
Terms for subject Economy containing three-three | all forms
A ruling of the court will be given within three days法院判决将在三天之内下达
a year wanting three days一年差三天
a year wanting three days一年还差 3 天
After inspecting the above shipment we found three boxes missing上述船货经检查后发现缺少3箱
After three days of the detection of fault, the engineer informed the factory director of the working condition of these machines经过三天査找毛病后,工程师向厂长通报了这些机器的运转状况
All workshops now occupied by strikers should be evacuated within three days upon agreement being signed by both parties在双方签署协议起3天内罢工者现在占据的全部车间必须撤空
appropriations for three categories of scientific and technological expenses科技三项费用拨款
arrange the shipment in three lots分三批安排装运
be sentenced to three years' imprisonment for bribery因行贿被判刑三年
Because he bought a large quantity of goods, he paid only three quarters of the list price因为他购买了大量货物,他只付了价目单定价的 3/4
Because of the severe storm of the last few days we had to put off the shipment for three days由于前几天的大风暴,我们不得不将装船日期推迟3 天
Direct sales are over the mean for the first three quarters直接销售量高于前三个季度的平均数
He was deputized as a general manager for three months他受委托代理了三个月的总经理
If we gave you refusal for three days, you must buy all the goods offered by us如果我方给你方为期三天的先买权,你方必须购买我们所报的全部货物
It will take us three months to clear the backlog of orders我们要花三个月时间来清理这些积压的定单
Like all other computers we handle, this computer also accompanied with three-year guarantee for our aftercare service同我们经营的其他计算机一样,这部计算机也有三年的保修期
rule of three比例的运算法则
She will qualify as an auditor in three years3年后她将取得审计员的资格
The company allows all the workers to take three days' holiday at Christmas公司准许所有的工作人员在圣诞节期间休假三天
The company introduced flextime working three years ago该公司三年前引入机动工作时制
The financial statement of the company should be submitted to the shareholders every three month每三个月向股东发送一次公司的财务报表
The manufacturer agrees to delay payment for three weeks厂家同意推迟三个星期付款
The operation of the company has been suspended for three months since a disaster occurred自从发生灾害以来,公司的业务经营已中止了三个月
The payment is to be made within three days from the date of delivery按发货日期起于3天内予以付款
The temporary arbitration court consists of three persons临时仲裁庭由三人组成
The three arbitrators will form an arbitration tribunal to hear the case这三位仲裁员组成仲裁庭审理该案件
the Three Estate贵族、僧侣和庶民 (o£ the Realm)
The three foreign companies intend to share the car market in that country此三家外国公司企图瓜分该国小汽车市场
the three thirds system三三制
the three-columns ledger三栏式总账
the three-columns subsidiary ledger三栏式明细分类账
There has been an upward tendency in the market for three days三天来市场上一直呈现出上升的趋势
This contract shall be extended for a period of three years本合同今后应延期三年有效
This large order is known to involve the participation of the three companies据悉,这一笔数量大的订货是三家公司共同参预的
three categories of supplies三类物资
Three companies underwrite the share issue三家公司承包这次股票的发行
Three copies of commercial invoice are attached附寄商业发票三份
three dan of rice三担米
three dimension marks立体商标
three dimension marks三维标志
three from seven leaves four7 减 3 得 〔剩〕4
Three inspectors boarded the ship in the harbour三位检验员登上港口内的轮船
three pronged program三点方案
three sigma limits西格马界限
three stones cookfire三石灶
three stones cookfire传统灶
three stones cookfire三石炉灶
three stones cookfire传统炉灶
three-cornered exchange三角汇兑
three-cornered trade三角贸易
three-dimensional scale model立体模型
three-field system三田制
three-fourths condition of average四分之三碰撞条款
Three-fourths of the carpets sold at the location are our products当地销售的地毯四分之三是我方产品
three-inone process三合一的措施
three-level cooperative credit scheme三级合作信贷计划
three-tier structure三级管理结构
two-year-three crop system二年三熟制
We have incurred deficit three years running我们已连续三年出现了赤字
We shall appreciate your sending us three additional copies of invoice请多寄给我们发票副本三份,不胜感激
We shall phase in the new invoicing system over the next three months在以下三个月里,我们将逐渐推行新发票制度
work three shifts三班倒
You can single out any item for acceptance among the three cargoes for remedy你可从这三批货中任选接受一项作为补偿