
Terms for subject Swimming containing touch | all forms | exact matches only
legal touch符合规则的触壁
legal touch合法触壁
less touch with the deck脚离出发台
less touch with the ground脚离地
no-touch turn不触手的滚翻转身法
non-touch turn不触墙滚翻转身
removable touch panel活动触板
touch board电动计时触板
touch board触板
touch in prone position在俯卧时触池
touch in prone position俯臣卜触池
touch of the water pressure压力感
touch of the water pressure水压感
touch panel触板
touch the end of pool触池壁
touch the finishing line触池壁
touch the turn转身动作
touch the turn转身触池壁
touch the turn触池壁
touch the wall触池壁
touch under water水中触底