
Terms containing touch | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a near touch九死一生
gen.a near touch侥幸脱险
econ.a touch and stay clause停留条款
econ.a touch and stay clause靠岸条款
gen.a touch of少许
econ.a touch of一点 (pain, cold, 疼痛、感冒)
gen.a touch of微量
gen.a touch of一点点
textileadded touch服饰附属品
textileadded touch服饰配件
textileadded touch附属品 (特指装饰用品)
econ.at a touch一触 (就…)
gen.at a touch一碰
gen.at a touch一按
gen.at a touch稍微-接触立即
gen.at the touch of一碰
gen.at the touch of一按
gen.at the touch of稍微-接触立即
adv.AT&T, "Reach out and touch someone"美国电话电报公司、 "伸出臂膀、拥抱世界"、艾耶父子广告公司、1979 (N. W. Ayer & Son)
desert.Balfour's touch-me-not包氏凤仙花
gen.be in touch withM 同 M 接触〔有联系〕
gen.be out of touch withM 不了解M情况
gen.be out of touch withM 和M失去联系
gen.be out of touch withM 不同 M〔与 M 脱离〕 接触
gen.be soft to the touch摸起来很软
comp.blind touch瞎按
comp.blind touch盲触
comp.blind touch盲按
gen.bring M into touch with使 M 和 N 接触 (N)
math.bring M to the touch检〔试〕验 M
commer.constant touch经常联系
textilecrayon touch蜡笔画风格
textiledecorative touch装饰性
tech.decorative touch装饰格调
mil., air.def.digilux touch mask指触光敏装置
railw.direct touch voltage直接接触电压
chem.Don't touch and use everything in the laboratory, especially chemical reagents进入实验室请勿随意乱动实验室物品,特别是化学试剂
busin.don't touch please请勿触摸
tech.double touch双触键
croq.double touch撞击二球
tech.dried to touch快干涂料
auto.dry to touch触干
textiledry touch滑爽感
textiledry touch and skin friendly fabric干爽舒适织物
tech.dry-to-touch time指触干时间
textileDufy touch杜飞点缀
tech.electric touch-recording apparatus电触击记录器
tech.electrical touch-recording apparatus电触击记录器
auto.electronic touch climate control触摸式电子气候控制装置
auto.electronic touch climate control电子触摸式气候温度控制
auto.feather touch finger control shift按键开关控制式变速机构
footb.final touch临门一脚
econ.final touches最后加工
sport.find touch打法顺手
tech.finishing touch润饰
tech.finishing touch最后加工
footb.first-touch crash volley直接凌空射门
cosmet.For women under 30, a little mascara and lip gloss; over 30, add a touch of concealer30岁以下的,只需一点睫毛膏和唇膏就足够了。30岁以上的,再搽点遮瑕膏
textilefree touch奔放笔法
gen.get in touch with联系
gen.get in touch withM 和 M 接触〔联系〕
econ.get in touch with我们公司驻伦敦的助理联系 (the assistant of our corporation in London)
gen.get in touch with与……联系
gen.get into touch withM 和 M 接触〔联系〕
anim.husb.hand touch手觉
tech.hand touch手感
tech.head touch磁头接触
tech.height above touch-down着陆点上的高度
avia.height above touch down接地区上空的高度
textilehigh touch高敏感度
textilehigh touch fiber高触感纤维
textilehigh touch fiber触感优良的纤维
interntl.trade.If leaking do not breathe fume, touch contents, swallow如包件破漏,勿吸气体,勿接触容物,勿吞咽
busin.if leaking, do not breathe fume, touch contents, swallow如包件破漏,勿吸气体,勿接触内容物,勿吞咽
railw.impermissible touch voltage非允许接触电压
footb.in touch球越过球门线
gen.in touch ofM 在M 附近
econ.in touch of两条干路附近 (two main roads)
gen.in touch ofM 在M能达到的地方
box.in touch system顶压战术
commer.in touch withM 与 M —致
gen.in touch withM 和 M 接触
gen.in touch with保持联系
railw.indirect touch voltage间接的接触电压
AI.Integrated Network of Touch in Architecture集成触觉结构网络
tech.island touch岛压点接触
gen.It is so stunning! This sparkling bangle lends your wrist a delicate touch太精美了,这款手镯很闪亮,突显了你手腕的纤细
China, polit.keep in close touch with the people保持同人民的密切联系
auto.keep in touch保持接触联系
gen.keep M in touch with使M同N保持联系〔接触〕 (N)
gen.keep M in touch with使M 了解N (N)
econ.keep in touch with市场保持联系 (the market)
tech.keep in touch with保持联络
interntl.trade.keep in touch with保持联系
gen.keep in touch with保持与…接触〔联系〕
China, lawkeep in touch with the deputy to the people's congress at that level联系本级人民代表大会代表
gen.keep touch withM 关心M
gen.keep touch withM 和M保持〔不断〕联系〔接触〕
nurs.keeping tongue in touch with palate舌抵上颚
tech.key touch selector按键选择器
tech.key touch selector触键选择器
gen.keyboard with a stiff touch键不灵活的键盘
footb.length of the touch line边线的长度
tech.liberty to touch and stay驻泊条款
nurs.light touch轻触觉
textilelight-touch pedal轻触踏板
textilelinen touch亚麻布触感
econ.lose touch with与…失去联系
gen.lose touch withM 和 M 失去联系
interntl.trade.make a touch向人讨钱美俚
securit.make a touch讨钱
econ.make a touch向人借钱
econ.make a touch向人讨钱
econ.make a touch借钱
securit.make a touch借款
railw.maximum permissible touch voltage最高允许接触电压
life.sc.Merkel touch cells梅克尔触细胞
tech.metal touch joint顶紧传力接头
tech.metal touch joint金属接触面接合
textilemicro powder touch fabric微粉感织物
textilemicroporous touch fabric微粉状手感织物
tech.must not-touch不能接触
sport.no touch未触及
tech.no touch无接触
tech.no touch不接触
construct.no touch不〔无〕接触
construct.no touch无〔不〕接触
econ.no touch exchange of die非接触交易
tech.no touch relay无触点继电器
tech.non-touch dryer无接触干燥机
fin.one-touch binary option一次触及型二元期权
securit.one-touch binary options一次性触及式二进制期权
tech.one touch gelation触发胶化
tech.one-touch key单触键
tech.one-touch key一触键
footb.one-touch pass直接传球
footb.one-touch pass一次传球
footb.one-touch passing一脚传球
footb.one touch play一脚球
footb.one-touch play一脚球
footb.one-touch shot直接射门
footb.one-touch shot一次射门
tech.one touch switcher单触转换开关
tech.one touch switcher单触自动转换开关
tech.ornamental touch装饰风格
tech.ornamental touch装饰格调
econ.Our clients often got in direct touch with our head office我们的客户经常与我们的总公司直接联系
gen.out of touch不接触
gen.out of touch失去联系
footb.over the touch line越过边线
nurs.pathway of touch sensation触觉传导径路
textilepeach-face touch桃皮绒手感
textilepeachskin touch桃皮绒织物手感
tech.pen touch笔痕
busin.please do not touch the exhibits请勿触摸展品
gen.please don't touch the exhibits请勿触摸展品
gen.put the finishing touches onM 对M进行精饰 (最后的修饰)
gen.put the finishing touches onM 对M完成最后的一部分工作
gen.put the finishing touches toM 对M进行精饰 (最后的修饰)
gen.put the finishing touches toM 对M完成最后的一部分工作
environ.put M to the touch试〔检〕验 M
textilesavage touch粗犷发型
nautic., tech.scrape and touch-up除锈补漆
footb.second-touch shot停球射门
footb.second-touch shot调整后射门
sport., physiol.sense of touch触觉
chem.set to touch指触干燥
tech.set to touch指触干燥涂层指触不粘的初期干燥阶段
tech.setting to touch指触干
tech.set-to-touch time指触干时间
otorhinol.silent "touch bar" tone interrupter无声"触杆"纯音阻断器
textilesilky touch真丝感
textilesilky touch丝绸感
textilesilky touch真丝感
gen.smooth to the touch摸起来平滑的
sport.soft touch可轻易击败的对手
gen.soft touch轻触
tech.soft touch control软接触控制
tech.soft touch control软触控制
croq.successful touch有效撞击
polym.surface touch表面手感
econ.The company is in constant touch with foreign markets该公司经常与国外市场发生联系
econ.The contractor shall often have to set in touch with the suppliers or manufacturers by phone承包商应经常用电话与供应商或制造商取得联系
commer.The vessel will touch at main ports in Europe该船将停靠欧洲各主要港口
tech.thermal touch触敏温度计
econ.They have been in touch with the manufacturers of the bags他们已与包装袋制造厂联系过
sport., med.top touch摸高
sport.touch a record平纪录
tech.touch ahead缓慢前进
baseb.touch all bases触遍各垒
gen.touch and go一触即发的形势
gen.touch and go动荡
commer.touch and go触礁
interntl.trade.touch and go一触即发的
dril.touch and go一触即离
gen.touch and go高度不安定性
gen.touch and go危险状态
avia.touch and go快速行动
sport.touch and go一触即发
gen.touch and go触即离
avia.touch and go landing连续起落
avia.touch and go landing接地复飞着陆
econ.touch and stay停靠
busin.touch and stay船舶靠岸
interntl.trade.touch and stay使船靠岸
tech.touch and stay弯靠与停留
interntl.trade.touch and stay clause使船靠岸条款
interntl.trade.touch and stay clause停留条款
avia.touch-and-go landing连续起落
avia.touch-and-go landing着陆后连续起飞
avia.touch-and-go landing接地复飞着陆
agric.touch-and-go pairing瞬间配对
agric.touch-and-go pairing触离配对
tech.touch ar a port弯靠某港
tech.touch arc starting接触式引弧
gen.touch at接近
tech.touch at弯靠 (中途在一港口暂时停靠)
econ.touch at某港口停靠 (a port)
gen.touch at靠岸
gen.touch at暂时停靠
interntl.trade.touch at a port靠港
tech.touch at a port在某港湾靠
baseb.touch base触垒
multimed.touch-based user interface触摸式用户界面
auto.touch block接线盒
busin.touch bottom物价达最低点
econ.touch bottom达到最低点
econ.touch bottom査核事实
busin.touch bottom彻底核查
CNCtouch button灵敏按钮
met.touch-button control按钮按键控制
tech.touch call按键呼叫
telecom..touch calling按键式拨号
telecom..touch calling按键式呼叫
box.touch canvas被击倒
tech.touch catch弹子扣
tech.touch catch触感门扣
railw.touch circuit接触电路
tech.touch coating局部修补用漆
tech.touch coating局部修饰用漆
auto.touch control触摸控制
avia.touch control steering触摸式控制操纵
avia.touch control steering触摸控制操纵
tech.touch core无芯头芯
compr.touch curve接触线
telecom.touch dialing按键式拨号
bowl.touch down国际保龄球联合会十瓶部
dril.touch down遇阻
tech.touch down转入排水状态
tech.touch down着地
econ.touch down在机场降落 (at the airport)
gen.touch down降落
tech.touch-down dispersion着陆点散布
tech.touch down point接地点
nautic., tech.touch-down point触地点
avia.touch down protection接地保护
tech.touch-down zone接地区
tech.touch-down zone着陆区
nautic., tech.touch-down zone触地区
tech.touch-down zone elevation着陆区最高点
tech.touch dry指触干
tech.touch dry表干
gen.touch elbows紧接
met.touch electrode接触式焊条
tech.touch end travel接触端位移
tech.touch feedback接触反馈
footb.touch flag边线旗
econ.touch him for (five dollars, 五元)
econ.touch glass碰杯
dipl.touch ground触及实质性问题
dipl.touch ground碰到水底
tech.touch gun补漆用喷枪
agric.touch hole[引火]接触孔
tech.touch hole点火孔
gen.touch in添画
gen.touch in修补
agric.touch in按[钮输]人
gen.touch in增改
avia.touch input device触摸式输人装置
comp.touch input device触摸输入装置
sport.touch judge裁判员
auto.touch key控制按钮
agric.touch key按键
compr.touch key触摸键
tech.touch key触键
comp.touch keyboard cover触控式键盘保护套
footb.touch line边线
sport.touch line触线
footb.touch line ball边线球
tech.touch magnetization接触磁化
gen.touch many questions of mutual concern谈到许多双方关心的问题
desert.touch me not水金凤
auto.touch memory接触式存储器
biol.touch-me-not水金凤 (Impatiens noli-tangere L.)
biol.touch-me-not凤仙花 (Impatiens balsamina L.)
gen.touch-me-not高傲自恃 冷若冰霜
biol.touch-me-not凤仙花属 (Impatiens L.,凤仙花科)
gen.touch off发射
gen.touch off使炸裂
gen.touch off触发
gen.touch off开炮
gen.touch off勾画出
gen.touch off添画
gen.touch off发动
econ.touch off触发 (a gun, gold rushes, 枪弹、抢购黄金的风潮)
gen.touch off挂断电话
gen.touch off引〔激〕起
gen.touch off草草写
securit.touch off the stop起动停止指令
securit.touch off the stop触发停止指令
securit.touch off the stop触发中止点
gen.touch on涉及
gen.touch on接近
gen.touch on近乎
gen.touch on与…有关
econ.touch on谈及 (many points, 许多问题)
gen.touch on说〔谈,提,论〕到
gen.touch on简单论及
gen.touch... on a tender spot打中…的痛处
gen.touch... on a tender spot触及…的弱点
gen.touch ...on the raw触到…的痛处
securit.touch option触发期权在期权有效期内达到执行水平时,期权才会生效
baseb.touch out触杀
libr.touch pad触摸式控制板
telecom.touch pad触摸式绘图板
multimed.touch pad触摸板
compr.touch panel触摸屏
tech.touch paper导火纸
construct.touch paper导火用火硝纸
tech.touch paper火硝纸 (导火用)
tech.touch paper火药纸
compr.touch point接触点
agric.touch receptor触感受器
footb.touch referee边裁
footb.touch referee边线裁判
multimed.touch saliency触摸点
tech.touch sanding用砂轻磨
tech.touch screen触敏显示器
telecom.touch screen触屏
avia.touch screen触摸显示屏
auto.touch screen
avia.touch screen触敏控制板
telecom.touch screen interactive触屏式人机对话
telecom.touch screen interactive触屏式交互
multimed.touch screen panel触摸屏板
avia.touch screen technology屏幕接触技术
telecom.touch screen terminal触屏式终端
agric.touch sensation触觉
AI.touch sense触觉
multimed.touch sensitive触敏
avia.touch sensitive control触敏控制
earth.sc.touch sensitive digitizer触敏数字转换器
avia.touch sensitive digitizer触敏数字化仪表
telecom.touch-sensitive display触屏式显示器
telecom.touch-sensitive display触敏显示器
telecom.touch sensitive display触觉显示
telecom.touch sensitive keyboard触感式键盘
telecom.touch sensitive keyboard触敏键盘
telecom.touch sensitive keyboard触感键盘
telecom.touch sensitive keyboard触觉键盘
avia.touch sensitive panel触敏显示屏
avia.touch sensitive panel触敏控制板
telecom.touch sensitive screen触感屏幕
telecom.touch sensitive screen触敏屏幕
multimed.touch sensitive screens触摸感应屏
telecom.touch sensitive switch触感开关
telecom.touch sensitive switch触敏开关
agric.touch sensor触摸传感器
tech.touch sensor接触式传感器
auto.touch shift触摸换档
golf.touch shot精巧的击球
busin.touch signature接触签字
auto.touch-spark ignition发动机脉动点火
anim.husb.touch spot触斑
anim.husb.touch spot触点
met.touch starting接触法引弧
met.touch starting接触法起弧
gen.touch success终归成功
tech.touch switch接触开关
tech.touch switch接触式开关
gen.touch system打字的指法
tech.touch tabulator key按键式制表机键
tech.touch tabulator key按钮制表键
tech.touch tack接触粘着性
telecom.touch terminal触感终端
telecom.touch terminal触敏终端
badm.touch the antenna触及标志杆
econ.touch the bell按电铃
badm.touch the body球触及身体
badm.touch the body触身体
econ.touch the bottom达到最低点
tech.touch the bottom擦底
box.touch the canvas被击倒
sport.touch the floor触地
China, lawtouch the ground落地
badm.touch the ground毽球落地
sport.touch the ground触地
sport, bask.touch the line踩线
golf.touch the line of putt触及推击线
badm.touch the net触网
badm.touch the net between the two antennas球触及标志杆以内的球网
tech.touch the runway接触跑道
gen.touch the spot得要领
gen.touch the spot解决问题
gen.touch the spot奏效
econ.touch the water触到水面
met.touch time接触时间
gen.touch M to使M碰到N (N)
telecom.touch-tone data service按键式数据服务用按键话机进行数据通信
tech.touch tone dialing电话按钮选号
tech.touch-tone dialing按钮式音频拨号
multimed.touch tone dialing按钮音频拨号
manag.touch tone signal触控信号
telecom.touch-tone signaling双音多频信令方式 (―DTMF)
telecom.TOUCH-TONE telephone按键电话原 Bell System 的数据通信电话机商品名称
tech.touch-tone telephone按钮式电话
tech.touch-tone telephones拨号时按钮而不是拨圆盘的电话
tech.touch-tone type key触发声式键
tech.touch trigger probe触发式测头
croq.touch twice重复撞击
met.touch-type electrode接触式焊条
tech.touch up找补
auto.touch up涂装修整
gen.touch up完成
archit.touch up修整
archit.touch up局部补修
archit.touch up补抹
avia.touch up装备出厂前的修饰
cloth.touch up修饰,润色
gen.touch up修整〔饰〕
auto.touch-up spray gun修饰喷枪
plast.surg.touch-up injection修饰注射指皮肤充填剂的微量注射或二次的补充注射
auto.touch up paint修饰漆
tech.touch-up paint修补漆
tech.touch-up painting补漆
gen.touch upon涉及
gen.touch upon与…有关
gen.touch upon接近
econ.touch upon谈及 (many points, 许多问题)
gen.touch upon近乎
gen.touch upon说〔谈,提,论〕到
gen.touch upon简单论及
tech.touch welding接触式焊接
met.touch welding支靠式焊条电弧焊
tech.touch welding触焊
gen.as true as touch绝对可靠
gen.as true as touch极其真实
gen.true as touch一点儿没错
gen.true as touch的的确确
commer.We got in touch with the agent immediately after we received his telex接到代理人的电传后我们立即与他联系
econ.We will get in touch with the prospect soon and listen to his opinions我们将很快跟这个可能的买主联系,听听他的意见
gen.Well, let's try to get in touch with them. Now would you please write down what you have told me in detail?嗯,让我们设法同他们联系。现在请你详细地写下刚才告诉我的信息
gen.with your eyes shut you can recognize hundreds of things by their sound or their touch即使闭着艮睛,你只凭其声音或触感也能辨认几百种东西
gen.within touch在M能接触到之处
gen.within touch在M的附近
adv.Woodbury Soap, "A skin you love to touch"Woodbury 香皂、"光洁肌肤、爱不释手"、智威汤逊广告公司、1911 (J. Walter Thompson Co.)
gen.would not touch with a pair of tongs实在讨厌
gen.would not touch with a pair of tongs碰也不想碰
gen.Would you like me to get in touch with somewhere else for you?我替您跟别的地方联系一下,您看怎么样?
gen.Yeah. It's really convenient. All the theaters and shopping malls are within walking distance. Well, I gotta go. I'll get in touch with you soon是的,城里很方便。所有的电影院和购物中心都很近。我回头再和你聊吧
gen.You can tell our Information Desk the place to go if you want to be in touch with telephone message or visitors when you are out如您离开酒店而需要与来客或来电联系时,请把您的去处告之服务总台
gen.You'll keep in touch with us at home, won't you?回国后你会和我保持联系吧?
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