
Terms containing top hat | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
fash.A frayed top-hat and a faded brown overcoat with a wrinkled velvet collar lay upon a chair beside him他旁边的椅子上,放着一顶有磨损的大礼帽和一件褪了色的棕色大衣,天鹅绒领子皱巴巴的
el.inverted top hat倒置帽[下部堆内结构]【核】
textileminiature top-hat袖珍礼帽
textiletop coat of hat帽顶
avia.top hat礼帽形钢型材
tech.top hat钢壳
tech.top hat上帽
met.top hat凹帽头
met.top hat空头
tech.top hat帽形钢锭缺陷
met.top hat顶环
fash.top hat高顶礼帽
textiletop hat大礼帽
textiletop hat高顶丝礼帽
textiletop hat高顶丝礼帽
textiletop hat黑色大礼帽
met.top hat沸腾钢锭的凹顶现象
met.top hat天线的顶帽
met.top hat缩顶 (沸腾钢钢锭缺陷)
avia.top hat礼帽状的
el.mach.top hat annealing furnace钟罩式退火炉
met.top hat annealing furnace罩式退火炉
tech.top hat beam高顶帽形梁
textiletop hat box高顶大礼帽帽盒
tech.top hat kiln钟罩式窑
tech.top hat kiln高帽窑
tech.top hat kiln钟罩窑
busin.top hat pension scheme高级管理人员退休金计划
auto.top hat section顶帽式截面
tech.top hat section扎帽形截面
tech.top hat-section stringer管形截面桁条
el.top hat shielding顶帽屏蔽【核】
textiletop of hat帽顶
tech.top-hat furnace罩式炉
chem.top-hat kiln钟罩式窑
busin.top-hat pension额外养老金
busin.top-hat policy高级人员人寿保险单
met.top-hat section丁字钢帽形断面
met.top-hat section丁字钢帽形断面 【型材】
transp.top-hat section扎帽形截面
met.top-hat section丁字形材
gen.top-hat shielding圆筒顶部封闭的防护层
tech.top-hat structure顶部加筋结构
tech.top-hat structure顶部加劲结构
AI.top-hat transformation高帽变换