
Terms containing tomorrow | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a meeting will take place tomorrow, when I shall express my views on the subject明天要开会,那时我将谈自己对这问题的看法
el.Automated, Integrated Factory of Tomorrow Conference and Exposition未来自动化集成化工厂会议暨展览会
gen.Check-out time should be before 12 at tomorrow noon. Breakfast time is from 7:30 am till 10:30 am, available in restaurant. Here are your breakfast vouchers结账时间是明天中午12点,早餐是7点半到10点半在餐厅用餐。这是您的早餐券
expl.Due to the severe fire in his throat,the prime minister will not be able to give a speech at tomorrow's conference首相喉咙发炎、明天的会上他不能讲话
el.experimental prototype community of tomorrow试验样机未来通用性
gen.finish the work by tomorrow明天〔星期一〕以前完成这工作
cliche.here today and gone tomorrow暂时的
cliche.here today and gone tomorrow缺乏永久性的
gen.Hold on a second, please. Right, sir. You are booked and confirmed on flight 109 to Paris tomorrow请稍等。是的,先生。您明天去巴黎的109航班机已确认无误
gen.Hold on, please. I'll check her schedule. You can meet with Ms. Carling at 10:00 tomorrow请稍等,我查一下她的日程。您明天10:00可以会见卡玲女士
econ., construct.home for today & tomorrow住宅建筑标准
econ., construct.homes for today & tomorrow住宅建筑标准
dentist.How about two o'clock tomorrow?明天两点可以吗?
gen.I' m going for a trip to New York tomorrow. Whats the weather like in New York?我明天要到纽约去游玩,那儿的天气怎么样?
gen.I will pick up the car here tomorrow and return it next Friday我明天过来取车,下周五还车
gen.I'd like to make a plane reservation to New York tomorrow我想订张明天去纽约的机票
gen.I'm afraid I must cancel for today, so I'll stay with you for only two nights starting tomorrow我恐怕得取消今天的订房了,所以我从明天起在贵酒店住两个晚上
econ.In case we can get the contract ready by tomorrow afternoon, we'll send it to you by mail for your signature如果明天下午合同准备好,我们就邮寄给你们签字
manag.land marks of tomorrow未来的里程碑
fin.monetary framework of tomorrow未来的货币框架
proverbnever put off till tomorrow what you can do today今日事今日毕
proj.manag.Our policy in personnel development is to seek and promote young potentials that will be needed tomorrow我们人事发展的目标是寻找和培养具有潜力的年青一代、 为公司今后发展奠定基础
econ.Please notify the complainant and the respondent to be present at court tomorrow请通知原告和被告明天出庭
spaceproject engineers & technologists for tomorrow研究未来的工程师和技术专家
gen.should it if it should rain tomorrow, they would not go倘若明天下雨,他们就不去了
adv.Sunsweet Prunes, "Today the pits, tomorrow the wrinkles"西梅精华素、"今时之斑点明日成皱纹"、Freberg 广告公司、20世纪70年代 (Freberg Ltd.)
econ.The cargo has been loaded and the vessel should sail tomorrow货已装好,该轮明日启航
gen.the day after tomorrow后天
econ.The goods will be shipped tomorrow if nothing prevents如没有其他情况,明天装运此货
econ.The ship will call at your port the day after tomorrow后天,该轮船将在贵方港口停靠
econ.The terms of the contract will begin to be enforced tomorrow合同的条款将在明日开始执行
consult.thinking for tomorrow为明天着想
gen.This flight has been canceled due to a typhoon in Hanoi. There'll be no flights to Hanoi until tomorrow本次航班因河内有台风取消了。要到明天才会有班机飞往河内
dentist.Tomorrow I want to irrigate the wound明天我将冲洗您的伤口
gen.tomorrow is a new day明天还有指望
gen.tomorrow is a new day明天还来得及
proverbtomorrow never comes切莫依赖明天
securit.tomorrow next后天交易从次日到下一个营业日
securit.tomorrow next明日之后一天
fin.tomorrow-next swap明天对后天掉期
securit.tomorrow-next swap明天/后天掉期
securit.tomorrow-next swap明天/后天互换
econ.Tomorrow they will give you the personal data of this group明天他们会给你有关这组人员的资料
gen.tomorrow week下星期的明天
busin.value tomorrow明日起息
fin.value tomorrow翌日交割
busin.value tomorrow明日交付
securit.value tomorrow隔日交割
shipb.We can work out the offer this evening and give it to you tomorrow morning.今天晚上我们算出来,明天上午交给贵方。
gen.We have answered your email. Sorry, we wonf t be able to guarantee you two single rooms for tomorrow我们已经回复了你们的邮件。实在抱歉,我们不能确保为您提供两间明天入住的单人间
dentist.We'll expect you at three o'clock tomorrow明天三点复诊
gen.We're going on a harbor cruise tomorrow我们明天要乘船游览港口的
proj.manag.Were you to go online tomorrow, your computer might run the risk of being attacked by a deadly virus如果明天上网、你的电脑可能面临遭到致命病毒破坏的危险
gen.What flights are there from San Francisco to Chicago tomorrow?明天从旧金山到芝加哥有哪几趟航班?
desert.yesterday today and tomorrow少花番茉莉