
Terms for subject Securities containing through | all forms | exact matches only
acquisition through purchase of shares收购股票兼并控股
agency pass-through机构过手证券
agency pass-through机构转递证券
bidding through the market通过市场竞争投标
break through gap突破缺口技术分析
click through rate点击次数
conventional pass through传统转换抵押证券
conventional pass through常规转手证券
coupon pass-through息票转递在回购交易中,担保品持有人把从担保品得到的利息转给借给其现金的人的行为
coupon pass-through利息转递
document payable through local bank应由本地银行支付的凭证
end-to-end straight-through processing从头至尾一站式交易处理方式
flow through basis会计跨期所得税当期计列制
flow through method会计跨期所得税当期计列方法
follow-through buying追盘
follow-through buying坚持买人
fully modified pass-through变相过手
fully modified pass-through证券变相转交
fully modified pass-through securities完全改变的过手证券
fully modified pass-through securities变相过手证券
fund source established through reviewing physical assets清产核资
Ginnie Mae modified pass-through securities吉尼美修正过渡证券
go public through buying a shell买壳上市
go through售出
go through‘办理
go through执行
go through the formalities for the nullification of registration办理注销登记手续
good through期限内有效委托
good through证券交易限期指令
good through有效期指令
good through until date order到期前始终有效的指令
increase capital and reduce debts through various channels多渠道增资减债
modified pass-through修正后的过手结构
modified pass-through修正型过手证券
modified pass-through securities修正的过手证券
modified pass-through securities变更的过手证券
mortgage pass-through security抵押过手证券
mortgage pass-through security抵押转递证券
mortgage pass-through security swaps抵押贷款过手证券互换/掉期
mortgage pay-through bonds抵押转手债券
mortgage pay-through bonds抵押转付款证券
partially modified pass-through部分修正过手证券
pass all entries through the book全部交易列人账册
pass-through account住房抵押账户
pass-through account过渡账户
pass-through and reinvesting type transaction过手及再投资型交易
pass-through audit简化程序的项目审计
pass-through certificate住房抵押凭证
pass-through coupon rate住房抵押利率
pass-through coupon rate转手证券息票利率
pass-through effect转移效应
pass-through effect住房抵押转手效应
pass-through entity住房抵押传递机构
pass-through investor住房抵押 转手凭证投资者
pass-through rate住房抵押过手债券利率
pass-through security转手型证券过手证券是一种抵押支付证券,代表投资者对基本资产组合的所有权,来自资产的现金流收人"过手"给投资者以偿付证券的本息,投资者承担基础资产产生的风险,由于以往过手证券对投资者的偿付的不确定性,因此对其进行了修正,设计出修正型过手证券。
pass-through security住房抵押 过手型证券
pay through转付型证券
pay through bond转付债券
pay through note转付票据
pay through note转付证券
pay through owner trust structure转付信托结构
pay through security转付证券
pay through structure转付结构
pay through the nose被敲竹杠、被敲诈
pay through the nose被迫付高价
payable through drafts应通过汇票支付
payable through drafts应通过票据支付
private pass through非机构转递证券
private sector pass-through私营部门转手债券
private-label pass-through私人担保房贷转手抵押证券
psss-through structure传递结构
put-through deal撮合交易
put-through deal达成
reach through到底机制
reach through穿透机制
right to break-through收购中的 突破权即如果要约人获得目标公司承担风险股份的75%,就能突破公司章程和法律的任何限制
running through the pot主承销商留存债券
running through the pot证券留存
selling through third-party accounts借第三方账户售出
settlement through account非现金结算
settlement through account账目结算
straight pass-through securities直接过手证券
straight-through financial system processing直通式金融交易程序
through strategic self-evaluation通过自我策略评估
through the market通过市场
through third party通过第三方
trade through rule最优价格交易规则