
Terms for subject Space containing to | all forms | exact matches only
abort to launch site中止飞行回发射场
abort to orbit中止飞行入轨
abort to orbit应急入轨
acceleration response to turbulence紊流作用的过载响应
access to space进入空间
access to storage存储器取数
acquisition signal-to-noise ratio截获信噪比
active air-to-air homing guidance system空对空主动寻的制导系统
add-to-memory technique加到存储器技术
advanced air-to-air missile先进空空导弹
advanced air-to-surface missile seeker先进空对地导弹导引头
advanced intercept air-to-air missile先进空空截击导弹
advanced intercept air-to-air missile先进空对空截击导弹
advanced long-range air-to-air missile先进远距空对空导弹
advanced medium range air to air missile先进中程空空导弹
advanced seeker technology for air-to-air missile空空导弹先进导引头技术
advanced short range air-to-air missile先进近距空空导弹
advanced surface to air ramjet新型水面对空冲压式喷气发动机
Advanced Surface-to-Surface Missile 2先进舰舰导弹2 (欧洲反舰导弹联合开发组织研制的超声速掠海飞行导弹)
aids to location定位设备
aids to navigation助航标志
aids to navigation航标
air to air空对空的
air-to-air armament mission analyses空战武器任务分析计划
air-to-air battle management空战管理
air-to-air bomb反飞机炸弹
air-to-air bomb空对空炸弹
air-to-air combat test空战试验 (美国海军)
air-to-air guided missile空对空导弹
air-to-air guided weapon空对空导弹
air-to-air guided weapon空对空制导武器
air-to-air gunnery range空靶射击空域
air-to-air gunnery range空对空射击空域
air-to-air identification空对空目标识别
air-to-air identification friend or foe system空对空敌我识别系统
air-to-air interceptradar空中截击 (雷达)
air-to-air missile空对空导弹
air-to-air missile assault空空导弹攻击
air-to-air missile guidance element空对空导弹制导元件
air-to-air operation空对空作战行动
air-to-air recovery空中回收
air-to-air robot空对空自动控制导弹
air-to-air test vehicle空对空试验用导弹 (英国近距空对空导弹 SRAAM 的改进型)
air-to-air warfare空对空作战
air-to-ground communication空地通信
air-to-ground guided missile地导弹
air-to-ground missile空对地导弹
air-to-ground rocket空对地火箭
air-to-ground stores外挂空对地武器
air-to-ground strategic missile空地战略导弹
air-to-ground warfare空一地战
air-to-ground warfare空对地战争
air-to-liquid heat exchanger气液热交换器
air-to-ship missile空对舰导弹
air to-ship missile assault空舰导弹突击
air-to-ship missile team空舰导弹队
air-to-space missile空对空间导弹
air-to-space missile空对天导弹
air to space missile空对天导弹
air-to-submarine missile空潜导弹
air-to-surface ballistic missile地弹道导弹
air-to-surface decoy rocket地诱惑火箭
air-to-surface defense suppression missile空对面防空压制导弹
air-to-surface guidance system空对面制导系统
air-to-surface guided missile空对地[舰]导弹
air-to-surface missile空对面导弹
air-to-surface missile空对地导弹
air-to-surface rocket-boosted bomb火箭助推炸弹
air-to-surface rocket-boosted bomb空对地[舰]火箭助推炸弹
air-to-surface warfare空对地战斗
air-to-surface weapon空对地武器
air-to-underwater guided missile空对水下目标导弹
air-to-underwater guided missile空对潜导弹
air-to-underwater missile空对水下导弹
air-to-underwater missile空潜导弹 (美国国防部武器分类标准)
air-to-underwater missile空对水下目标导弹
air-to-vessel空对舰 (通信)
aircraft to satellite data relay飞机-卫星数据中继
aircraft-to-satellite data relay飞机-卫星数据中继
aircraft-to-satellite data relay飞机一卫星数据中继
air-directed surface-to-air missile空中导向的面对空导弹
American-to-Russian converter unit美俄转换装置 (国际空间站上的)
American-to-Russian power control unit美俄电力控制装置
amplitude modulation-to-amplitude modulation conversion调幅/调幅变换
amplitude modulation to phase modulation conversion调幅/调相变换
amplitude-to-time con verier振幅时间变换器
analogue to digital conversion模数转换
AND-TO-OR function"与/或"作用[计算机的]
application of space techniques relating to aviation航天技术在民航领域的应用 (国际民航组织)
application of space techniques relating to aviation航天技术在民航领域应用 (国际民航组织)
area-to-mass ratio面积质量比
area to power ratio面积比功率 (太阳电池阵的)
arm-to-arm进入战斗准备 (导弹从安全状态进入准备点火状态)
Astrap Panel on Application of Space Techniques Relating to Aviation航天技术在民航领域应用委员会 (国际民航组织)
attack and launch early report to theater警戒向战区预报攻击和发射 (系统,美国导弹预警卫星地面站的)
authorization to process授权启动
automatic satellite computer aid to navigation自动卫星—计算机辅助导航
automatic satellite/computer aid to navigation自动卫星/计算机辅助导航
autopath technology to terrain/obstacle avoidance地形/障碍回避自动航迹技术
azimuth ambiguity to signal ratio方位模糊比 (合成孔径雷达回波信号的)
azimuth to future position方位提前量
ballistic surface-to-surface missile面对面弹道导弹
ballistic surface-to-under water missile面对水下弹道导弹
base to height ratio基高比
binary-to-analog converter二进制一模拟转换器
binary-to-decimal converter二一十进制转换器
birth-to-death tracking全程跟踪
birth-to-death tracking自始至终跟踪
carrier-to-adjacent channel interference ratio载波与相邻信道干扰比
carrier-to-cross-polarization ratio载波交叉极化比
carrier-to-interference ratio载波干扰比
carrier-to-interference ratio载波一干扰比
carrier-to-noise density ratio载波噪声密度比 (载波功率与单位噪声功率谱密度之比)
carrier-to-noise power density ratio载波-噪声功率密度比
carrier-to-noise ratio载噪比
carrier to noise temperature ratio载波与噪声温度比
carrier-to-thermal noise ratio载波热噪声比
carrier-to-third order intermodulation ratio载波三阶互调比
carrier-to-tracking loop载波跟踪环路
cheep access to space廉价进入空间
chest-to-back acceleration胸到背加速度
clamp-to-sample time箝位采样时间
clear to go获准起飞
clear to go准许起飞
clear to land允许着陆
clear to launch射前清场
clearance to land着陆许可
close air-to-air combat近距空战
close proximity to ground紧贴地面
coast-to-coast flight横贯大陆飞行
coast-to-coast route横贯大陆的航线
command to line of sight瞄准线指令 (使导弹保持在目标瞄准线的指令)
command to line of sight missile瞄准发射导弹指令
computer equipment system, surface-to-air missile面对空导弹计算机设备系统
CORPS SAM corps surface-to-air missile军级地-空导弹
correction to time signal时号改正数
counter-air-to-air missile反空对空导弹的导弹
counter-air-to-surface missile反空对面导弹的导弹
counter-surface-to-surface missile反面对面导弹的导弹
current mode digital-to-analog converter电流型数模转接器
cut-off to separation phase关机分离段
day to day bias逐日偏移
day-to-day control日常检验
day-to-day drift逐日漂移
day to day stability逐日稳定性
dBc dB relative to carrier相对于载波的分贝数
debris flux to limiting size——定尺寸的空间碎片通量
decimal-to-binary conversion十进制向二进制的变换
defensive air-to-air operation防御性空对空作战
deflagration to detonation transition爆燃转爆轰
desired-to-undesired signal ratio期望信号/不期望信号比
direct to earth直接到地 (球)
direct-to-ground capacitance对地电容
direct to home直接到户 (电视,卫星电视直播的一种方式)
direct-to-multipath signal power ratio直接与多径信号功率比
distance from satellite to the Earth's cerv ter卫星地心距
divergence angle to target目标张角
downgrade to unclassified降为解密 (级)
ductile-to-brittle transition temperature韧脆性转变温度
Eb/No bit energy-to-noise density ratio比特能量与噪声密度比 (每比特内信号能量与噪声密度之比)
electronic aid to navigation电子导航设备
energy to weight ratio能量质量比
equivalent mean time to failure等效故障前平均时间
error due to background背景造成的误差
error due to curvature of earth地球弯曲差
error due to guidance equation error制导系统方程误差
error due to guidance instrument制导系统工具误差
error due to guidance method制导系统方法误差
Express Pallet expedite the process of experiments to space station又称快速货架 (国际空间站的平台,用于容纳暴露在空间的实验设备)
Express Pallet expedite the process of experiments to space station空间站加速实验平台
external-to-internal interface外一内接口
film optical scanning device for input to computers计算机胶片光学扫描输入装置
Firebee low altitude ship-to-ship homing missile火蜂式低空舰对舰自导引导弹
flow-to-close valve流压关闭阀
flow-to-open valve流压开启阀
frame-to-frame compression帧间压缩
frame to frame processing框架到框架处理
from space-to-ground reentry striking weapon从空间对地再入打击武器
front-to-back ratio前后比 (天线辐射瓣的)
future air-to-air missile未来空空导弹 (英国近距空空导弹 SRAAM 可能的生产型)
future surface to air family未来防空导弹系列 (法国、意大利以及欧洲其他国家合作研制的地空导弹)
gain-to-noise temperature增益-噪声温度
gas bubbles in venous blood returned to heart回心血流气泡
general purpose surface-to-surface missile通用面对面导弹
gravity anomaly due to magnetic body磁源重力异常
ground equipment adapt to missile随弹地面设备 (随导弹交付用户,对导弹进行使用维护时所必需的辅助设备)
ground-to-air bomber destroyer地对空反轰炸机导弹
ground-to-air data link地对空数据链路
ground to air jamming station地对空干扰站
ground-to-air missile地对空导弹
ground-to-air missile troops地空导弹部队
ground-to-air passive surveillance地-空被动式监视
ground-to-air television地对空电视
ground to air to ground data terminal地-空-地数据终端
ground-to-air transmitting-receiving station地空收发通信站
ground-to-air transmitting-receiving station地对空发射-接收站
ground-to-ground missile地地导弹
ground-to-ground missile地对地导弹
ground-to-ground strategic missile地地战略导弹
ground-to-ground tactical missile地地战术导弹
ground to orbit laser communication地对轨道的激光通信
ground-to-ship missile地对舰导弹
ground-to-spacecraft optical experiment地对航天器的光通信实验
helicopter air-to-ship missile直升机空舰导弹
high modulus-to-density ratio高模量一密度比[率]
high strength-to-density ratio高强度-密度比[率]
Himad high to medium air defence高空及中空防空
hit-to-kill interceptor碰撞杀伤拦截弹
hit-to-kill technology碰撞杀伤技术
imaging seeker surface-to-surface missile红外成像导引头面对面导弹
immunity to countermeasures电子对抗性
immunity to interference抗扰性 (仪器设备和系统抑制电磁干扰的能力)
instruction to proceed操作规程 (英国用法)
integrated analog-to-digital converter整体模拟-数字转换器
integrated private network-to-network interface综合专用网间接口
interlaboratory air-to-air missile technology实验中的空空导弹技术
intermediate air-to-air missile中程空空导弹
jam-to-signal ratio干扰信号比
jam-to-signal ratio干扰-信号比
key-to-address transformation键一地址变换
key to address transformation键一地址变换
key-to-cassette data input键盘-磁盘输入器
key-to-disk data input system键盘-磁盘数据输入系统
key-to-tape input键盘-磁带输入
laminar-to-turbulent transition层流一紊流转变 (附面层转变)
laser communication system to submarine激光对潜通信系统
laser-to-electric energy conversion激光-电能转换
launcher-to-missile size matching弹架协调[匹配]
LC50 concentration lethal to 50%致命浓度50% (生化战的度量单位,空气中生化战剂的浓度可使暴露在外面的人死亡 50%)
left-to-right scan左到右扫描
length-to-diameter长度直径比 (ratio)
length-to-diameter ratio长径比
lift to drag ratio升阻比
lift-drag ratio lift to drag ratio, lift-over-drag升阻比
light air-to-surface semiautomatic optical轻型空对地半自动光学导弹 (法国)
limit overload to the trajectory弹道极限过载 (导弹在最大迎角状态下飞行时所对应的弹道法向过载)
L/M ratio of direct labour to material cost直接劳务费与材料费之比
manual command to line of sight导弹手控瞄准线制导
many-to-many communication多对多通信
mark-to-space ratio标记占空比
maximum time to repair修理前最长工作时间
maximum mean time to repair最长平均修复时间
mean manhours to repair平均修理工时
mean mission time to failure平均故障发生前工作时间
mean time to accomplish平均完成时间
mean time to catastrophic failure大故障前平均时间
mean time to failure平均故障发生时间
mean time to failure平均失效发生时间
mean time to first failure平均初次故障时间
mean time to first failure平均首次出现故障时间
mean time to first failure首次故障前平均时间
mean time to first system failure平均系统首次发生故障时间
mean time to isolate平均查出故障时间
mean time to maintenance平均维修时间
mean time to maintenance维护前平均工作时间
mean time to repair平均维修时间
mean time to repair平均修理前工作时间
mean time to replace平均更换时间
mean time to restore平均恢复时间
mean time to restore functions平均恢复功能时间
mean time to restore system平均系统恢复时间
mean time to system failure平均出现系统故障时间
medium range air-to-air missile中程空空导弹
medium range air-to-surface missile中程空对面导弹
medium range air-to-surface missile中程空地导弹
medium range ground-to-ground missile中程地地导弹
medium surface-to-air missile中程地空导弹 (北约国家合作研制)
medium-range air-to-ground missile中程空地导弹
metal-to-metal adhesive金属黏合剂
metal-to-metal adhesive金属胶
minimum detectable signal-to-noise ratio最小可检测信噪比
mobile surface-to-air missile机动式地空导弹
mobile-to-satellite return channel移动点至卫星转回信道
mobile-to-satellite return channel移动点-卫星返回信道
modal-to-density ratio比模量 (材料弹性模量与密度之比值)
model to estimate space station operations costs空间站运行成本估算模型
modular automated system to identify friend from foe模块化自动敌我识别系统
modulus to density ratio模量-密度比
multiple-kill air-to-air missile多重杀伤空空导弹
multiplexer analog to digital converter多重模-数变换器
multipoint-to-point多点对一点 (一种卫星通信体制)
name-to-address mapping名字一地址映射[变换]
NASA end-to-end data system国家航空航天局端-端数据系统 (美国)
noise and signal-to-noise ratio噪声与信噪比
non-return-to-zero change on 1不归零近"1"变化
nonreturn-to-zero code非归零码
nonreturn-to-zero level code非归零电平码
nonreturn-to-zero level code不归零电平码
nonreturn-to-zero mark code非归零传号码
nonreturn-to-zero space code非归零空号码
nonreturn to zero-mark不归零标记
nonreturn to zero-mark非归零传号
nonreturn-to-zero-space code不归零空号码
not the first to use不首先使用 (nuclears, 核武器)
not to exceed不超过
not to scale超出量程
number-to-time converter数字-时间转换器
one-to-partial select ratio "1"与半选输出比
optimized air-to-surface infrared seeker最优空对面红外导引头
orbit-to-air intercept轨道对空拦截
orbit-to-orbit assembly/servicing跨轨道装配/维护
orbit-to-orbit shuttle轨道间航天飞机
orbit-to-orbit shuttle轨道间渡船
orbit-to-orbit shuttle轨道间往返飞行器
orbit to orbit shuttle轨道间往返飞行器
orbit-to-orbit stage轨道-轨道级
orbit-to-orbit station轨道间站
organics and/or organisms exposure to orbital stresses有机物和生物体轨道暴露 (美国计划发射的生物卫星)
parts peculiar to final assembly总装直属件
pel-to-pel redundancy像素间冗余
phased array tracking to intercept of target相控阵跟踪拦截目标
plane-to-plane missile空对空导弹
plane-to-plane weapon空对空武器
planetary surface to orbit shuttle行星与轨道间往返飞船
plume-to-hardbody handover从尾焰到弹体的交接 (拦截弹导引头跟踪导弹目标的尾焰并确定弹体位置,以找到碰撞点)
port-to-throat area ratio通喉面积比 (火箭药柱通气面积与喉部面积之比)
pose to pose control位姿到位姿控制 (机器人的)
position defense to air阵地对空防御
power-to-weight ratio推重比
power-to-weight ratio功率重量比
prior to sample-approval样品批准前
probability to penetrate突防概率
program for rapid earth-to-space trajectory optimization地球至空间高速弹道最佳程序 (美国国家航空航天局的)
program to program communication程序间通信
radar and television aid to navigation雷达电视导航设备
radio aid to navigation无线电助航设备
rail-to-road transfer point铁路-公路转运点
randomized nonreturn-to-zero level code随机化的非归零电平码 (一种高密度数字记录码)
range ambiguity to signal ratio距离模糊比 (合成孔径雷达回波信号的)
range to go剩余航程
range to go至目标的距离
range to impact弹着点距离
range to intercept截击距离
range to target目标距离
ready to receive准备接收
required overload to the trajectory弹道需用过载
response to psychological movement心理运动反应
returned to service重新服役
returned to service恢复使用
round-trip to the moon登月往返航行
Sabmis surface-to-air ballistic-missile interception system地对空弹道导弹拦截系统
satellite-to-satellite acquisition probability卫星对卫星捕获概率
sea-to-air missile舰对空导弹
sea-to-sea missile舰对舰导弹
self-propelled air-to-ground weapon空对地导弹
self-propelled air-to-ground weapon空对地火箭武器
self-propelled air-to-surface missile自推进空地[舰]导弹
semi-automatic command to line of sight瞄准线半自动控制 (一种导弹制导方法)
sensitivity to initial condition对初始条件敏感性
sensitivity to shock wave冲击波感度 (火工品的)
sensitivity to static electricity静电感度
series to parallel converter串并转换器
series to parallel converter串行到并行转换器
set to zero清"0"
set to zero置"0"
ship-to-air missile舰空导弹
ship-to-air missile guidance system舰空导弹制导系统
ship-to-air missile launching system舰一空导弹发射装置[系统]
ship-to-air net舰对空通信网
ship-to-ground missile舰地导弹
ship-to-ground missile guidance system舰地导弹制导系统
ship-to-ground missile launching system舰-地导弹发射装置[系统]
ship-to-objective maneuvre舰对目标对抗演习
ship-to-satellite communication星通信
ship-to-ship missile舰舰导弹
ship-to-ship missile fire control system舰舰导弹火控系统
ship-to-ship missile guidance system舰舰导弹制导系统'
ship-to-ship missile launching system舰一舰导弹发射装置[系统]
ship-to-submarine missile舰潜导弹
ship-to-submarine missile launching system舰一潜导弹发射装置[系统]
shock to detonation transition冲击转爆轰
side-to-side control偏航控制
signal power-to-weighted noise power ratio加权信噪比
signal-to-background ratio信号背景噪声比
signal-to-bandwidth ratio信号带宽比
signal to clutter ratio信杂比
signal to clutter ratio信号杂波比
signal to crosstalk ratio信号串扰比
signal-to-distortion ratio信号失真比
signal to distortion ratio信号失真比
signal to interference ratio信干比
signal to interference ratio信号干扰比
signal-to-intermodulation ratio信号-互调比
signal to jamming ratio信干比
signal to jamming ratio信号干扰比
signal-to-leakage ratio信漏比
signal to mean信号与平均值 (ratio, 比)
signal to noise and distortion ratio接收机输出端信号对噪声和失真比
signal to noise and distortion ratio信号+噪声+失真/ (噪声+失真)
signal to noise and distortion ratio信纳德
signal to noise ratio信杂比
signal to self-interference ratio信号一自干扰比
signal-plus-noise to noise ratio信号加噪声对噪声之比
single stage to orbit单级入轨
single stage to orbit vehicle单级入轨飞行器
single-stage-to-orbit concept单级入轨方案
single-stage-to-orbit launch vehicle单级入轨运载器
single-stage-to orbit launch vehicle单级入轨运载器
skid-to-turn missile外侧滑拐弯导弹
small payload access to space experiment小型有效载荷空间实验系统 (美国航天飞机上的)
spacecraft to ground communications航天器和地面通信
stiffness-to-density ratio比刚度
sub-to-shore missile潜对岸导弹
submarine-to-air missile空导弹
submarine-to-air missile launching system潜-空导弹发射装置[系统]
submarine-to-ground missile地导弹
submarine-to-ground missile launching system潜-地导弹发射装置[系统]
submarine-to-ground strategic missile地战略导弹
submarine-to-ship missile舰导弹
submarine-to-ship missile launcher舰导弹发射装置
submarine-to-ship missile launching system潜-舰导弹发射装置[系统]
submarine-to-ship missile surface-launched launcher潜-舰导弹水面发射装置[系统]
submarine-to-ship missile underwater-launched launcher潜-舰导弹水下发射装置[系统]
submarine-to-submarine missile潜导弹
submarine-to-submarine missile launching system潜-潜导弹发射装置[系统]
susceptibility to failure故障敏感性
susceptibility to failure故障敏化
switch to internal power转内电 (运载火箭和航天器在临发射前供电状态的转变)
switch-on to switch-on drift逐日漂移率
switch-on to switch-on drift逐次漂移率
synchro-to-digital converter同步器-数字信号转换器
synchro to digital converter同步机数字转换器
tactical air to ground missile战术空地导弹
tactical air-to-surface missile战术空对地导弹
tape-to-card communication带一卡片通信
terminal-to-computer multiplexer终端-计算机多路转换器
test to failure破坏试验
thermal radiator connected to fluid loops流体回路辐射器
throat to port area ratio喉通面积比 (喉部面积与药柱通气道面积比)
throat to port ratio喉通面积比
to be announced待发表
to be announced待宣布
to be confirmed待确认
to be declassified待解密
to be defined待确定
to be defined待定
to be determined求解
to be developed待开发
to be engaged queue待拦截队列
to be engaged queue待交战排队
to be evaluated待评估
to be negotiated待协商
to be provided待提供
to be published待出版
to be resolved待解决
to be specified待规定
to be superseded被代替[取代]
to be supplied待提供
to be validated待验证
to be written待记录
to be written待签署
to be written待书写
training for adaptation to cold耐寒锻炼
transition to war转入战时体制
turn to turn fault匝间短路
two stage to orbit两级入轨
two stages to orbit两级入轨
underwater-to-surface missile潜对面导弹
underwater-to-underwater missile潜潜导弹
up-to-date device最新仪器 (装置)
up-to-date information最新信息[情报]
up-to-date map现势地图
up to date technology最新技术
vehicle to vehicle communication飞船间通信
vehicle to vehicle communication车际通信
vehicle to vehicle communication飞机间通信
velocity to height meter速高比计
voltage-to-current converter电压电流变换器
voltmeter analog-to-digital converter伏特计模拟数字转换器
weight to power ratio of solar array太阳电池阵的重量功率比
width-to-depth ratio宽深比
width-to-thickness ratio宽厚比
within visual range air-to-air missile目视范围空空导弹
XCP/LV center-of-pressure to length of vehicle ratio压力中心与飞行器长度比
yield-to-weight ratio比威力 (核弹头威力与其质量之比值)
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