
Terms for subject Economy containing time order | all forms
Because the order is urgent, they will try their best to curtail the time for production由于订货紧迫,他们将尽力缩短生产时间
In order to compete, it is very important for suppliers to deliver on time为了竞争,供应商按时交货是很重要的
In spite of heavy commitments, they managed to execute our order in time尽管他们承接订货很多,他们仍设法及时完成我方订单
It is unreasonable to expect the factory to get our order shipped in so short a time希望厂方在如此短的时间内把我方的订货装船是不合理的
order time完成定货的时间
Our production schedule shall give your orders first priority at any time你方的订单在我方的生产进度中任何时候都会作优先安排
We confirm the delivery time on your order我方确认你方订单上注明的交货时间
We consider it reasonable to ask you to fill all orders in time我们认为要求你方及时完成全部订单是合理的
We had hard work of 3 months getting the order fulfilled in time为及时完成定货,我们辛苦工作了三个月