
Terms containing tip | all forms | exact matches only
sport.A javelin throw shall be valid only if the tip of the metal head strikes the ground before any other part of the javelin只有标枪金属头的尖端比其他部位先插人地面、 投掷方为有效
avia.active blade-tip活跃叶片尖端
gen.Am I rude if I don't tip?如果我不给小费就是无礼了?
tech.angle of tip摄影测量的俯仰角
tech.angle of tip倾翻角 (度)
tech.arc tip电弧接触点
tech.arc tip弧尖
tech.arc tip电弧接
tech.arcing tip电弧接
tech.arcing tip弧尖
tech.automatic wing tip slot自开翼梢缝
refrig.backward tip fan向后弯叶片通风机
tech.bank tip河岸上挖出的泥堆
gen.Before leaving the hotel, you should enclose the tip in a sealed envelope and mark it "Chambermaid" and leave it in a obvious place离开宾馆之前,你应该把小费封在信封里,并注明“给服务员”,并把信封留在一个明显的位置
tech.blade tip推进器叶端
tech.blade tip叶片尖端
avia.blade tip叶梢
tech.blade tip cavitation叶尖空蚀
tech.blade tip cavitation叶尖汽蚀
nautic., tech.blade tip clearance梢隙
avia.blade-tip clearance尖端间隙
avia.blade-tip clearance齿顶间隙
avia.blade-tip clearance叶尖间隙
tech.blade tip cylinder平土铲翻转油缸
tech.blade tip eddy叶顶漩涡
tech.blade tip eddy叶片顶端漩涡
nautic., tech.blade tip thickness梢厚
tech.blade tip vortex叶尖涡流
tech.blade tip vortex叶梢涡旋
biol.blueberry tip midge越橘瘿蚊 (Contarinia vaccinii Felt,瘿蚊科)
tech.breakwater tip堤头 (防波堤)
tech.bucket tip-back铲斗后翻
tech.bucket tip-back铲斗后倾
tech.burner tip喷煤嘴
tech.burner tip燃烧器喷尖
tech.bushing tip漏嘴
tech.bushing tip漏板喷丝孔
avia.cable tip电缆提示
avia.canard tip鸭翼尖
avia.canard tip vortex鸭翼尖涡
tech.carbide tip硬质合金刀头
tech.carbide tip精磨刀片
tech.carbide tip硬质合金片
tech.carbide-tip tool grinding machine硬质合金工具
biol.carnation tip maggot石竹梢花蝇 (Hylemya echinata Seguy,花蝇科)
tech.ceramic tip陶瓷测头
tech.ceramic tip金属陶瓷刀片
avia.chord of tip/chord of root梢根比
ecol.colliery waste tip煤矿废物堆
tech.concrete tip wagon运混凝土倾卸车
tech.conic tip圆锥顶点
tech.connecting rod tip连杆大端
weld.contact tip导电嘴
securit.copper a tip不搭理泄密者
biol.copper-tip金黄臭藏红花金黄火星花,Crocosmia aurea Planch.,鸢尾科
badm.cork tip软木托
tech.crack tip裂缝尖端
tech.crack tip缝尖
tech.crack tip裂缝末端
tech.crack tip opening displacement method裂纹顶端张开位移法
tech.cutting tip切削刀片
tech.cutting tip割尖
tech.cutting tip气割嘴
tech.cutting tip切割喷嘴
tech.cutting tip切削部分
tech.cutting tip刻针
zool.dactyl tip趾尖
avia.dendrite tip枝晶尖端
biol.dieback or tip withering of pine松梢枯死病 (Cenangium abietis (Pers.) Duby; Nectria cucurbitula Fr.; Diplodia pinea (Desm.) Kickx.)
tech.diffusion bounded tip扩散黏结漏嘴
tech.disposal tip处理倾置场
tech.domain tip畴尖
tech.domain tip磁泡
tech.domain tip device畴尖器件
tech.domain tip device磁泡器件
gen.domain-tip propagation logic畴尖传播逻辑〔电路〕
knit.goodsdrill tip钻尖
tech.dual-valve jetting tip双气阀喷嘴
avia.emitter tip发射体尖 (端)
avia.emitter tip radius发射体尖半径
tech.end-tip trailer后倾卸式拖车
tech.equalized tip均压电极头
tech.equalized tip均压焊嘴
tech.equalized tip holder均压焊嘴夹头
tech.fatigue crack tip疲劳裂纹尖端
tech.feather tip羽状端部
tech.feather tip薄边板
tech.feather tip羽状触点
tech.feather tip羽状接头
badm.feather tip羽毛顶尖
gen.feed tip喂针
tech.feeling the pulse with the finger-tip指目
gen.filter tip有过滤嘴的香烟
gen.filter tip香烟的过滤嘴
nautic., tech.fin tip propeller端翼螺旋桨
tech.finger-tip control按钮操纵
tech.finger-tip control单锁调整器
tech.finger-tip control指拨控制
tech.finger-tip control单指调整器
tech.finger-tip control手指操纵
tech.finger tip pressing technique押手
avia.flame tip焰舌
avia.flat tip平头电极
tech.flat tip electrode平头电极
tech.flight tip螺旋尖梢
avia.folding wing tip翼尖小翼
avia.folding wing tip可折叠翼尖
avia.folding wing tip electronic card可折叠翼尖电子插卡
tech.fore-and-aft tip航向倾斜角
tech.forming tip漏嘴
tech.forward-tip bucket前倾的料斗
refrig.forward-tip fan向前弯叶片通风机
gen.from tip to tip从这一头到那一头
gen.from tip to toe完全
gen.from tip to toe从头至尾
gen.from tip to toe彻头彻尾
tech.gage tip测头
tech.gage tip diameter of the cone标准直径
tech.gas tip气体喷头
nautic., tech.gas torch tip气焊炬喷嘴
tech.gauge tip测头
tech.gauge tip diameter of the cone标准直径
tech.gear tip clearance齿顶间隙
biol.green tip kafir-lily垂笑君子兰 (Clivia nobilis Lindl.,石蒜科)
desert.growing tip生长锥
tech.hand tip-cart手推倾卸车
tech.hand tip-cart手倾车
tech.hand tip-cart手卸车
tech.hard metal tip硬质合金片
shipb.helical tip speed螺旋桨尖速度
gen.Here are $50. Keep the change. That's my tip for you.这里是50美元。不用找钱了。当是我给你的小费
tech.high air entry piezometer tip高进气测压管测头
tech.high air entry piezometer tip高进气孔隙压力测头
tech.hospital tip安全铰端
gen.How much should I offer as the tip?我应该给多少小费?
gen.How much tip should I give to the longshoreman?我应该给装卸工人多少小费?
nautic., tech.hub tip ratio轮壳比
desert.hyphal tip菌丝尖
refrig.ice tip倒冰架
gen.If you're not satisfied with the service the maid is providing, don't leave a tip如果你对服务员的服务不满意,可以不留或者少留小费 (or reduce the amount you would tip)
refrig.impeller tip diameter叶轮直径
nautic., tech.integral tip shroud叶冠
gen.It is expected that the customer will leave a tip for the servers of restaurants in America在美国餐厅吃饭,通常要付小费
tech.jet pipe tip喷管喷嘴
tech.jet pipe tip射流管喷嘴
biol.juniper tip midge桧瘿蚊刺柏瘿,Oligotrophus betheli Felt
tech.laser tip激光尖端
tech.leading pole tip磁极前端
gen.leave a tip留小费
tech.mine dump tip废渣堆
soil.mine tip矿渣
plast.surg.nasal tip defect鼻尖缺损
tech.nasal tip height鼻尖高
tech.nasal tip salient鼻尖突
avia.needle tip针尖
tech.nose tip鼻锥帽
avia.nose tip尖锥端部
tech.nozzle tip喷嘴尖
tech.nozzle tip油嘴
tech.nozzle tip喷管头子
tech.nozzle tip喷头
tech.nozzle tip喷油头
avia.nozzle tip喷嘴
tech.overburden tip and disposal installation剥离层排土场设备
tech.overburden tip and disposal installation剥离层排土场装置
tech.oxygen cutting tip氧切割喷嘴
tech.penetration tip贯入
gen.People don't usually tip here, but you can在这里通常我们不给小费,但是如果你要给也可以
gen.People usually tip 15% of the overall bill, minus the tax, in most cases大多数情况下,人们通常按账单总额的15%减去税费以后的标准给小费
desert.piezometer tip孔隙水压测头
weld.plasma tip等离子喷嘴
weld.plasma tip等离子体喷嘴
tech.plastic tip hammer镶塑料头的小锤
gen.Please don't forget to tip your server at a restaurant请不要忘记在饭店给侍者小费
tech.pneumatic piezometer tip气动式孔压测头
tech.pneumatic tip wagon气动翻斗车
tech.pointed tip尖头电极
tech.pointer tip指针尖
tech.polar tip极尖
tech.pole tip极靴头
tech.pole tip极靴
tech.porous tip piezometer多孔探头式测压管
tech.propeller tip螺旋桨叶尖
tech.propeller tip speed螺桨梢速
tech.radius tip球面电极头
tech.rail-mounted tip wagon轨道式倾斜货车
desert.red tip photinia红叶石楠
biol.red-tip spines denmoza火焰龙 (Denmoza erythrocephaius sp.)
biol.red-tip spines denmoza火焰龙属 (Denmoza spp.,仙人掌科)
tech.refuse tip垃圾堆放
ecol.refuse tip垃圾堆放场
biol.rice white-tip nematode disease稻白尖线虫病 (Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie)
tech.rock point tip凿岩机齿尖头
avia.root and tip loss factor叶端损失系数
desert.root tip根尖
tech.rotary end tip旋转倾卸
tech.rotary end tip旋转翻笼
tech.round wing tip圆形翼梢
tech.rubber pinch tip橡胶喷嘴
tech.rubbish tip垃圾堆场
tech.screw tip蜗杆梢
tech.semi-spheric tip半球形电极头
tech.semi-spherical tip半球形电极头
tech.ship's height from light loadline to tip untitled mast固定建筑物高度【船】
horticult.shoot-tip grafting顶枝嫁接
tech.side-tip bucket侧装式铲斗
tech.side-tip dumper倾向自卸车
tech.side-tip dumper侧向自卸车
tech.side-tip lorry侧卸式四轮车
tech.side-tip truck侧向倾卸车
tech.side-tip truck侧卸式自动卸货车
tech.side-tip wagon侧卸运输车
tech.side-tip wagon倾卸车
tech.slag tip渣堆
tech.slag tip渣场
desert.soft-tip yucca凤尾丝兰
desert.soft-tip yucca华丽丝兰
tech.spade tip锹尖端
tech.spade tip铲尖端
tech.spoil tip废料坑
tech.spoil tip垃圾坑
tech.spoil tip垃圾场
tech.spoil tip垃圾堆
tech.spoil tip碎屑场
tech.spoil tip碎屑坑
tech.spoil tip碎屑堆
tech.spoil tip废料堆
tech.spoil tip废料场
tech.spray tip喷枪喷嘴
tech.spray tip喷头
ecol.sprinkler tip洒水喷头
avia.squealer tip凹槽状叶顶
avia.stall tip speed翼梢失速速度
tech.suction aspirator tip吸引器头
gen.Taking a taxi here means there is no need for tip at all在这里打车不需要给小费
tech.tapered tip锥形极端
gen.Thanks for your service. Here is your tip, please感谢您的服务,这是给您的小费
tech.the tip of anything物体的尖端
tech.the tip of the axis轴的末端
gen.the tip of the iceberg表面部分
gen.the tip of the iceberg小部分
sport.the tip of the javelin标枪枪尖
CNCthickness of drill tip钻尖厚度
tech.thiokol tip乙硫橡胶镶尖
tech.Tic coated tip碳化钛涂层刀片
avia.tip aerofoil翼尖
avia.tip aileron翼尖副翼
sport.tip and runpaddleball 触球即跑
tech.tip awn顶芒
tech.tip-awned variety顶芒品种
avia.tip back angle防擦地角
gen.tip barrow倾卸手车
avia.tip blade翼尖后掠旋翼
avia.tip blade clearance叶片间隙
desert.tip blight顶枯病
tech.tip brazing刀片铜焊
tech.tip bucket倾斜戽斗
avia.tip cargo翼尖货物
nautic., tech.tip cavitation叶梢空泡
avia.tip chord梢弦
avia.tip chord翼尖翼弦
tech.tip cleaning电极端清理
avia.tip clearance叶尖间隙
refrig.tip clearance叶端间隙
avia.tip clearance翼尖距离
avia.tip clearance height叶尖间隙高度
avia.tip clearance leakage叶端泄漏损失
avia.tip clearance vortex车叶尖余隙涡流
avia.tip cropping截尖
gen.tip cut-off端切除
tech.tip cutting顶插
avia.tip displacement末端位移
avia.tip dragger翼尖扰流片
avia.tip drive翼尖驱动
avia.tip droop翼尖下折
avia.tip droop翼尖下垂
avia.tip float稳定浮筒
avia.tip float翼尖浮筒
avia.tip gap间隙
tech.tip hardness钎刃硬度
gen.tip-in drill门前补射练习
gen.tip-in drill垫射练习
gen.tip M into a bank使 M 发生倾斜
gen.tip into a bank使侧倾〔倾斜〕
tech.tip jack尖头插座
tech.tip lead塞尖引出线
avia.tip leakage叶端漏泄
avia.tip leakage flow间隙泄漏流
avia.tip leakage vortex顶部间隙泄漏涡
ecol.tip lorry翻斗车
avia.tip loss翼尖损失
avia.tip loss factor旋翼桨尖损失系数
nautic., tech.tip losses叶梢损失
avia.tip mass末端质量
gen.tip Mon edge把M 的底部 -侧垫高使其倾斜
tech.tip motor lorry机动翻斗车
nautic., tech.tip-nub ratio轮毂比
avia.tip of lightning rod避雷针尖
bot.tip of meristem分生组织尖
sport., psychol.tip of the tongue phenomenon词在唇边现象
sport., psychol.tip of the tongue phenomenon舌尖现象
avia.tip-off phase出舱阶段
gen.tip ojf预先通知消息
gen.tip ojf警告
gen.tip ojf暗示
gen.tip ojf倒岀
gen.tip out翻倒
gen.tip out倒光
outd.tip over翻转
gen.tip over倾覆
avia.tip-path plane桨尖旋转面
avia.tip path plane桨尖旋转面
avia.tip path plane挥舞不变平面
avia.tip-path plane旋翼机桨尖面
avia.tip-path plane桨叶尖旋转平面
avia.tip path plane桨尖轨迹平面
tech.tip plate嘴板
avia.tip plate顶板
tech.tip plate column格构板柱
tech.tip plate column缀板柱
tech.tip-plate process梢板法 (制漏板)
avia.tip pod翼尖外挂油箱
avia.tip pod翼尖吊舱
tech.tip pruning打顶
avia.tip radius齿顶圆角半径
avia.tip rake翼尖斜削
avia.tip relief齿形修缘
avia.tip relief齿端修整
avia.tip relief修像
plast.surg.tip rhinoplasty鼻尖整形术
plast.surg.tip rotation鼻尖旋转
avia.tip seal叶顶密封
securit.tip sheet股票交易内情通报
gen.tip shot轻触射门
avia.tip shroud围带
sport.tip somebody to win认定某人获胜
tech.tip speed车叶尖速度
tech.tip speed梢速
avia.tip speed桨尖速度
avia.tip-speed ratio旋翼的工作状态特性系数
avia.tip-speed ratio尖速比
avia.tip-speed ratio螺旋桨的叶尖相对速度
avia.tip stall翼尖失速
avia.tip surface齿顶曲面
avia.tip tank翼尖油箱
gen.tip the balance起决定性作用
gen.tip the balance扭转局势
gen.Tip the cab driver about 15 % of your base fare excluding the bridge tolls or luggage fees给司机的小费应大约是车费的15%,不包括过桥费和行李费
gen.tip the puck垫射
gen.tip the puck跟进射
gen.tip the puck补射
gen.tip the scale使平衡起变化
gen.tip the scale为决定因素
gen.tip the scale刚好使天平倾斜
fig.tip the scales为决定因素
fig.tip the scales使平衡起变化
fig.tip the scales刚好使天平倾斜
avia.tip-tilt mirror自适应光学
gen.tip-toe through sticks足尖越过球杆
avia.tip trailing vortex翼尖尾涡
tech.tip tray倾翘洒水盘
tech.tip tray倾卸盘
tech.tip turbine叶端喷流透平
gen.tip up
gen.tip up翻倒
gen.tip up
tech.tip-up door上翻门
tech.tip up seat翻椅
tech.tip up seat倾靠椅 (剧场用)
tech.tip up seat翻动椅
tech.tip-up seat剧场用翻椅
sport.tip-up seat固定翻椅不用时可翻起的座位
sport.tip-up seat可翻座位
tech.tip-up trolley卸料小车 (输送的)
tech.tip-up trolly卸料小车 (输送的)
tech.tip up wards向上翻转
tech.tip velocity周缘速度
tech.tip velocity叶片顶部速度
avia.tip velocity叶顶速度
tech.tip vortex车叶尖涡流
avia.tip vortex翼尖涡流
tech.tip vortex翼梢漩涡
avia.tip vortex翼尖涡
tech.tip vortex端头漩涡
avia.tip vortex梢涡
tech.tip wagon翻斗料车
tech.tip wagon翻斗货车
tech.tip wagon倾卸货车
tech.tip wagon自卸
gen.tip M with用N装在M的尖〔头〕上 (N)
gen.tip M with用 N给M点尖 (N)
tech.tongue tip舌尖
tech.tooth tip斗齿尖
tech.tooth-tip leakage齿尖泄漏
tech.tooth-tip leakage齿尖漏磁
tech.tooth-tip reactance齿间漏抗
tech.trailing pole tip磁极后端
tech.trailing pole tip后极尖
tech.transition tip换接电极头
tech.trough tip wagon槽形翻斗车
tech.trough tip wagon倾斗车
tech.true cone tip resistance真锥尖阻力
tech.true cone tip resistance真锥头阻力
tech.truncated tip锥头电极
tech.truncated tip electrode锥头电极
tech.trunnion tip wagon耳轴式自卸车
tech.turntable tip转台翻车机
tech.ultimate tip resistance极限端阻力标准值
tech.uncompacted tip不压实的垃圾场
avia.uncooled tip非制冷提示
tech.VISCOmeter tip黏度计尖头
tech.VISCOsimeter tip黏度计尖头
refrig.warming-tip period加热期、升温期
tech.waste tip垃圾堆
tech.waste tip废物堆
tech.waste tip废物场
ecol.waste tip垃圾场
tech.welding tip电极工作端
tech.welding tip焊接喷嘴
biol.white sugarcane tip borer稻白螟印尼白螟,Tryporyza innotata Walker; Scirpophaga,螟蛾科
biol.white tip borer蔗白螟 (Scirpophaga nivella Fabricius; Scirpophaga auriflua Zeller,螟蛾科)
biol.white tip clothes moth地毯衣蛾毛毡衣蛾,Trichophaga tapetzella(L.),衣蛾科
biol.white tip of leek大葱白顶病大葱疫霉病,Phytophthora porri Foister
biol.white tip of onion洋葱白顶病洋葱白疫病,Phytophthora porri Poister
tech.wing tip翼梢
tech.wing tip翼端
avia.wing tip机翼翼端
tech.wing-tip aileron翼梢副翼
tech.wing-tip antenna翼梢天线
avia.wing tip brake翼尖减速板
avia.wing tip brake翼尖阻滞
avia.wing tip carriage翼尖外挂
tech.wing-tip chord翼梢弦
tech.wing-tip drag rudder翼梢阻流方向舵
tech.wing-tip flare翼梢着陆闪光灯
tech.wing-tip float翼尖浮筒
tech.wing-tip landing flare翼梢着陆闪光灯
tech.wing-tip launcher翼梢发射架
tech.wing-tip light翼梢灯
tech.wing-tip loss翼梢损失
avia.wing tip missile翼稍携带导弹
tech.wing-tip nozzle翼端喷嘴
tech.wing-tip parachute翼梢伞
tech.wing-tip plate翼梢板
tech.wing-tip pontoon翼梢浮筒
tech.wing-tip radius翼梢半径
tech.wing-tip rake翼尖斜削
avia.wing tip rake翼梢倾度
tech.wing-tip rigid boom air-borne electromagnetic system翼尖硬架航电仪
tech.wing-tip rudder翼梢方向舵
tech.wing-tip slot翼梢缝
avia.wing tip station翼尖站位
tech.wing-tip store翼梢外挂物
avia.wing tip suspension翼尖悬挂
tech.wing-tip truss翼梢构架
tech.wing-tip turret翼梢炮塔
tech.wing-tip vortex翼梢涡流
tech.wing-tip vortex翼梢旋涡
avia.wing tip vortex翼尖旋涡
tech.wood tip wagon木制翻斗车
tech.writing tip记录笔尖
biol.yellow tip ped pyralid蔗白螟 (Scirpophaga nivella Fabricius; Scirpophaga auriflua Zeller,螟蛾科)
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