传当成信息而进行的交易
securit.noise trade噪音交易
nautic., tech.North America free trade agreement北美自由贸易协定
gen.North Atlantic Free Trade Area北美自由贸易区协定
gen.not in trade非卖品
securit.off floor trade场外交易
securit.office of fair trade公平交易办公室
securit.Office of Fair Trade公平交易办公室
securit.offsetting trade对冲交易
securit.open trade开放的交易
securit.opening trade开盘交易交易所中每日第一笔交易
securit.options trade confirmation期权交易确认书
securit.out trade交易失误因失误错过交易机会
securit.out trade错账
securit.outright trade单纯交易 (交易人无现货,可对冲的期货合同交易)
securit.outright trade直接交易
securit.over trade过量交易
securit.pair trade配对交易一种股票投资战略,买人一只股票的同时卖出一只同价的类似股票
securit.paper trade账面交易
securit.paper trade纸上交易
securit.pattern trade形态交易技术分析
gen.person of the same trade or business同行
securit.Philadelphia Board o£ Trade费城交易所
securit.post-trade benchmarks交易后基准
securit.pre-trade benchmarks交易前价格基准
nautic., tech.preferential trade arrangements优惠贸易安排
securit.pre-market trade盘前交易
gen.Printing and Allied Trades Research Association印刷业与有关行业研究协会
gen.Printing and Kindred Trades Federation印刷业及有关行业联合会
gen.Printing Bookbinding and Kindred Trades Overseers' Associations印刷装订及有关行业监工员协会
gen.Printing Trades Alliance印染业联合会
ecol.processing trade来料加工贸易
securit.profitability of trade交易的盈利能力
securit.property right trade contract产权交易合约
securit.public trade type公开交易种类
securit.publicly trade fund上市交易基金
securit.questioned trade有问题的交易
securit.questioned trade可疑交易
securit.rally trade上涨交易
nautic., tech.ratio of dependence on foreign trade对外贸易依存度
securit.real-time trade reporting实时交易报告
securit.real-time trade reporting即时交易报告
nautic., tech.regional price in economy and trade block区域性经济贸易集团内的价格
nautic., tech.reimbursement trade补偿贸易
securit.repo trade/transaction回购交易
fisheryresponsible fish trade负责任鱼品贸易
gen.restrain tradeюр.,АУС 限制贸易
ecol.restraint of trade行业限制
securit.reversing trade转向交易
securit.Rio trade里约交易股市上企图挽回损失的交易
securit.risk return trade-off风险收益交易
securit.risk-return trade-off风险回报取舍
securit.risk-return trade-off风险回报交换
securit.sanction a trade核准一项交易
securit.Security Exchange Alternative Trade System证券交易所另项交易系统
securit.short swing trade短线交易
securit.short-term trade短线交易
securit.short-term trade短期交易
comp.name.SHOUGANG International China Shougang International Trade and Engineering Corp.中国首钢国际贸易工程公司
securit.single-day trade record单日交易记录
securit.small trade小笔交易
securit.small trade小额交易
gen.Society of Leather Trades Chemists皮革行业化学工作者协会
gen.Society of Motor Manufacturers and Trades, Ltd.汽车制造和贸易有限公司
securit.special block trades特殊大宗股票交易
nautic., tech.special trade特种业务
securit.special trade特别交易
nautic., tech.special trade passenger特种业务旅客
nautic., tech.special trade passenger ship特种业务客船
nautic., tech.special trade passenger ship safety certificate特种业务客船安全证书
nautic., tech.special trade passenger ship space certificate特种业务客船舱室证书
nautic., tech.special trade passenger ships特种业务客船
nautic., tech.special trade system专门贸易体系
med.speed-accuracy trade off速度-准确性权衡
securit.spot trade现款现货交易
securit.spread trade套做交易
securit.spread trade差价交易
securit.spread trade跨期交易
securit.stock in trade股票交易
gen.stock in trade贮积
securit.sudden event affecting normal securities trade影响正常证券交易的突发事件
securit.sunshine trade阳光交易股票交易正式申报前需公布于众,股票发行交易需公开、公平、公正
securit.suspension of trade证券暂停交易
securit.technical suspension of securities trade证券交易中的技术性停牌
securit.terms of trade交易条款
securit.terms of trade index交易指数条款
gen.the news trade新闻界
comp.name.Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone天津港保税区
securit.time horizon in trade planning交易计划中的时间范围
securit.timing of trades交易时机
knit.goodstops trade最大贸易
securit.trade acceptance交易承诺
securit.trade acceptance交易承兑票据
securit.trade alert交易警示
securit.trade alert交易提醒
securit.trade amendment交易调整
securit.trade amendment交易改变
securit.trade and investment liberation and facilitation贸易和投资自由化和便利化
securit.trade at narrow range窄幅涨落交易
securit.trade at narrow range证券在小范围内交易
securit.trade authorization交易授权
ecol.trade barriers贸易壁垒
securit.trade bill trade买卖商业票据的生意
securit.trade bloc交易集团
securit.trade body行业组织
securit.trade body行业工会
securit.trade by appointment约定交易股票
securit.trade by trade settlement逐笔结算
securit.trade cleared交易结清
securit.trade comparison交易对比
securit.trade confirmation交易确认
securit.trade credit同业贷款
securit.trade credit同行信贷
securit.trade credit交易信贷
securit.trade creditor商业债权人
securit.trade creditor贸易债权人
securit.trade crossing system交易对盘系统
securit.trade date accounting交易日记账
securit.trade day交易日当天
securit.trade debtor商业债务人
securit.trade debtor交易债务人
securit.trade delay交易推迟
securit.trade delay交易延后
fisherytrade documentation贸易文件
fisherytrade documentation scheme贸易文件计划
securit.trade down向下交易卖出价格高风险低的股票,买进价格低风险高的股票
securit.trade down偏爱低价股
securit.trade down专投低价股
ecol.trade effluent工商业废水
ecol.trade effluent工业排出物
securit.trade executing exchange participant执行交易的交易所参与者
securit.trade finance贸易融资
ecol.trade financing贸易融资
securit.trade financing loan贸易融资贷款
securit.trade flat平价交易如不含额外股息的股票交易
securit.trade flat生意平淡
securit.trade fluctuation交易变动
gen.trade M for用 M 换取 N (N)
securit.trade for trade settlement企业间结算
securit.trade for trade settlement逐项交收
securit.trade for trade settlement交易逐项结算
securit.trade gap交易差额
securit.trade give-ups options交易转移期权
securit.trade halt交易暂停
securit.trade higher交易价上扬
securit.trade higher股价走高
gen.trade in…经营…
gen.trade in旧东西折价换新的
gen.trade in交易
securit.trade in debt securities债券交易
fisherytrade in fish鱼品贸易
gen.trade in M for用M折价换取N (N)
gen.trade in M for将M作价购买N (N)
fisherytrade in live fish活鱼贸易
gen.trade in M on用M折价换取N (N)
gen.trade in M on将M作价购买N (N)
gen.trade in M with与N进行M方面的贸易 (N)
securit.trade information交易信息
securit.trade investment行业投资
securit.trade investment同行投资
securit.trade liability营业负债
fisherytrade limitation贸易限制
avia.trade list贸易清单
securit.trade matching system交易对盘系统
securit.trade matching system交易撮合系统
securit.trade me out出售抛出持有股票平仓
securit.trade me out抛出
securit.trade name商行名称
securit.trade netting efficiency交易净额结算效率
securit.trade of premium or discount以高于……交易以低于……交易
ecol.trade of processing with customer's materials来料加工贸易
securit.trade off交易
securit.trade off抉择
securit.trade off权衡
securit.trade off交换
securit.trade-off between risk and rate of return风险与回报交换决择
securit.trade-off between risk and rate of return风险与回报权衡
securit.trade off decision权衡决定
securit.trade off decision选择决策
avia.trade-off study权衡研究
avia.trade offs折中
avia.trade offs补偿
avia.trade offs抵销
avia.trade offs权衡
gen.trade on为自私的目的利用
securit.trade on equity融资交易
securit.trade on one's own account自营
securit.trade on one's own account用本人账户交易
securit.trade option买卖期权
securit.trade option交易期权
securit.trade out出售
securit.trade planning交易策划
securit.trade practice行规
securit.trade practice交易惯例
securit.trade price交易价
securit.trade price同业售价
securit.trade protocol交易议定书
securit.trade reference商业信誉参考
securit.trade reference商业咨询
securit.trade reference商情参考
ecol.trade refuse工业废物
ecol.trade refuse工厂垃圾
securit.trade registration system交易注册系统
securit.trade reversals逆转交易
securit.trade reversals取消交易
securit.trade reversals反转交易
securit.trade risk reserve交易风险准备金
securit.trade route交易路径
securit.trade sale批发交易
securit.trade selection交易选择
securit.trade selection and evaluation交易选择与评估
securit.trade selection methods交易选择法
securit.trade settlement交易结算
ecol.trade sewage工业污水
securit.trade sideways横盘走势股市呈
securit.trade size交易规模
securit.trade size交易量
avia.trade study权衡研究
avia.trade study plan贸易研究计划
avia.trade study report贸易研究报告
securit.trade support system交易支持系统
securit.Trade System View交易系统统计
securit.trade terms交易条款
securit.trade terms交易术语
avia.trade test技能测试
avia.trade test使用试验
securit.trade through rule最优价格交易规则
gen.trade toM 到M进行贸易
securit.trade up向上交易卖出高风险,买人低风险证券的交易
securit.trade up升格推销
securit.trade up诱使购物
securit.trade up怂恿购物
gen.trade up劝…买更高价的东西
gen.trade up M in使M熟悉 N (N)
gen.trade up M in使M得到N的训练 (N)
gen.trade upon为自私的目的利用
securit.trade usage交易习惯
ecol.trade wastes工商业废水
ecol.trade wastes工业废水
securit.trade-weighted average value交易加权平均价值
securit.trade weighted exchange rate贸易加权汇率
securit.trade-weighted index交易加权指数
securit.trade-weighted value交易加权价值
gen.trade ... with...同…对换
gen.trade ... with...同…贸易〔交易〕
securit.trades by appointment约定交易
avia.Trades Union Congress英国工会联盟
nautic., tech.transpacific trade and investment partnership跨太平洋贸易和投资伙伴关系协定
securit.trend trade趋势交易技术分析
securit.two-way trade双向交易
securit.two-way trade有进有出的交易
avia.UN conference on trade and development联合国贸易与发展会议
gen.United Nations Conference of Trade and Development联合国贸易与发展会议
avia.United Trade International, Inc.联合国际贸易公司
securit.unwind a trade冲抵交易
securit.unwind a trade清理交易结清一项交易,或纠正一项有误的交易
securit.unwind a trade逆向交易
securit.upstair trade未经交易所完成的交易场外挂牌证券配对交易
securit.upstair trade场外交易
securit.uptick trade提价交易
securit.uptick trade涨码交易
securit.US Federal Trade Commission美国联邦交易委员会
securit.usage of particular trade特殊交易惯例
securit.validating of trade methods交易方法的有效性检验
securit.volatility trade波动性交易
shipb.volume of foreign trade by sea外贸海运量
securit.volume of trade交易额
securit.volume of trade交易成交量
securit.wash trade虚假交易制造流动性好的假象
securit.wash trade清洗交易
ecol.water right trade水权交易
gen.We're specializing in the export of Chinese jeeps, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line我们是专营吉普车出口的中国厂商,我们非常希望与贵方在此领域合作
securit.withdraw where having interest in securities trade在证券交易中有利害关系之处要回避
nautic., tech.World conference on free trade area世界自由贸易区大会
comp.name.World Trade Centers Association世界贸易中心组织
securit.zero trade day零交易日
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