
Terms containing township | all forms | exact matches only
China, lawchief at the township and section level乡科级正职
China, polit.chief executive of the... township government乡镇长
tech.civil township line城镇界
China, lawdeputy at the township and section level乡科级副职
China, polit.elections of the new county and township people's congresses县、乡人大换届选举工作
tech.fractional township normal town都市规划小区
China, polit.government authority at the county and township levels基层政权
tech.grouping of township enterprises乡镇企业集团化
China, polit.people's congresses at the county and township levels across the country全国县、乡两级人大
China, lawplan for township roads乡道规划
China, polit.reforms of county and township government institutions县乡机构改革
China, polit.the term of township people's congresses乡级人大任期
China, polit.the three-tier rural health care service network at the county, township and village levels县、乡、村三级农村卫生服务网络
China, polit.the Township Enterprise Law乡镇企业法
China, polit.town and township government bodies乡镇机构
tech.town/township enterprises乡镇企业
securit.township and village enterprise乡镇企业
tech.township and village enterprise development zones乡镇企业开发区
tech.township and village enterprises乡镇企业
agric.township coal mine乡镇煤矿
tech.township corner市镇范围
busin.township enterprise乡镇企业
China, polit.Township Enterprise Law乡镇企业法
commer.township enterprises镇办企业
tech.township enterprises乡镇企业
econ.township government政府
auto.township highway城镇公路
bridg.constr.township highway镇区公路
tech.township highway市镇公路
agric.township industry乡镇产业
China, lawtownship level乡级
tech.township line市镇界线
hydroel.st.township owned enterprise乡镇企业
tech.township road乡公路
tech.township road市镇道路
bridg.constr.township road镇区道路
tech.township road乡镇道路
China, lawtownship roads乡道
commer.township-run enterprises镇办企业
tech.township-run enterprises乡镇企业
tech.township system市镇道路系统
IMF.township-village enterprises乡镇企业
agric.village and township coal mines乡镇煤矿
agric.village and township industries乡镇工业
agric.village and township industries乡镇产业
org.name., chinese.lang.Zengdu Village and Township Bank opened by HSBC隋州曾都汇丰村镇银行由汇丰银行在大陆开办的首家村镇银行
org.name., chinese.lang.Zengdu Village and Township Bank隋州曾都汇丰村镇银行由汇丰银行在大陆开办的首家村镇银行