
Terms for subject Electronics containing total loss | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
actual total loss实际总损耗
calculation of efficiency from total loss效率的总损耗计算法
calculation of efficiency from total loss总损耗效率计算
total effective exhaust loss考虑温度后排汽损失可用能
total energy loss总能量损失
total energy loss总能耗
total loss全损[等于theinsuranceisagainsttotallossonly;指部分损失不赔;单担保全损险:]
total loss mass density总损耗质量密度
total loss of power失去所有电源
total loss of power全厂断电
total loss of vessel only仅保船只全损
total loss volume density总损耗体积密度
total signal loss总信号损耗