
Terms containing to be | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
China, polit.a bill that has failed to be adopted by表决未获得通过的法律案
econ.A discretion of 4% can be given to you if necessary如有必要,你方可获得4%的处理权 (即你方可作4%范围以内的让价)
commer.A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offer or to be bound in case of acceptance向一个或一个以上特定的人提出订立合同的建议,如果十分确定并且表明发盘人在得到接受承诺时承受约束的意旨,即构成发盘
sport.A runner who fails to comply promptly with the starter's commands may also be charged with a false start任何一名赛跑运动员不立刻遵守发令员的口令也可判为起跑犯规
sport.A yellow paddle with the symbol of the offence on each side shall be given to the competitor, when a caution is given给予运动员警告时、必须向该运动员出示两面都有犯规标志的黄牌
shipb.accommodation air-condition freon piping to be done airtightness test舱室空调氟利昂管系气密性试验
shipb.accommodation air-condition freon piping to be done air-tightness test舱室空调氟利昂管系气密性试验
shipb.accommodation air-condition freon piping to be done vacuum test舱室空调氟利昂管系真空试验
shipb.accommodation to be done air-flow adjustment test舱室风量调整试验
shipb.accommodation to be done airflow adjustment test舱室风量调整试验
econ.According to the rule of our company, a loss can be deductible only when the sale is complete and bona fide根据我们公司的规则,只有销售额完成了而且真实可靠,才允许扣除损失
gen.admit M to be认为〔承认〕M 是 N (N)
shipb.air-condition plant to be done function test对空调设备功能试验
shipb.air-condition plant to be done function test空调设备功能试验
econ.All business negotiations relative to that project shall be stopped right away与该项目相关的一切商业谈判应立即停止
econ.All equipment is to be assembled in their entirety by the company before shipment装运前,公司应将所有的设备装配完全
gen.All expenses are to be equally shared between you and me一切费用由咱俩平均分担
sport.All hammer throws shall be made from a cage to ensure the safety of spectators, officials and competitors所有投掷链球的动作必须在护笼内进行、以保证观众、工作人员以及其他运动员的安全
commer.All parts must be finished to certain dimensions所有的零件必须最后精加工到一定的尺寸
light.Always remember to shut off the power at the breaker or fuse panel to the circuit that you'll be working on一定要记得关闭断路器或熔断器面板处开关,从而切断将要工作处电路的电源
econ.Amendments can be made to the agreement during its life在本协议有效期内,可进行修改
met.amount of coolant to be charged需加冷却剂量
met.amount of coolant to be charged待加冷却剂量
met.amount of flux to be added需加熔剂量 (The static charge model can calculate the amount of oxygen to be blown and the amount of fluxes to be added to attain the desired (aim) carbon and temperature for the heat. 为了取得该炉次的目标碳和目标温度,静态装料模型可以计算出需要的吹氧量和待加的熔剂量。)
met.amount of flux to be added待加熔剂量
met.amount of hot metal to be charged需加铁水量
met.amount of hot metal to be charged待加铁水量
met.amount of oxygen to be blown吹氧量 (待吹的,要吹的)
met.amount of scrap to be charged需加废钢
met.amount of scrap to be charged待加废钢量
anim.husb.amount of silkworms to be reared家蚕饲育量
sport.An appeal to the Jury of Appeal must be made within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the decision made by the Referee凡上交仲裁组的申诉均应在正式宣告裁判长的裁决之后 30 分钟内提出
expl.An of the degree to which air vibration levels will be affected by the effects of meteorology requires that temperature, wind speed and wind direction be measured or evaluated both at the surface and at levels above the ground评估空气振动能级受气象效应影响的程度、需要测量或评定地面的以及地面上空的温度、风速和风向
sport.Any number of spikes up to 11 may be used but the number of spike positions shall not exceed 11凡不超过 11 枚鞋钉的运动鞋均可使用、但鞋钉的钉座不得超过 11 个
med.appl.Anyone who has ever had a kidney stone knows that trying to get rid of it can be one of life's most uncomfortable experiences曾经得过肾结石的人都了解,去除肾结石的过程是一生中最难受的经历之一
gen.appear to be看来似乎是
gen.appear to be可认为是
gen.appear to be表现出好像是
auto.appear to be似乎是
gen.appear to be仿佛
gen.appear to be可视作
auto.appear to be【动】看来是
gen.appoint M to be任命 M 为 N (N)
gen.argue M to be证明〔说明,显示〕M是N (N)
gen.arrange M to be把 M 排安排成 N (N)
gen.As kaolin is a loose raw material, it is easy to be quarried and needs no cracking so that it can be washed directly由于高岭土是一种疏松的土质原料,较易开采,且无须粉碎,可直接进行淘洗
gen.atomic nuclei are too small to be seen看不见
gen.atomic nuclei are too small to be seen原子核太小
gen.attempt to be试图成为
auto.batch to be tested一批试样
gen.be able to make it in time来得及
China, polit.be accountable to the people's congresses and subject to their supervision according to law依法对人大负责,受人大监督
China, polit.be beneficial to raising people's living standard有利于提高人民生活水平
gen.be contrary to one's expectation不料
China, polit.be determined to rectify unhealthy conduct that affects the interests of the people坚决纠正损害人民群众利益的不正之风
met.be directly proportional to・・・ 与・・・成正比
econ.be down-to-earth脚踏实地
met.be easy to...易于…
gen.be estimated at from 300 to 350估计为300 - 350
gen.be gratifying to know that...听到〔知道〕…很高兴
gen.be gratifying to learn that...听到〔知道〕…很高兴
China, polit.be hostile to China's socialist system and try to undermine it敌视和破坏我国社会主义制度
met.be inversely proportional to...与…成反比
gen.be material toM 对 M 很重要
met.be refined to become steel精炼成钢 (In the WORCRA process, blast furnace hot metal is refined to become steel as it flows through a launder-shaped furnace using sequential oxygen lancing and the countercurrent flow of slag. 在 WORCRA 连续炼钢法中,当高炉铁水流经一个槽形炉时,通过采用连续喷氧和炉渣的逆向流动,高炉铁水精炼成钢。)
China, polit.be responsible to the people's congress对人民代表大会负责
China, polit.be subject to adoption by the people's congress of the area由人民代表大会通过
shipb.be subject to ratification批准后生效
China, polit.be subject to supervision by their constituencies受选民的监督
China, polit.be subject to the people's oversight受人民监督
commer.be supposed to establish the covering L/C 30 days before the commencement of shipment time应当在装运期开始前三十日开立信用证
econ.Be sure to credit our account No. 208 with the proceeds after deducting your charges在扣除你方应收手续费后,务必将货款贷记我方208号账户
gen.be unaccountable to M for在 N 上对 M 不负责 (N)
gen.but the wheel should be allowed to warm up slowly而要让这砂轮慢慢变热
gen.but the wheel should be allowed to warm up slowly不应当用冷的砂轮进行强力打磨
shipb.cabin condensing water piping to be done free-flowing test舱室凝结水管系畅通试验
shipb.cabin steam piping to be done airtightness test舱室蒸汽管系气密性试验
shipb.cabin supply fan to be done function test舱室风机功能试验
expl.Care must be taken to insure that the final product is adequately sensitized to insure high-order detonation务必保证最终产品足以敏化、才可保证高阶爆轰
met.chemistry of steel to be tapped有待出钢的,将要出钢的钢水化学成分
chem.cleaning of surfaces to be welded焊接表面清理
sport.3 cm is to be raised after each round每轮起跳后、横杆提升 3 厘米
shipb.cold-store freon piping to be done airtightness test冷藏库氟利昂管系气密性试验
shipb.cold-store freon piping to be done vacuum test冷藏库氟利昂管系真空试验
shipb.coldstore to be done protection device test and cooling-down test冷藏库保护装置试验及制冷试验
shipb.cold-store to be done protection device test and cooling-down test冷藏库保护装置试验及制冷试验
sport.Competitors shall be cautioned when, by their mode of progression, they are in danger of failing to comply with the definition of race walking竞走时、当运动员的动作有违反竞走定义的迹象时、应予以警告 (注释:be in danger of 原意是有…的危险,句中有…的迹象是意译,指出现危险的苗头和倾向)
sport.Competitors shall be given warnings red card when, by their mode of progression, they fail to comply with the Definition of Race walking by exhibiting visible loss of contact or a bent knee during any part of the competition.在比赛的任何阶段、当运动员的行进方式违反竞走定义的规定、表现出可见的明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时、均应给予严重警告红卡 (注释:1. 国际田联竞走规则中较长时间使用 warning作为严重警告,因此,仍保留这种例句作为参考。2. 国际田联新规则(2006)更多使用红卡 red eard 例如,当裁判员观察到运动员表现出明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时,裁判员须向主裁判送交一张红卡 red card)
shipb.completeness of all cabins to be delivery全船舱室完整性提交
gen.Complimentary words must be expressed to the patients, in terms of manners就礼貌来说,对病人一定要表达问候
shipb.control room aircondition to be done function test控制室空调功能试验
shipb.control room air-condition to be done function test控制室空调功能试验
China, polit.Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects with Protocols I, II and III Protocol on Non-Detectable Fragment Protocol I Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Body-Traps and other Devices Protocol II Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of incendiary Weapons III《禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用常规武器公约》及其所附第1号议定书《关于无法检验的碎片的议定书》、第2号议定书《禁止或限制使用地雷水雷、诱杀装置和其他装置的议定书》、第3号议定书《禁止或限制使用燃烧武器议定书》
gen.Could you tell me which would be the quickest train to Times Square station?您能告诉我到时代广场乘什么火车最快吗?
shipb.deck clashing piping system to be done clashing test对甲板冲洗管系进行冲洗试验
shipb.deck clashing piping system to be done clashing test甲板冲洗管系冲洗试验
shipb.deck flushing piping system to be done watertightness test甲板冲洗管系水密性试验
shipb.deck to be done insulation test甲板绝缘试验
gen.Each applicant - including children - must have their own visa application, which is known as the DS-160. The DS-160 must be completed and submitted online prior to your interview at the American embassy每位申请人,包括儿童在内,都必须要有自己的 DS-160签证申请表。在去大使馆进行面谈之前,须通过在线方式完成并提交 DS-160表
cosmet.Emulsion can be used for 2 to 3 years while water emulsion degenerates faster. So it should be stored in the refrigerator乳液可使用2至3年,水状乳液则变质较快,最好存放于冰箱中
shipb.engine room air drier to be done function test and alarm one机舱空气干燥器功能及报警试验
shipb.engine room air drier to be done function test and alarm test对机舱空气干燥器进行功能试验及报警试验
shipb.engine room air-drier to be done function test and alarm test机舱空气干燥器功能试验及报警试验
shipb.engine room vent duct structure to be done inspection机舱风管结构检查
shipb.engine room vent duct structure to be done inspection检查机舱风管结构
gen.enough space must be provided to enable linemen climbing through the wires to work safely必须留有足够的空间以保证穿过线间的线务员能安全工作
proj.manag.Enter the number of cleanings that this cartridge can perform before it is considered to be expended. The value must not be zero在该磁带被扩充之前、请输入可以执行的清洗次数。数值不能为零
expl.Evaluations of meteorological effects require that the air temperature and wind velocity be known at levels above the ground,preferably up to 900 metres要想评价气象影响、务必要知道地面上空并且最好在900 米以上的大气温度和风速
China, polit.exceed the number of candidates to be elected by one-third to 100%多于应选代表候选人名额的三分之一到一倍
gen.expect M to be预计〔预期〕M 为 N (N)
gen.extra high-pressure conductors shall be so placed or protected as adequately to prevent danger超高压线应安装或保护得足以防止发生危险〔事故〕
proj.manag.First, we have to decide that there needs to be a specific interface that defines the methods of the Business Delegate itself首先、我们必须确定以一个特定的接口来定义商业代表本身的方法
gen.Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum博物馆里不准使用闪光灯
ceram.Foamed ceramics based on transparent fused quartz need to be fired at about 1,250° A gentle temperature rise is chosen in relation to the dimensions and density of the products以透明熔凝石英为基本材料的泡沫陶瓷需要在约1 250°C下烧制,根据产品尺寸和密度适当升高温度
gen.In order for a current to flow there must be something to drive it必须有某种东西驱动它
gen.In order for a current to flow there must be something to drive it为使电流能够流动
sport.For all records up to and including 200 metres, information concerning wind speed shall be submitted批准 200 米及 200 米以下各项目的纪录、必须申报有关风速数据
sport.For events 100m to 800m inclusive lanes will be drawn as follows: 100米至 800 米的各项径赛应按下列规定抽签排定道次:
sport.For other events, the original performance lists shall continue to be used for seedings其他各项应继续按运动员报名成绩排序后分组
gen.force to be reckoned with不可忽视的力量
logist.freight to be paid after discharge at the destination货物到埠卸载后付给运费
shipb.galley and laundry equipment to be done inspection船上厨房和洗衣间设备检查
shipb.galley and laundry equipment to be done inspection检查厨房和洗衣间设备
shipb.galley carbon dioxide piping to be done airtightness test船上厨房二氧化碳管系气密性试验
shipb.galley carbon dioxide piping to be done air-tightness test厨房二氧化碳管系气密性试验
gen.gear wheels must be cut carefully to produce a perfect mesh between their teeth以使它们的齿与齿之间能啮合得很好
gen.gear wheels must be cut carefully to produce a perfect mesh between their teeth齿轮应精心铣削
cosmet.Generally speaking, the foundation used for 1 to 2 years will be hardening or emit an odor一般来说,粉底用过1—2年便会硬化或发出异味
gen.granting this to be true姑且认为这是真的
China, polit.guarantee people's democratic rights to be masters of their own affairs保障人民当家作主的民主权利
gen.he ought to be here by this timeby now, by 3: 30他此刻现在,3: 30应该已经来到这里了
met.heat to be cast待浇炉次
gen.Here is the receipt for your deposit. It s very important that you keep the receipt or you will not be able to get your deposit back when you leave这是您的押金收据。请您一定保存好收据,否则您离开时将取不回押金
gen.here is where much can be done to improve the design这就是为改进本设计有许多事情可做之处
fin.homes to be used as their owners' residences自住性住房消费
gen.How long does my passport have to be valid in order to apply for a U. S. visa?我的护照有效期必须为多长时间才可以申请美国签证?
gen.How much will these jewels be altogether? Please send it to my address, I'll pay the messenger on delivery这些珠宝总共多少钱?请送到我的住处来,我把钱给送货员
econ.I am not in favour of this arrangement because it might be detrimental to the interest of our company我不赞成这项安排,因为它可能会损害我们公司的利益
gen.I assure you that is not likely to happen. Our goods must be up to export standards before the Department concerned releases them我向您保证不会发生这种情况。我们的货物只有在符合出口标准后,相关部门才会放行
econ.I believe that the dispute arising from the execution of the contract will surely be settled to the satisfaction of both parties我相信在执行合同中引起的争端一定会以双方都感到满意的方式得到解决
gen.I believe you mentioned that you are a keen theatre-goer. We would, therefore, be pleased to arrange for you to see a West End play if this would interest you我记得您说过您喜欢戏剧,因此,如果您有兴趣的话,我们很乐意安排您观看伦敦西区的戏剧
gen.I hate to be the bearer of bad news我不喜欢告诉你不好的消息
gen.I reserved a room for a foreign guest three days ago, but now the foreign guest won't be able to come, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the reservation我三天前为一位外国客人预订了一个房间,但现在这位外国客人不能来了,所以我恐怕不得不取消预订
gen.I think our fish will be to your taste. There are three different flavors available. Please try it我想我们的鱼排会适合您的口味。有三种不同风味的鱼排。请您尝试一下
gen.I want to visit my friends in New York City. I think a B2 visa would be required我想去纽约看朋友。我觉得应该需要一个B2型旅行签证
gen.I want to visit my relatives in France. Would my purpose of visiting be suspected?我想要去法国看亲戚,签证官会怀疑我的签证目的吗?
gen.I would like to open a checking account. Will 300 dollars be enough for a minimum deposit?我想开一个支票存款账户。300美元作最低存款额够了吗?
gen.I'd like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water, it might shrink otherwise我想这件毛衣应放在冷水中用手洗,否则它会缩水的
sport.If a competitor is pushed or forced by another person to run outside the lane, and if no material advantage is gained, the competitor shall not be disqualified如果一名运动员被另一名运动员推出或被迫跑出他的分道、但未从中获得实际的利益、这名运动员将不应被取消比赛资格
econ.If I try to borrow $1000 from the bank, will you be my guarantor n.?如果我要从银行借1000 美元,你愿作我的担保人吗?
gen.if the aggressors dare come, they will never be able to get away只要侵略者敢来,管叫他们有来无回
econ.If the check can't be cashed, it shall be returned on recourse to the bank如果这张支票不能兑取现金,应将其退回银行,以追索款项
econ.If the compensation exceeds £ 500 000, the case will be submitted to arbitration如赔偿金额超过50万英镑,该案将提交仲裁
proj.manag.If the rectangle is 256 pixels -wide, the red component of a given pixel will be one greater than the red component of the pixel to its left如果矩形的宽度为256个像素、则给定像素的红色分量将多于其左侧像素的红色分量
gen.If you have to take a taxi, be sure the driver puts down the flag on the meter when you get in如果打车,上车时要确保司机重打计价器
econ.If you place a substantial order, we will be pleased to offer you art extra 3% off the current prices如大量订货,按现价再减3%
proj.manag.If you think a post-recovery price-earnings ratio for the S&P 500 will be something like 14 to 15, then this assumption makes sense如果你认为标普500经济复苏后的市盈率在14至15之间、那么这个假设就有它的道理
gen.If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期
commer.If your L/C fails to arrive here on or before the 30th inst., we shall be obliged to cancel the S/C假如在本月三十日或其前不能收到你方信用证,我方只好取消销售合同
gen.il is not to be imagined不能设想 (that, 想象)
dentist.I'll seal these grooves with this white plastic material to make them easy to be cleaned我将用树脂材料来封闭这些窝沟,使他们容易清洁
gen.I'm glad that we'll be able to accept your extension request很高兴我们可以接受您延长住宿的要求
gen.imagine M to be认为〔设想〕M 是 N (N)
econ.In case any dispute should arise, it can be submitted to a conciliation committee for a settlement according to Article 6 of the agreement根据协议中第六条规定,万一产生争论,可提交调解委员会解决
econ.In case this dispute is not negotiable adj., it may be submitted to a committee for arbitration如果这个争论无法通过谈判解决,则应提交仲裁委员会裁决
econ.In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, to be executed by the parties hereto, it is mutually agreed as follows...考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及将由缔约双方予以履行,双方彼此同意如下…
shipb.information treatment to be high automatization and integration信息处理高度自动化和集成化
shipb.information treatment to be high automatization and integration信息的处理高度自动化和集成化
shipb.insulating deck to be done insulation test绝缘甲板绝缘试验
shipb.insurance to be effected by the buyer保险由买方自理
shipb.insurance to be effected by the buyer after loading装船后保险由买方自理
shipb.insurance to be effected by the cargo-owner保险由货主自理
shipb.insurance to be effected by the carrier保险由承运方自理
shipb.insurance to be effected by the seller保险由卖方自理
shipb.insurance to be effected by the seller before loading装船前保险由卖方自理
econ.Invoicing can only be made out to you stating the abovementioned width, although the stipulation in the credit is 20虽然信用证规定的幅宽为20,我们只能按上述幅度开发票给你方
commer.It appears to be an exaggerated account of the incident这似乎把该事件言过其实了
econ.It appears to me that there must be mistakes somewhere在我看来,准是在什么地方产生了差错
econ.It does not appear to us to be very reasonable as we sent you an advance sample prior to shipment在我方看来这不很合理,因为装船前我们已预先给你方送去一份货样
gen.it has got to be done today这事必须今天做好
house.It is better for a dry battery to be used intermittently干电池最好间歇使用
gen.it is ill to be defined很难对它下定义
econ.It is not to be ignored that the market prices are changing frequently不应忽视市场价格经常有变化这一现象
gen.it is not to be wondered at这是不足为奇的
gen.it is to be wished that the system of work will soon be settled希望工作制度不久就能定下来
commer.It may be necessary for us to have recourse to arbitration我们也许不得不提请仲裁解决争议
gen.it may be superfluous to say that...画蛇添足的
gen.it may be superfluous to say that...说…也许是多余的
gen.it remains to be provedthat…尚待证明
econ.It shall be carried to a new account, in conformity with your instructions遵照贵方指示,该账将转入新开的账户
gen.it turns out not to be the case原来并非如此
gen.it used to be said that过去人们常说 (常常认为)
econ.It will be difficult to sell this product without curtailment of the delivery time不缩短交货时间,产品很难出售
commer.It will be to our mutual benefit to come to an agreement达成协议对我们双方有益
econ.It would be advisable to have tests made to locate the cause of the breaking作些试验,找出破裂的原因,这样做是可取的
econ.It would be an abortive effort to try to close this wide gap in price设法缩小这样大的价格差距将是徒劳的
econ.It would be better for us to hold the matter in abeyance until opportunity matures把这个问题先放一放,等到时机成熟再说,那样对我们将会更好一些
commer.It would be idle to argue further再争论下去也无效果
commer.It would be ill-advised to file a claim without sufficient facts and evidence没有充分的事实与根据就提岀索赔是不慎重的
gen.It's a pleasure to assist you. Please tell me when you'll be needing the room, sir彳艮高兴为您服务。先生,请告诉我您需要房间的时间
proj.manag.Its bankruptcy petition is due to be filed in a federal court in Manhattan at about 1pm London time, before the US markets open它的破产申请应该在伦敦时间下午1点钟左右、美国股市开市前、提交给位于曼哈顿的联邦法院
gen.It's infuriating! I have to be in Tokyo by six真气人!我得在6点以前到达东京
cosmet.Ladies must be careful not to overdo their fragrance application, particularly in warm weather女士们必须小心不要过分使用香水,特别是在暖和的天气里
auto.length of work to be machined工件长度
auto.length to be machined铣削长度
gen.let M be equal to令M=N (N)
adv.Levy's Rye Bread, "You don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's Rye Bread"面包、"不只是犹太人才喜欢莱唯斯的黑麦面包"、恒美广告公司、1949 (DDB, Levy's)
shipb.lifeboat davit to be done dynamic test救生艇吊架动负荷试验
shipb.lifeboat davit to be done static loading test救生艇吊架静负荷试验
shipb.lifeboat to be done lowering-hoisting test救生艇收放试验
shipb.lobby doors to be done operating test操作大厅门试验
shipb.lobby doors to be done operating test大厅门操作试验
gen.Louis Vuitton has been in business for an amazing 3 centuries and continues to be fore front in the hand bag industry路易・威登的经营已有3个世纪之久,这令人惊奇。它仍继续站在手提包业界的前列
cosmet.Mascara opened can be used for 3 to 6 months, placed at room temperature Once agglomeration appears, do not bother to use睫毛膏打开后可使用3至6个月,室温下放置。一旦出现结块时就别再使用
tech.material to be conveyed搬运的材料
tech.material to be cut切割的材料
plast.material to be ground待磨料
plast.material to be ground可磨碎料
tech.material to be loaded装载的材料
met.material to be rolled待轧材料
tech.material to be rolled辊压的材料
tech.material to be washed冲洗过的材料
nautic., tech.materials found on board ships that the ship recycling facility should be prepared to handle included in Part III of the inventory of hazardous materials拆船设施应做好准备进行处理的船上可见材料有害材料清单第 III 部分中所包括者
auto.maximum helical angle of screw to be relieved铲磨工件最大螺旋升角
auto.maximum lead of screw to be relieved铲磨工件最大螺纹导程
gen.may be able to + inf.也许必须,将
UN, tech.minor equipment and consumables not directly related to major equipment be reimbursed as "self-sustainment" based on troop strength与主要装备没有直接关系的次要装备和消耗品应根据部队实力按 "自我维持"予以偿还
gen.much yet remains to be done还有许多事情要做
gen.much yet remains yet to be done还有许多事情要做
gen.My advice is to go to an actual running store, where there will be knowledgeable people who can watch you run and tell you what kind of shoes you need我建议去一家真正的跑鞋店。那里会有懂运动的人,看过你跑步之后,他们会告诉你,你需要哪一类的鞋子
proj.manag.My main used to be computer science but I rerolled finance when the market was hot in 1999我原来的专业是计算机科学、但1999年的市场热潮让我转到金融行业
gen.My suitcase seems to be missing我的手提箱好像遗失了
gen.not all the data are to be checked并非全部数据都要校核
gen.not fit to be touched with a pair of tongs令人讨厌
gen.not fit to be touched with a pair of tongs不值得一碰
gen.not fit to be touched with a pair of with a barge-pole令人讨厌
gen.not fit to be touched with a pair of with a barge-pole不值得一碰
gen.be not to be compared to不能与…相比
gen.be not to be compared to比不上
gen.be not to be compared with不能与…相比
gen.be not to be compared with比不上
gen.not to be named in the same day withM 比 M 差得多
gen.not to be named in the same day withM 与 M 不可同日而语
gen.not to be named in the same day with比…差得多
gen.not to be named in the same day with与…不可同日而语
gen.not to be named on the same day withM 与 M 不可同日而语
gen.not to be named on the same day with比…差得多
gen.not to be named on the same day withM 比 M 差得多
gen.not to be named on the same day with与…不可同日而语
gen.not to be noted没有记录
gen.not to be noted不必记下来
gen.not to be noted未予示出
gen.Oh, that is a detailed application! You should remember that all questions must be answered in English. Besides, you are required to upload a photograph taken within the last six months噢!这是个很烦琐的申请过程。你要记住所有问题都需要用英语来回答。还需要上传一张近六个月之内拍的照片
gen.OK. I think it's time for you to check in. If you run into any difficulty, we'll be here to assist you immediately好了,到时间办登记手续啦。如果遇到困难,我们会及时帮助你
gen.OK, there will be a cab waiting outside in 10 minutes. It will take less than 5 minutes to check out好的,十分钟后会有一部出租车在外面等您。退房最多只需五分钟
gen.Once the discharge formalities completed, the cashier will issue a list which be presented to the nurse on your unit一旦出院手续办好后,收费处会出具一张出院清单,这张清单要交给您所在病房的护士
proj.manag.One of the most valuable parts of AIG likely to be put up for sale is its Asian life assurance operation美国国际集团可能挂牌出售的最有价值资产之一、 是它的亚洲人寿保险业务
gen.only one particle was observed to be released发现释放出来的只有一个粒子
gen.opportunity ripe to be seized可利用的好机会
econ.our human, land, material resources can be turned to best account人尽其才,地尽其利,物尽其用
proj.manag.Our policy in personnel development is to seek and promote young potentials that will be needed tomorrow我们人事发展的目标是寻找和培养具有潜力的年青一代、 为公司今后发展奠定基础
gen.Overweight children are at the risk of developing serious and costly health problems that used to be primarily the province of middle-aged adults, like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease超重儿童存在发生严重且花费巨大的健康问题的风险,而这些健康问题曾经主要属于中年人易犯疾病的范围,如2型糖尿病和心脏病
shipb.painting room fire-fighting pipe to be done fire-fighting test油漆间消防管系消防试验
shipb.painting room fire-fighting pipe to be done watertightness test油漆间消防管系水密性试验
shipb.painting room fire-fighting pipe to be tested油漆间消防管系试验
tech.particle material to be screened筛分出来的颗粒物料
gen.Passengers to Seattle can be checked now, the bus is leaving in 30 minutes去往西雅图的乘客可以检票,汽车将于半小时后发车
gen.Perhaps it would be better if you started taking public transport to work没准你乘坐公共交通工具去上班会好一些
commer.Please ascertain when you'll be in a position to supply请确定你方何时可以供货
commer.Please be kind to send us your proforma invoice in triplicate to support our application for import licence请给我方寄送你方形式发票一式三份以便我方据以申请进口许可证
gen.Please be sure to have all your rental car papers on your person您要确定带齐全部的租车文件
proj.manag.Please choose a memorable word of no more than 15 characters. This may be used to confirm certain transactions or to verify your identity请选择不超过15个字符的您可以记住的单词、此口令会用于确认某些交易或对您进行身份验证
gen.Please go to the information desk, they will be able to help you请到咨询台,他们会为您提供帮助
econ.Please notify the complainant and the respondent to be present at court tomorrow请通知原告和被告明天出庭
econ.Please see to it that the quality of the merchandise will be fully equal to that of the sample请务必保证商品质量与样品完全相同
plast.preparation of the parts to be welded焊接件制备
China, polit.problems that urgently need to be addressed亟待解决的问题
China, lawproperty that is to be enforced被执行的财产
sport.Protests concerning the status of an athlete to participate in a meeting must be made to the technical delegates prior to the commencement of such meeting对运动员的参赛资格提出抗议、 必须在运动会开始前向技术代表提出
auto.quantity to be measured被测量
expl.Racks to be blasted in such a case have large masses and,for the same impulse, their velocity and throw distance will be consequently short在这种情况下爆破的岩石块度大、而且由于冲量相同、岩石的速度和抛掷距离结果变小
auto.range of lead to be machined加工导程范围
UN, tech.readiness standards means that every unit/formation, ship, weapon system or equipment must be capable of performing the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed to enable the mission’s mandate to be achieved备战标准是指每一个部队/编队、船只、武器系统或装备必须能够胜任其组织设计的任务和功能,以促使特派团任务的完成
expl.Real-time data from a predictive meteorological model and sounding equipment is input to an atmospheric refraction model that enables the effect of meteorology on airblast levels in the area surrounding the blast site to be evaluated从预测大气模型和测声设备中获得的数据输人到大气折射模型、从而能评价气象对爆炸现场周边区域内的冲击波能级的影响
shipb.refrigerating freon piping to be done airtightness and vacuum test冷藏氟利昂管系气密性试验和真空试验
shipb.refrigerating freon piping to be done airtightness test and vacuum test冷藏氟利昂管系气密性试验和真空试验
shipb.refrigerating plant to be done protection device and cooling-down tests冷藏设备保护装置和制冷试验
shipb.refrigerating plant to be done protection device test and cooling-down test冷藏设备保护装置试验和制冷试验
shipb.refrigerator to be done function test冰箱功能试验
China, lawrequest new material evidence to be obtained调取新的物证
shipb.rescue boat and life raft davits to be done static and dynamic loading test救助艇吊架和救生筏吊架动静负荷试验
shipb.rescue boat davit and life raft davit to be done static and dynamic loading test救助艇吊架和救生筏吊架静动负荷试验
gen.Rice doesn't seem to be popular here like in my country这儿和我们国家一样,一般人好像不爱吃米饭
UN, tech.rigid structures are defined as hard walled or prefabricated facilities that may be attached to local utilities/services but can be easily dismantled and moved刚体结构是墙体坚硬或预制设施,可直接连接到当地水电设施/服务,但也可轻易拆除和移动
China, lawrule to be retried upon application申请裁定再审
gen.seem to be...似乎〔好像,仿佛〕是
shipb.shipbuilding technology to be high mechanization and automatization造船工艺高度机械化和自动化
met.slab to be inspected待检板坯
gen.Sorry, your credit card has stopped paying. According to the regulations of bank, it must be cancelled对不起,您的信用卡已经止付。根据银行规定要取消
shipb.structure completeness of rescue boat davit to be done inspection救助艇架结构完整性检查
shipb.structure completeness of rescue boat davit to be done inspection检查救助艇架结构完整性
shipb.subsidies to be phase out逐步取消补贴
shipb.superstructure compressed air piping to be done airtightness test对上层结构压缩空气管系进行气密性试验
shipb.superstructure compressed air piping to be done airtightness test上层建筑压缩空气管系气密性试验
shipb.superstructure control air piping to be done airtightness test对上层结构控制空气管系进行气密性试验
shipb.superstructure control air piping to be done airtightness test上层建筑控制空气管系气密性试验
shipb.superstructure drainage water piping to be done discharge test上层结构排水管系进行排水试验
shipb.superstructure drainage water piping to be done discharge test上层建筑排水管系排水试验
shipb.superstructure fire-fighting piping to be done firefighting test上层建筑消防管系消防试验
shipb.superstructure fire-fighting piping to be done test上层结构消防管系试验
shipb.superstructure lifesaving and fire fighting equipment to be done inspection上层结构救生和消防设备检查
shipb.superstructure lifesaving and fire-fighting equipment to be done inspection上层建筑救生和消防设备检查
shipb.superstructure smoke detection piping to be done airtightness test上层结构烟雾管系进行气密性探测试验
shipb.superstructure smoke detection piping to be done airtightness test上层建筑烟雾探测管系气密性试验
shipb.superstructure water supply piping to be done watertightness test对上层结构供水管系进行水密性试验
shipb.superstructure water supply piping to be done watertightness test上层建筑供水管系水密性试验
shipb.superstructure watertightness doors and windows to be done clashing test上层建筑水密门窗冲水试验
shipb.superstructure water-tightness doors and windows to be done clashing test对上层结构水密门窗进行冲水试验
gen.Swiss-made watches are internationally acknowledged to be the finest products in the world瑞士手表是国际公认的世界最好的产品
gen.take care not to let these goods be rained on当心别让这些货物淋到雨
gen.take M to be认 M 为 N (N)
gen.take M to be以为 M 是 N (N)
met.temperature of steel to be tapped出钢钢水温度 (The required quantities of hot metal, scrap, oxygen and fluxes for converter steelmaking are adjusted according to their chemical compositions, purity and temperatures, and to the desired chemistry and temperature of the steel to be tapped. 转炉炼钢所需的铁水、废钢、氧气和熔剂数量根据其化学成分、纯度和温度以及出钢钢水所要求的化学成分和温度加以调整。)
gen.That newscaster is a showboat. She wants to be on camera all the time那新闻播报员是一个爱现的人,她随时想上镜头
gen.That would be in aisle 7, with the condiments. It is next to the ketchup在第七过道,和调味品一起,就在番茄酱的旁边
gen.That'll be very nice. Where would you like to go?好啊。你想去哪里吃呢?
commer.The agreement stipulates for 2% overriding commission to be paid if the yearly turnover exceeds US $10,000.协议规定如果年贸易额超过10,000美元,须加付佣金百分之二
gen.The approved I-20 is just one piece of information the interviewing officer must consider when deciding whether a visa may be issued. Student visas may be refused if it appears that the applicant's primary purpose of travel is not to attain an education被批准的 I-20 表格只是签证官决定是否颁发签证要考虑的因素之一。如果申请人的总体情况显示其赴美的主要目的不是学习,那他的学生签证申请就可能被拒
arts.The artificial ball-flower has high simulation and a reasonable price. It offers a beautiful environment and can be used to festival, wedding, home, office, hotel decoration and so on这种人造球心花饰仿真度高,价格合理。它能提供一个美丽的环境,可用于节日、婚礼、家庭、办公室和酒店装饰等
gen.The baggage will be checked through to our destination行李会直达目的地
proj.manag.The bank now intends to be the first to throw off the government's golden fetters一$ l0bn in the form of preferred stock and share warrants现在、该行有意率先去除政府的"金脚镣"、即以优先股和认股权证形式存在的100亿美元
gen.The belt needs to be longer by 14cm这皮带需要再长14厘米
gen.The British Embassy, please. I have to be there by10我去英国大使馆,10点之前赶到那里
expl.The building to be demolished has an altitude of 70 meters将要撤除的建筑物70米高
gen.the capability of a metal to be fused金属的可熔性
commer.The certificate ceases to be binding if it is revoked by the certifier这一证书一经证明人撤销即告无效
commer.The certificate ceases to be binding if it is set aside by a court or arbitration tribunal其约束力即告结束
commer.The certificate ceases to be binding if it is set aside by a court or arbitration tribunal该证明书一经法院或仲裁庭宣布无效
econ.The claim must be lodged within one month of the arrival of the goods, after that date all rights to it will be forfeited索赔必须在货物到后一个月内提出,逾期无效
econ.The clause referred to in your letter of Sept. 15 shall be amended你方9月15日函中所提之条款应作修改
econ.The company's properties have to be revalued since the currency of that country has been devalued因该国的货币贬值,公司的财产得重新估价
gen.The congestion is so bad during rush hour that even taking a bus proves to be a dreaded ordeal now!上下班高峰时的交通更加拥堵不堪,这时乘坐公共汽车简直是一场可怕的折磨啊
commer.The contract provides that any difference or dispute shall be referred to the arbitration of a person appointed by the London Chamber of Commerce合约规定任何争议应提交伦敦商会指定的人进行仲裁
commer.The contract provides that any difference or dispute shall be referred to the arbitration of a sole arbitrator appointed by both parties合同规定任何争议应由双方指定的独任的仲裁员进行仲裁
econ.The contract stipulates that the first payment is to be accepted within 3 days on confirming the order合同规定一经确认订单,三天之内收讫第一批付款
expl.The courtyard seemed to be charged with sadness that day那天院子里似乎充满着悲哀的气氛
gen.The embassy must be closed now. Do I need to report it to the police?大使馆一定关门了,我需要报警吗?
expl.The extreme sensitivity to moisture content and insensitiveness to the basic rock texture and breakage characteristics suggests that only quite broadly representative values are likely to be generated by this estimation approach对水分的极端敏感和对基本的岩石结构及其破碎特性钝感表明、这种评估方法只可找到有广泛代表性的值
expl.The extreme sensitivity to moisture content and insensitivity to the basic rock texture and breakage characteristics suggests that only quite broadly representative values are likely to be generated by this estimation approach对水分的极端敏感和对基本的岩石结构及其破碎特性钝感表明、这种评估方法只可找到有广泛代表性的值
gen.the fuse needs to be replaced保险丝需要加以更换
econ.The goods are expected to leave this port on 16th July to be transshipped at Hong Kong as instructed该货预计7月16日离本港,并按指示在香港转船
econ.The goods are to be shipped in four lots of 30 tons each on separate bills of lading货物分四批装运,每批30吨,提单分开
sport.The IAAF identified a need for all these athletics events to be coordinated国际田联认为有必要协调许多单独举行的田径比赛项目
gen.The incidence of defects should be decreased to achieve quality targets要实现质量目标,必须降低次品发生率
sport.The indoor stadium shall be completely enclosed and covered. Lighting, heating and ventilation shall be provided to give satisfactory conditions for indoor competitions室内体育场应是四周有围墙、顶部有覆盖的体育场、应为室内比赛提供符合条件的照明、供暖和通风设备
gen.the machine wants to be repaired这机器该修了〔需要修理了〕
gen.the manometer, being newly repaired, ought to be calibrated这压力计,因为是新修好的,应该校准
gen.the meeting will be adjourned to next Monday下星期一继续举行
gen.the meeting will be adjourned to next Monday会议暂停
gen.The most popular colors appeared to be white, black and beige最为常见的颜色是白色、黑色和米黄色
commer.The new rate of commission is to take effect from the next contract. It is not to be backdated to any previous ones不得追溯以前的合约
commer.The new rate of commission is to take effect from the next contract. It is not to be backdated to any previous ones新佣金率从下一份合同起生效
footwearThe paper didn't mention the popularity of the 4 inch platform shoes Kim wears, but his oversized shades definitely seem to be a big hit with the women of Hollywood这份报纸没有提及金穿着的4英寸厚底鞋的流行,但他超大号的墨镜看起来的确足以和好莱坞的女明星们分庭抗礼
gen.The periodical physical examination must be given to a patient who has recuperated from hepatitis肝炎患者痊愈后,仍须对其进行定期的健康检查
gen.The phone seems to be out of order电话好像出故障了
gen.the point whose distance is to be measured距离待测的那个点
proj.manag.The potential database is so large that even the best software algorithms would be hard put to search it需要的资料库非常庞大、 即使用最佳的软件演算法也很难搜索
econ.The quantity to be delivered next week will be 50 tons at least下周应交付的数量至少是50吨
econ.The refrigerators have to pass their reliability test in accord with international standard before they can be exported这批电冰箱必须通过国际标准的可靠性检验方能出口
China, polit.the right of the people to be the masters of their own affairs人民当家作主的权利
econ.The schedule can not be used, if it is found to be in error计划表如发现有错误,则不能使用
proj.manag.The Server service must be running in order to run Setup. Verify that the service is started, and rerun Setup必须运行服务器服务才能运行安装程序。请检查此服务是否已经启动、然后重新运行安装程序
econ.The shipment should be subject to verification by the customs before it is allowed into our country这批货经过海关检査后方可进入我国
gen.The shooting in Jeju Island is now almost completed, and I will be returning to Seoul to start new shooting现在济州岛的拍摄部分差不多快完成了,就要回首尔进行新的拍摄了
econ.The shortage of goods amounted to 1250 pounds should be shipped by a fast steamer请用快船把总量为1250磅的短缺货物运来
econ.The spare parts to the car produced in your factory shall be of exactly the same quality as those previously supplied to us你厂生产的汽车备件的质量,应与从前供应给我方的完全相同
econ.The subcontractor is given an opportunity to be present in arbitration so that he can submit evidence转包商有机会出席仲裁,这样他就能提出证据
proj.manag.The system produces a high-resolution digital image that can be transmitted to the analysis software of your preference系统将生成高分辨率的数字影像、 而这些影像可以被传送到您选择的分析软件
gen.the tendency is for... to be...趋势是使…成为…
commer.The transaction was concluded on the understanding that the covering letter of credit was to be established 30 days before the commencement of the time of shipment此笔交易是按在装运开始前三十天开立有关信用证的协定达成交易的
sport.The tying competitors shall be placed in the next round or, if that is not practicable, lots shall be drawn to determine who shall be placed in the next round成绩相等的运动员均应进人下一赛次、如实际条件不允许、则应抽签决定进人下一赛次的人选 (注释:1. 抽签英文为 draw lots,有时英文 lots 可省略; 2. 抽签决定道次、比赛顺序等,竞赛规则中英文常用被动语态如: the order of lanes, the order of competitions etc. shall be draw)
expl.The type and adequacy of the stemming material used and the management of progressive relief during detonation have a strong influence on the amount of material thrown into the air and hence the proportion of dust likely to be emit ted from a blast爆破中所用的炮泥类型和分量以及对阶梯地形的处理、会大大地影响抛向空中的物质的多寡、因此也大大地影响一次爆破中可能喷出的飞尘比例
gen.the velocity of light is too great to be measured by ordinary means光速太高以致不能用普通的方法来测量
gen.the voltage is seen to be fairly constant over a wide frequency range电压在一宽频带内也十分稳定
econ.Their stocks may not be enough to cope with the New Year's trade他们的库存可能不足,不能应付元旦的业务
gen.there appear to be…似乎有…
gen.there appears to be…似乎有…
gen.there be bound to be势必出现
gen.there be bound to be必然有
gen.there continue to be...仍然有
gen.there continues to be...仍然有
met.There is a saying, "There are many ways to skin a cat" The same could be said for producing a heat of steel.俗语道:"猫皮剥法不止一种",炼钢方法岂能相同。英文原文摘自一篇讨论炼钢流程的论文。此处意指应根据 实际情况确定生产流程,不能固守一法不变
commer.There is no need to introduce the world renowned Armani label, but what may be less known is that it is now a leading furniture designer世界著名的阿玛尼品牌已无须介绍,但鲜为人知的是它现在成了首屈一指的家具设计品牌
gen.there seem to be...似乎〔好像〕有
gen.there seem to be some cases似乎有时
gen.there seems to be...似乎有
gen.there used to be原来这里有
gen.there used to be过去常常有
gen.There used to be a variety of foods at choice in that cafeteria那家自助餐馆以前有各种各样的食物可供选择
econ.These houses cant be transferred without notification to them and their consent没有通知他们并得到他们同意,这些房屋不能转让
econ.They assure you that they will be very glad to make any adjustment that would be acceptable to you他们保证,他们愿意做出你们所能接受的任何调整
econ.They consider it would be their advantage to have W.A. cover instead of F.P.A他们认为不投保平安险而保水渍险会对他们有好处
expl.This material is recognized as being likely to become airborne and farm an aerosol хим. and considered to be capable of being inhaled by humans, penetrating the gas exchange region of the lungs人们注意到、这种物质很可能悬浮在空中、称为悬浮微粒。并认为这种物质可由人呼进肺腑、穿透肺部的气体交换区
commer.This material is warranted to be pure cotton这种布料保证是纯棉的
expl.This material remains available to be released to the atmosphere whenever the muckpile is disturbed by excavation, transport or subsequent handling一旦爆堆受到开挖、'运输或后续处理时扰动、这种物质就随时会释放到大气之中
econ.This order must be filled within five weeks, otherwise we will have to cancel it此订单必须在五周内交货,否则我们将不得不撤销订单
expl.This paper describes an approach to the estimation of blast fragmentation size distributions down to 1 micron so that quantitative comparisons can be made of the likely generation of air-borne, inhalable and respirable dust when different types of rock are blasted本文介绍将爆炸破碎粒度分布估计在 1 微米的方法、以便在各种岩石爆破时、对空气中有可能产生的可呼吸的浮尘作以定量比较
expl.This study is restricted to the two types of rock so that the variations in rock mass properties are minimized and the influence of blast design parameters stemming, burden and specific charge on fly rock distance could be analyzed本研究针对两种岩石、以便将岩体特性的变化趋于最小、并能分析爆破设计参数如炮泥、抵抗线和单位炸药消耗等的影响
proj.manag.This would be useful if you wanted to skip a particular instruction or a set of instructions that appeared to be causing a problem如果您想跳过似乎会引起问题的某个特定指令或一组指令、 这就会很有用
adv.to be announced待发布
adv.to be announced某时段节目待定的
shipb.to be at anchor抛着锚
gen.to be blunt插人语老实说
sport.to be boxed in被挤在人群中
gen.to be brief一句话
gen.to be brief插人语简单地说
anim.husb.to be by所生
anim.husb.to be by某公畜生的
gen.to be concluded长篇连载下期下次登完
gen.to be continued未完待续
adv.to be determined某节目时间待定的
sport.to be eliminated in round在…赛次被淘汰
gen.to be more exact说得确切些
gen.to be more exact插人语精确地说
gen.to be further continued待续
gen.to be further continued未完
shipb.to be guaranteed for five years保用五年
gen.to be honest老实说
auto.to be nominated车赛待提名
gen.formal to be not并非
gen.to be on the safe side为可靠起见
gen.to be precise插人语确切地说
shipb.to be protected from cold怕冷包装标志用语
shipb.to be protected from heat怕热包装标志用语
shipb.to be qualified after inspection检验合格
shipb.to be qualified after survey检验合格
gen.to be relied upon可信
gen.to be serious煞有介事地
gen.to be short插人语简单地说
gen.to be sure的确
gen.to be sure为了弄确实起见
gen.to be sure插人语
gen.to be trusted信得过的
gen.to be trusted可以信任的
shipb.to be valid for one month有效期为一个月
econ.To meet the customer's requirements, the business representatives shall see to it that the products be delivered in good time为了满足客户需要,业务代表应保证产品按时交货
gen.To tell the truth, your apology can't be accepted说实话,你的道歉不被接受
econ.try to be in the swing赶时髦
gen.turn out to be原来
gen.turn out to be a clumsy sleight of hand弄巧成拙
gen.turn out to be a clumsy sleight of hand手法不高明
econ.Under existing conditions, it would be better to wait and see在现实情况下,最好等等再说
expl.Usually cast blast design involves maximizing the castover. However, in other situations less than maximum cast may be desired. This can occur far example if the after blast profile from maximum casting would lower the dragline elevation to the point where the machine has inadequate stacking height通常在进行爆破方案设计时希望使抛掷量最大化。但是、在一些情况下并不需要达到最大抛掷量。例如当达到最大抛掷量会使得吊铲达不到最佳的工作高度时、反而造成爆后利润的降低
shipb.vent duct structure of bow cabin and steering gear room to be inspected艏部舱室和舵机房风管结构检查
gen.water must be mixed only to be filtered out again必须先掺水而后只好再把它滤掉
econ.We agree that these products will not be sold to any other distributor of dealer我们答应这些产品不卖给任何其他批发商或零售商
commer.We are advising you of this possibility to the effect that you may be prepared in advance我们告知你方此种可能性以便你方提前有所准备
econ.We are sorry that the goods stored will be provided to our long standing customer preferably很抱歉,我们的存货要优先供应老顾客
econ.We are still of the opinion that we are not the only party to be liable for the late-delivery我方仍然认为延迟交货并非仅是我方单方的责任
commer.We believe that this arrangement will be conducive to our mutual benefit我方相信这一安排将对双方有利
gen.We can only hold the table for 15 minutes, so please be sure to arrive before8.我们只能保留15分钟,所以请您务必在8点以前到
gen.We have answered your email. Sorry, we wonf t be able to guarantee you two single rooms for tomorrow我们已经回复了你们的邮件。实在抱歉,我们不能确保为您提供两间明天入住的单人间
econ.We hope that this proposal will be acceptable to you, and await your early reply我们希望这一建议你方能接受,并期待早日答复
econ.We reckon the insurance premium to be over $10.000我们核算保险费将超过一万美元
econ.We regret deeply that the goods can not be delivered to you on time because of the delay of your L/C由于你方信用证耽误,我方不能准时交货,深感遗憾
econ.We regret to say that on examination, 5 movie cameras were found to be damaged, owing to negligent packing彳艮遗憾,经检査发现,5架摄像机由于包装马虎而损坏
shipb.We shall be able to give you big orders if you will fully cooperate with us on products quality, price, delivery and payment.你方如能在产品质量、价格、交货和付款方面与我方全力合作,我方将向你方大量订货
econ.We shall be $1000 to the good after selling these goods卖出这些货以后,我们将赚到1000 美元
gen.We shouldn't keep the ship waiting to be cleared我们不应该让船等候太久再报关
gen.We will help you to finish the refundment procedure. The money will be refunded to your credit account我们会为您办理退款手续,退款将会回到您的信用卡账户中
gen.We won? t be able to guarantee you a room for July 2 nd我们不能保证在7月2日给您一个房间
gen.We'll be at the London tower in a minute. Please get ready to get off the bus伦敦塔快到了,请做好下车准备
gen.We'll be delayed for one hour, due to the congestion of the airport因为机场拥挤,我们的班机将会延误一个小时
arts.We've got some fine workmanship here Just look at the 3D souvenir padauk. It looks both noble and magnificent. I m sure you'll be very proud to have them这里有一些做工精致的产品。看看这个3D紫檀木制纪念品,既高贵又豪华。相信您会以拥有我们的产品为傲
meas.inst.We've heard that you are offering a general agency for your lathe cutting tools in America We should be very pleased if you could consider our application to act as your agent听说贵公司正在美国寻找车床切削工具的总代理。如果贵公司能考虑我方申请,我们将十分高兴
gen.What seems to be the problem?哪里不舒服?
gen.What seems to be the problem?出了什么问题?
gen.What would be done if the patient should develop allergy to penicillin?如果病人对青霉素过敏,那该怎么办呢?
shipb.wheel house jetting pipe to be done function test驾驶室喷淋管系功能试验
shipb.wheel house water spray piping to be done function test驾驶室喷雾管系功能试验
shipb.wheelhouse jetting pipe to be done function test驾驶室喷淋管系功能试验
ceram.When appreciating collections, we should be careful not to knock the porcelain off the desk. Try not to touch it by a sweaty hand鉴赏藏品时注意不要摔落,尽量不用汗手摸
ceram.When appreciating collections, we'd better wear gloves and prepare a piece of flannelette on the table. Do not pass it to each other. When one finishes appreciation, the porcelain should be placed on the table again and others can hold and watch看藏品时最好戴上手套,桌上用绒布垫好。赏看时不要互相传递,一人赏看结束应重置于桌上,其他人再捧持观赏
sport.When, in the opinion of three Judges, a competitor's mode of progression fails to comply with the definition of race walking during any part of the competition, the competitor shall be disqualified and informed of his disqualification by the Chief Judge如果根据 3 名裁判员的意见、某一位运动员的行进方式在比赛任何阶段违反竞走定义时、这名运动员将被取消比赛资格。取消比赛资格由裁判长负责通知。
gen.When is it a good time to catch him? Would two o'clock be acceptable?什么时候可以找到他?两点钟合适吗?
proj.manag.When sending a file that includes a resource fork, you will be asked if you want to include it发送含有源叉的文件时、系统会提示您是否要包含源叉
sport.When there are too many competitors to compete at one time, several heats will be held to eliminate the less competent competitors from the final如参赛选手人数太多、有必要进行几次分组赛、淘汰水平较低的选手、以便减少参加决赛的选手人数
gen.Who will support you to study in Australia? Who would be your sponsor?谁为你去澳大利亚留学提供资金支持?
gen.will be able to + inf.也许必须,将
busin.withhold foreign exchange that should be turned over to the state截留外汇
busin.Would it be possible for me to have a closer look at your samples of the flasher?我能亲眼看一下你们闪光灯的样品吗?
gen.You can tell our Information Desk the place to go if you want to be in touch with telephone message or visitors when you are out如您离开酒店而需要与来客或来电联系时,请把您的去处告之服务总台
gen.You don't look very well today. What seems to be wrong?您看上去有些不舒服,还好吗?
sport.You must be sure not to foul again你一定不要再犯规了
gen.Your flight will take off soon. Please be quick to board the aircraft through Gate No 36. Thank you for your cooperation您的航班即将起飞,请迅速由36号登机口登机,谢谢合作
commer.Your immediate attention to the shipment of our order No. 1122 will be much appreciated我方不胜感激你方立即办理我方1122号订单的货物装运
econ.Your Indent No. 27 is expected to be shipped at the beginning of next month你方第27号订单的货物可望在下月初装运
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