
Terms for subject Nautical containing time | all forms | exact matches only
amortization time分期偿还时间
arcing time多极开关电器的燃弧时间 (of multi pole switching device)
arcing timeof a pole or fuse—极和熔断器的燃弧时间
awareness time觉察期
awareness time知道时间
definite time-delay relay or release定时限过电流继电器或脱扣器
embarkation time and launching time登乘时间和降落时间
embarkation time E and launching time L登乘时间及下水时间
estimate time of arrival预计到达时间
execution dead time倒车时滞
frequency transient recovery time频率瞬变恢复时间
idle time惰转时间
individual assembly time个人集合时间
individual travel time个人移动时间
initial turning time初转期
International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from ships 73/78, as amended from time to time published by IMO MARPOL 1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 74,78, as amended from time to time published by IMO1974/1978 国际海上人命安全公约 (SOLAS)
inverse time-delay relay or release反时限过电流继电器或脱扣器
nominal filling time额定填充时间
opening time机械开关电器的断开时间 (of mechanical switching device)
operating time演算时间工作时间,运行时间
operation time演算时间工作时间,运行时间
pre-arcing time熔断器的弧前时间 (of a fuse)
race time惰转时间
real time video实时视频
recovery time救助艇的回收时间
reversion time换向时间
short-time short-circuit current短延时短路脱扣器
solution time溶解时间
standard time-temperature curve标准时间-温度曲线
stopping time停船时间
temperature and time combination时间-温度关系
time between overhauls翻修期限
time charter party定期租约
time domain computation时域计算
time for a complete cycleZ 形操纵周期
time limit to launch降落时限
time of rudder movement转舵时间
time required for ballasting of floating上浮时间钻井装置
time required for ballasting of immersing下沉时间钻井装置
time to check yaw纠偏期
time totalizer总时计
time window时间视窗
total assembly time tₐ总集合时间
transmission dead time倒车传令时滞
travel time行进时间移动时间
universal coordinated time国际坐标时
universal time coordinated国际协调时间
validity time of a claim索赔时效
voltage transient recovery time电压瞬变恢复时间
warming-up time暖机时间
watch one's time伺机
watch one's time等待时机