
Terms for subject General containing think | all forms | exact matches only
as you think proper你认为怎么适宜〔适当〕就…
be inclined to think觉得 (that)
be inclined to think以〔认〕为 (that)
dare to think, speak and act敢想,敢说,敢干
do not think twice about断然予以… (+ ing)
do not think twice about忽视 (+ ing)
do not think twice about忘掉 (+ ing)
do not think twice about做某事不再考虑 (+ ing)
Do you think I need to buy a digital SLR?你认为我有买数码单反的必要吗?
Excuse me, sir , but I don't think that will be enough先生,对不起,我认为钱数不够
Excuse me, sir. What do you think of our service?对不起,打扰了,请问您对我们的服务还满意吗?
he does not think much of that method他不重视那个方法
I bought the bangle in Thailand. What do you think of it?我在泰国买了这只手镯,你觉得怎么样?
I don't feel very well. I think I am a little bit airsick我有点难受,可能是有些晕机
I don't think the price is reasonable我觉得价格不太合理
I feel chilly I think I've got a cold我身上冷,想是感冒了
I feel shivery. I think I've got a cold我身上冷,想是感冒了
I have a silk dress which I don't think is color-fast. Will the color run in the wash?我有一条可能会掉色的丝织连衣裙,水洗会褪色吗?
I have applied 2 universities and one of them accepted me. I choose this university because I think it is an excellent university in computer science我一共申请了 2所大学,其中一所录取了我。选择这所大学是因为该大学在电脑科技领域成绩卓著
I just think it would make more sense to take the leftovers home我只是觉得把剩菜打包带回家会更好
I love Italian food. I think I want a pizza我喜欢意大利食品。我来一个比萨吧
I rather think so我颇认为如此
I should think you are mistaken我倒是以为你错了
I think each nationality has their unique music, don't they?我想每个民族都有其独特的音乐,是吗?
I think his interest in photography is only a passing fad我觉得他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致
I think I am going to skip dessert tonight今晚我不吃甜点了
I think I'd better buy some carsickness pills since it's easy to get sick in an air-conditioning bus坐空调车容易晕车,我想还是买点晕车药比较好
I think I'll get General Tso's chicken, hot and sour soup, fried wontons, and white rice我想我要吃左宗棠鸡、酸辣汤、炸馄饨和白米饭
I think I'm lost! Could you tell me how to get to Trafalgar Square?我想我迷路了!你们可以告诉我怎样才能到达特拉法加广场吗?
I think it is the best way to figure out what is causing this我觉得找到病因是最好的方法
I think it to be probable我认为这是很可能的
I think it worth trying despite the sanitary condition尽管不干净,还是值得一试
I think it's something that I'll have to consider. The public transport system is pretty good这倒可以考虑。公共交通系统还是挺不错的
I think my English is sufficient for this trip我觉得我的英语水平能够满足这次旅行需要
I think notchback is the most reliable car on the road我认为客货两用车是最可靠的车子
I think our fish will be to your taste. There are three different flavors available. Please try it我想我们的鱼排会适合您的口味。有三种不同风味的鱼排。请您尝试一下
I think people in Italy are very simple and polite. I really enjoyed my tour there我觉得意大利人纯朴有礼。在那儿旅行非常愉快
I think the leopard print one looks nice我想那个豹纹的看起来很不错
I think we should try that new Italian place on the corner我们可以试一下街角新开的意大利料理
I think you are absolutely right. I will have an eye on it我很赞成你的说法,我会留意
I think you could go to the Perito Moreno Glacier in southern Argentina我觉得你可以去阿根廷南部的莫雷诺冰川
I think you had better go to see a doctor and have a physical check-up我想你最好去看一下医生,做一次体格检查
I think you need a small surgery我认为你需要动一个小手术
I want to visit my friends in New York City. I think a B2 visa would be required我想去纽约看朋友。我觉得应该需要一个B2型旅行签证
If you think gastric bypass surgery might be right for you, talk with your doctor如果你认为胃分流术适合你,可以与医生讨论一下
If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you假如您认为账单有误,我们可以为您核对一下
I'll think about it and call you back to discuss it to some details soon我考虑一下,然后尽快打电话给你,具体讨论这件事
I'm sorry. I think I must have dialed the wrong number很抱歉。我想我一定是打错电话了
"is not it right?"-"I think not""这不对吗?"-"我想不对"
it is strange that you should think so真是奇怪
it is strange that you should think so你竟然这样想
It's a pleasant and productive trip for me. You have left me a great impression, and I am deeply moved by your hospitality. I think our friendship will last forever对我来说,这是一次愉快而颇有裨益的旅行。你给我留下了很好的印象,我被你的热情深深感动了。我觉得我们的友谊会天长地久
not think much of认为…不怎么好
not think much of不认为 …好
not to think没想到
OK. I think it's time for you to check in. If you run into any difficulty, we'll be here to assist you immediately好了,到时间办登记手续啦。如果遇到困难,我们会及时帮助你
Sorry, I don't think I should apologize to you for anything对不起,我认为我不该向你为任何事道歉
That's fine. I think I can make it. By the way, what will you want me to bring?我想应该没问题。需要我带什么东西过去吗?
The above are not within the scope of warranty. The purchaser shall think them over before making decision以上问题不在保修范围内,请购买者采购时仔细斟酌
The first thing that comes to mind when I think about France is wine想到法国,脑子里出现的第一件东西就是葡萄酒
There is a range of skin care products. I think the yellow bottle looks nice这里有多款护肤品。我觉得这个黄色瓶子看起来不错
think about回顾
think about想起
think about思索
think about考虑
think alike有同样想法
think aloud自言自语
Think back to when you were funny and charming in the bar想想在酒吧里那个迷人风趣的你
think better ofM 认为M不致于
think better ofM 对M有更高的评价
think better ofM 重新考虑后决定不做 M
think columnist内幕新闻专栏作家
think deeply思索
think fit to + inf.
think fit to认为是适宜的 (+ inf.)
think fit to do sth.认为做某事是适当
think fit to do sth.认为是适宜的
think good to + inf.
think good to认为是适宜的 (+ inf.)
think hard仔细想
think highly of重视
think highly of对…评价很高
think highly of高度评价
think highly of看中
think highly of尊重
think it over仔细考虑一下
think light ofM 轻视
think light ofM 认为M不很重要〔价值不大〕
think little of不以…为意
think little of轻视
think little of不领会
think little ofM 认为M不很重要〔价值不大〕
think little ofM 轻视
think little of难了解
think little of认为…不很重要〔价值不大〕
think meanly of藐〔轻〕视
think much ofM 夸奖 M
think much ofM 重视 M
think much of重视
think nothing ofM 把M看成不重要
think nothing of不把…放在心里 (+ ing)
think nothing of轻视 (+ ing)
think nothing ofM 认为 M不算一回事
think nothing ofM 不把M放在心里
think of想到〔念,象,出,起,一想〕
think of认为
think of + ing
think of思念
think of M as把M看做 N (N)
think of M as认为M是N (N)
think of M as这些动词搭配都表示把M看做N (N)
think of M for考虑M是否适合担任 N (N)
think on思量
think on考虑
think or believe以为
think out设计出
think out解决
think out考虑周到
think out想通〔透,出〕
think over细想
think over仔细考虑
think piece内幕新闻报道〔评述〕
think poorly ofM 不以为M好
think poorly ofM 低估M
think poorly ofM 认为M不好
think proper to + inf.
think proper to认为是适宜的 (+ inf.)
think scorn ofM 瞧不起 M
think scorn ofM 藐视 M
think small beer of轻视
think tank智囊班子〔机构〕
think all the better of对…有较高评价
/think the same对M保持不变的看法
think... thoughts具有…的想法
think through周密思考
think through思考… 直到得出结论〔解决办法〕
think through想透
think M to be认〔以〕为M是N (N)
think to oneself心里想
think twice重新考虑
think twice重新〔仔细〕考虑
think twice踌躇
think up发明
think up设计出
think up想通〔出,起〕
think well before acting做之前好好想想
think well of认为…很好
think well of高度评价
think withM 和M意见相同
turn over to think反思
we think it wrong to do so我们认为这样做是错的
Well, I think that we are going to have to get you to an emergency room right away好的,我认为我们要马上把你送到急救室去
Well, may I cash these three checks for 100 dollars each? I think that will be enough我可以把这三张支票分别换成面值100美元的现金吗?我想那就够了
What do you think braised prawns for dinner?晚上吃烩大虾怎么样?
What further advances do you think e-banking will make in the near future?您认为在不久的将来电子银行还会有哪些进一步发展?
Where do you think is better for diving in Australia?澳大利亚哪里适合潜水?
Yes, but I think we can get it free at the subway station是的。但我想在地铁车站可能拿到免费的