
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing threshold | all forms | exact matches only
above threshold阈上【遗】
differential threshold分辨阈
incidence of threshold character阈值栅栏性状出现率
infection threshold侵染限数
lethal threshold致死阈
preference threshold选择阀
taste threshold味觉起感量
taste threshold味境
taste threshold味觉阈限
threshold character阈性状表现阈值的性状,又称为二者居一性状,或三者居一性状,又称为全或无性状
threshold concentration极限浓度味觉开始感到的最低浓度
threshold dose剂量
threshold limit value有害气体的限界浓度
threshold limit value临界值
threshold of development发育阈
threshold of development发育临界
threshold of excitation兴奋阈
threshold of reaction反应阈
threshold of temperature温度阈值极限
threshold of temperature温度临界值
threshold stimulus刺激阈
threshold test味觉起感量测定
threshold test极限值测定