
Terms containing thumb | all forms | exact matches only
surg.adduction deformity of thumb拇指内收畸形
surg.adduction of thumb拇指内收
textilearmside cover thumb顶盖压脚螺钉
gen.as a rule of thumb根据经验
plast.surg.basal thumb joint拇指基底关节
met.Bessemer rule of thumb贝塞麦经验规则」 (每吨钢所需转炉容积为27英尺3)
met.Bessemer rule of thumb贝塞麦经验规则 (冶炼每吨钢所需转炉容积为 27ft³)
surg.bifid thumb分叉拇指
textileBolton thumb gloves波尔顿式手套
textileBolton thumb gloves博尔顿拇指手套
sport., med.boxer's thumb拳击者拇指
dermat.broad thumb and great toe syndrome宽拇指及巨趾综合征
dermat.broad thumbs and toes syndrome宽拇指及宽趾综合征
proj.manag.But as economists thumb through the history books, the one thing that is crystal clear is that this summer's turmoil will not be the last但在经济学家翻阅历史时、非常明确的一点是、今年夏季爆发的市场动荡将不会是最后一次
archit.by rule of thumb凭经验
tech.can with thumb button带阀油壶
surg.carpometacarpal joint of thumb拇指腕掌关节
anat.carpometacarpal joint of thumb拇指腕掌关节 (由大多角骨与第1掌骨底构成,是典型的鞍状关节,为人类及灵长目所特有。关节囊厚而松弛。该关节可作屈、伸、收、展、环转和对掌运动)
plast.surg.clasped thumb钩状拇指
plast.surg.clasped thumb拇内钩
plast.surg.clasped thumb扳机指
dermat.cleft lip-palate with abnormal thumbs and microcephaly裂唇-裂腭伴拇指畸形及小头
plast.surg.clenched thumb拇内钩
plast.surg.clenched thumb钩状拇指
surg.congenital trigger thumb先天性扳机拇指
dentist.Control the floss by pinching it with index fingers and thumbs like this通过示指和拇指的牵拉来控制牙线
polygr.cutting edges ; thumb cut切口
surg.digital opposition of thumb拇指对指
plast.surg.duplicated thumb复拇畸形
nurs.duplication of the thumb复拇指
tech.estimation by rule of thumb经验估计
wushu.fist with the thumb side up立拳
wushu.fist with the thumb side up立拳
plast.surg.flexion-adduction of thumb拇指屈曲内收
surg.floating thumb浮动拇指
textileFrench thumb法式拇指
textileFrench thumb法式手套
textileFrench thumb弯曲型姆指
surg.functional reconstruction of thumb拇指功能重建术
biol.golden tom-thumb锦绣玉 (Parodia aureispina sp.)
biol.golden tom-thumb锦绣玉属 (Parodia spp.,仙人掌科)
ITGreen Thumb"绿拇指"系统指美国农业部经营的可视数据检索系统
tech.green thumb园艺技能
wind.handy rule of thumb经验定律
plast.surg.hypoplastic thumb拇指发育不全
gymn.Indian clubs holding between the thumb and the index finger虎口握棒法
polygr.indigo; indigo blue; thumb blue; woad靛蓝
tech.knurled thumb screw滚花螺杆
biol.lady's thumb春蓼桃叶蓼,Polygonum persicaria Linn.,蓼科
agric.lady's thumb春蓼
biol.lady's thumb春蓼桃叶蓼,Polygomun persicaria L.,蓼科
tech.left thumb rule左拇指定则用于测量仪器的调平
tech.milled edge thumb screw铣边翼形螺钉
fish.farm.Miller's thumb杜父鱼 Cottus gobio
textilenovelty thumb手套拼花拇指
surg.osteoplastic thumb reconstruction皮管植骨拇指再造术
surg.palmar abduction of thumb拇指掌侧外展
surg.palmar opposition of thumb拇指对掌
sport., med.part between the thumb and the index finger虎口
dentist.Please use your thumb to hold it请用您的拇指抵住胶片
tech.plug thumb screw蝶形螺塞
surg.pollicization of thumb metacarpal第一掌骨拇指化
textilepressure regulating thumb screw压脚调节螺丝
tech.pressure regulating thumb screw压脚调节翼形螺钉
surg.principal artery of thumb拇主要动脉
anat.principal artery of thumb拇主要动脉 (在桡动脉转入手掌之后发出,经拇收肌斜头深面下行,至拇掌指关节处分为两支,分布于拇指掌侧的两侧缘)
textilequirk thumb弯曲形拇指
textilequirk thumb法国手套
surg.radial abduction of thumb拇指桡侧外展
surg.reconstruction of thumb拇指再造术
surg.reconstruction of thumb by index finger transfer示指移转拇指再造术
surg.reconstruction of thumb with free second toe to hand transfer by vascular anastomosis吻合血管的第二趾移植拇指再造术
surg.reconstruction of thumb with tubed pedicle flap皮管植骨拇指再造术
nurs.reconstruction the thumb拇指畸形整复
tech.regular thumb screw对称翼形螺钉
sport., med.repair of ruptured ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb拇掌指关节尺侧副韧带断裂修补术
textileround thumb针织手套镶缝拇指
ecol.rule of thumb经验定则
gen.rule of thumb右手〔拇指〕定则
gen.rule of thumb凭感觉〔眼力〕的试验法
gen.rule of thumb计算中的近似法
gen.rule of thumb经验法则〔方法〕
HRrule of thumb经验之谈
busin.rule of thumb粗略估算法
econ.rule of thumb凭经验办事的方法
econ.rule of thumb任意管理
dril.rule of thumb经验方法
econ.rule of thumb惯例
el.rule of thumb经验方法 (method)
el.rule of thumb经验法则 (method)
anim.husb.rule of thumb根据经验作法
interntl.trade.rule of thumb粗估法
busin.rule of thumb凭经验办事方法
chem.rule of thumb经验法则
busin.rule of thumb粗略处理法
gen.rule of thumb经验法
econ.rule of thumb approaches to investment研究投资的经济法则着手法
tech.rule-of-thumb design凭经验进行设计
tech.rule-of-thumb in forecasting of fog实地预测雾情方法
econ.rule-of-thumb method简便法
manag.rule-of-thumb method因袭管理方法
manag.rule-of-thumb method经验法则
busin.rule-of-thumb method经验管理法
oilrule-of-thumb prediction technique经验预测技术
securit.rule-of-thumb pricing粗略估价
securit.rule-of-thumb pricing根据"平均成本加利润"原则制定的价格
textileset-in thumb装拇指手套剪接拇指部分的手套,主要用于配礼服
textileset-in thumb固定式拇指
sport., med.short extensor of thumb拇短伸肌
plast.surg.short thumb短拇畸形
sport., med.snap the thumb弹响拇指
surg.snapping thumb弹响拇指
adv.sore-thumb display小型但引人注目的店铺陈列
surg.stenosing tendovaginity of thumb拇指狭窄性腱鞘炎
dermat.stub thumb粗短拇指
sport., med.tennis thumb拇长屈肌腱鞘炎
sport., med.tennis thumb网球拇
textilethumb blue洗衣时上蓝用靛蓝
textilethumb blue洗衣上蓝用靛蓝
tech.thumb bolt元宝螺栓
tech.thumb bolt指按门窗
tech.thumb cleat单挽钩
tech.thumb control adjustable wrench拇指控调扳手
busin.thumb cut拇指切口
textilethumb draw thread手套大拇指拆线
surg.thumb duplication复拇畸形
adv.thumb edge书口
tech.thumb edge抹圆角边
plast.surg.thumb extension restoration拇外展功能修复
auto.thumb fit装活塞销时拇指推进压入
plast.surg.thumb flexion-adduction拇指屈曲内收畸形
weightlift.thumb grip拇指握法
tech.thumb head screw扁头螺丝
shoot.thumb hole拇指孔
bowl.thumb hole拇指洞
bowl.thumb hole拇指孔
libr.thumb index切口索引
adv.thumb index字母索引
tech.thumb index书边标目
plast.surg.thumb-in-palm deformity拇指内收畸形
sport., med.thumb joint拇指关节
tech.thumb jump按钮弹跳开关
tech.thumb knob门锁按钮把手
textilethumb knot一把结
textilethumb knot筒子结
tech.thumb knot反手结
tech.thumb latch指按门闩
tech.thumb latch门窗插销
el.thumb latch门窗插销
tech.thumb latch诺福克插销
tech.thumb latch指按锁栓
tech.thumb latch手锹式碰锁
plast.surg.thumb lengthening拇指延长术
tech.thumb lever拇指操纵杆
tech.thumb lever操纵钮
archit.thumb moulding扁平装饰线条
archit.thumb moulding拇指饰
met.thumb nail延性区
gen.thumb nail短文
gen.thumb nail略图
gen.thumb nail拇指甲
tech.thumb nut元宝螺母
tech.thumb nut元宝螺帽
tech.thumb nut指旋螺母
auto.thumb nut翼形元宝螺母
skydive.thumb nut蝶形螺帽
met.thumb nut蝶形螺母
met.thumb nut翼形〔蝶形,元宝〕螺帽
met.thumb nut翼形螺母
el.mach.thumb nut指形螺母
tech.thumb nut指旋螺帽
archit.thumb nut元宝翼形,蝶形螺帽
tech.thumb nut翼形螺帽
tech.thumb-operated control stick按动操纵杆
baseb.thumb out裁判员用拇指作手势宣判出局
swim.thumb out拇指张开
baseb.thumb out宣判出局
tech.thumb pad凹形垫
tech.thumb piece翼形件
tech.thumb piece门锁按钮
archit.thumb pin揿钉
dril.thumb pin图钉
tech.thumb pin锹钉
tech.thumb plane指形刨
tech.thumb plane净面刨
tech.thumb plane窄小木工刨
fish.farm., biol.thumb-point emperor大斑裸颊鲷 (Lethrinus harak (Forskal))
tech.thumb pressure oil can抽压油壶
tech.thumb print拇指纹
sport.thumb protector拇指护套
sport., med.thumb-pushing manipulation拇指推法
surg.thumb reconstruction拇指再造
plast.surg.thumb reconstruction拇再造
shoot.thumb rest拇指位
tech.thumb rings with various decorations各色搬指
archit.thumb rope手捻草绳
tech.thumb rule计算中近似法
mil., air.def.thumb rule安培右手定则
road.wrk.thumb rule经验法则〔方法〕
road.wrk.thumb rule凭感觉〔眼力〕的试验法
met.thumb rule经验法则
road.wrk.thumb rule计算中的近似法
tech.thumb rule经验规则
tech.thumb screw手拧螺丝
tech.thumb screw墙钩 (使铅板贴到墙面上)
tech.thumb screw蝶形螺
tech.thumb screw元宝螺丝
met.thumb screw翼形螺钉
met.thumb screw蝶形螺钉
auto.thumb screw翼形元宝,手拧螺钉
tech.thumb screw指拧螺钉
tech.thumb screw拇拧螺丝
textilethumb screw缝纫机的压脚螺丝
el.thumb screw翼[蝶]形螺钉
el.thumb screw指旋螺丝
textilethumb screw翼形螺丝
oilthumb screw指旋螺钉
tech.thumb screw推拉窗锁位器
tech.thumb screw屋顶钩住铅板的钩子
spacethumb switch拇指开关
spacethumb switch拨动式电门
el.thumb switch有抓手的开关
el.thumb switch指状开关
dril.thumb tack图钉
auto.thumb tack
tech.thumb tack揿钉
tech.thumb-tack needle for subcutaneous embedding揿针
gen.thumb through翻查
tech.thumb turn指旋销
tech.thumb turn转动门钮
badm.thumb up拇指贴把
archit.thumb wheel旋钮
proj.manag.thumb wheel拇指旋轮
archit.thumb wheel拨盘
auto.thumb wheel拨,拇指
telecom.thumb wheel摩边轮
ITthumb wheel拇指轮
ITthumb wheel拇指旋转控制器
proj.manag.thumb wheel微型旋轮
dril.thumb wheel手轮
agric.thumb wheel switch拨码开关
agric.thumb wheel switch指旋开关
weightlift.thumbs around grip普通握
plast.surg.toe to thumb transfer脚趾移植拇指再造
golf.Tom Thumb golf庭园式高尔夫球比赛
sport.Tom Thumb golf庭院式小型高尔夫球比赛
surg.trigger thumb先天性板机拇指
plast.surg.trigger thumb拇指扳机指
plast.surg.triphalangeal thumb三节指骨拇指
surg.triphalangeal thumb拇指三指节骨
plast.surg.triphalangeal thumb拇指三指节畸形
busin.turn thumbs down表示反对
busin.turn thumbs down拇指向下
gen.turn up down the thumbs表示同意〔反对〕
gen.turn up down the thumbs点〔摇〕 头
gen.turn up down the thumbs伸大拇指
plast.surg.ulnar thumb flap拇指尺侧皮瓣
gen.under one's thumb受…支配〔影响〕
hockey.V of the index finger and thumb手的虎口
tech.ventilator clamp thumb screw通风器夹紧翼形螺钉